The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

Awesome my friend, your cured kush looks so good I almost can smell it. The Mob Boss looks like it got it all and last but way not least the goo. Your after pics let me think that you are not dry at the time they were taken, quite far from it even to tell the truth. When it is that sticky it is that much more tricky (is that English?).
You press the same but you will need to put it in the fridge to snap it from the plastic, use gloves and make a ball instead of a Cannoli, especially if it is a small quantity. Also be on top of your cure.
The Black Label was the same, dry trims incredibly sticky and I was border limit of getting mold with my bigger chunk. If you have a small quantity, there is no potential problem but when you have bigger chunk you will have to flatten/stretch it in a way that it dry as evenly as possible which I did not do.
Bravo again! Most definitely rated 100% OUH LA LA
Much appreciation for the response and advice on pressing and curing. I will dry out further before giving pressing a go! The after pics were taken after only about 24 hours of drying...
It was really interesting trying to chop the gooey trichomes, and incredibly hard too! I appreciate the kind words and encouragement :)
Thanks for all, take care and have a nice week!
I want to thank Frenchy for showing me his little Hitman rig we use when I visit Paris, I had a nice rig from Earl who is making the sidecar pipes

But also picked this up from him @ the last SF cup

I started heating up a wand like Frenchy to heat the bubble in this bowl with holes at the top edge of the rim

You can truly taste and enjoy good bubble, I an going have this @ the TGA booth with Frenchy at the controls

Frenchy you are the greatest! It was such a pleasure speaking with you today and getting to try the cannoli was unforgettable. I am completely serious that you should start jotting down an autobiography, the life you have lived will make a best seller! And not just among Weed Nerds, the story of an 18 year old hash maker in India is a hell of an intro. I wish more people had your energy man, you made the show as far as I'm concerned! I'm really digging the Skull containers too, thanks. I got an OK pic of the cannoli, I'll post it once I can think clearly again...:lol:
It was. Watching Frenchy load the cannoli pieces into the bowl was surreal, especially with the entire TGA crew (kicking back and grinding on some great looking food) not five feet away.

mmmm IWE made from chem genetics, very nice work. Got me droolin' and taking a OG 70micron dab!

They key to drying those gooey resins is separating the extract from itself effectively (drying prep) which can be a serious chore. IME freezing these resins creates shatter city and can be messy trying to grate/break up as the shatter lives up to its name and flys everywhere explosively.
The best way is to freeze your tools but use the fridge for the resin. In general the gooeyer the resin the colder you should set your fridge and the faster you must work to get a decent surface area spread out before the resins come to warmer temps and become gooey. Also, hold a frozen object in any fingers involved in your procedure, so as to cool them well below body temp before touching the cooled hash.
If you get it right and get the resin broken up fine enough, when you lay it out to dry the barely touching pieces will create a "lace" looking texture the first time you go to stir them. Its a really good sign of high quality melty flavor packed resin! I like to just break the lace free and flip it over for further drying.
If it remains to sticky to crumble after getting a lace, (ie it stays a gooey lace and will not break up further) you can either wait (days) longer (I am too impatient, I want those dabs), physically chop it (very difficult to do without mashing bits together and decreasing surface area), or I prefer to refridgerate again and then pulverize the lace into bits once it has been chilled down enough to become slightly brittle and much less sticky. If it laces again you just have to spread it so it touches much less. HTH

Then of course press 2 activate and enjoy after a good cure!
Many thanks for the detailed report on chopping up that super gooey textured resin! I appreciate your time to answer so thoroughly and look forward to trying out the methods you described.
I was sent privately a link to a piece bubbleman did and starts on page 86 of the pdf
I ask if we could share and here it is. In a way it put me in a position that I usually try to avoid but for all of you I will comment and give my point of view on somebody's techniques
I will give it a day or two for you guys to catch up. I am still under a High Times clouds.
AMAZING as you will see in Sub next weed nerd

mmmm IWE made from chem genetics, very nice work. Got me droolin' and taking a OG 70micron dab!

They key to drying those gooey resins is separating the extract from itself effectively (drying prep) which can be a serious chore. IME freezing these resins creates shatter city and can be messy trying to grate/break up as the shatter lives up to its name and flys everywhere explosively.
The best way is to freeze your tools but use the fridge for the resin. In general the gooeyer the resin the colder you should set your fridge and the faster you must work to get a decent surface area spread out before the resins come to warmer temps and become gooey. Also, hold a frozen object in any fingers involved in your procedure, so as to cool them well below body temp before touching the cooled hash.
If you get it right and get the resin broken up fine enough, when you lay it out to dry the barely touching pieces will create a "lace" looking texture the first time you go to stir them. Its a really good sign of high quality melty flavor packed resin! I like to just break the lace free and flip it over for further drying.
If it remains to sticky to crumble after getting a lace, (ie it stays a gooey lace and will not break up further) you can either wait (days) longer (I am too impatient, I want those dabs), physically chop it (very difficult to do without mashing bits together and decreasing surface area), or I prefer to refridgerate again and then pulverize the lace into bits once it has been chilled down enough to become slightly brittle and much less sticky. If it laces again you just have to spread it so it touches much less. HTH

Then of course press 2 activate and enjoy after a good cure!
It would work for me since all I want is an evenly drying that does not need a super fine grating. I would normally stretch it with my hands to get a kind of even flat surface and flip it to dry both side even.
I will try the fridge and cold tools to see if I can get a better dry on my next run of sticky. Thanks
Hey Frenchy! What is your best story from the SF Cup? Did you meet any friendly hairy Berkley chicks?
The hairiest person I met and hugged was Kyle Kushman or Danny Danko, not sure who is the hairiest but no hairy Berkeley Chicks
You gave me a good laugh on that one Mo
Lol, I knew that had to turn your stomach when you saw it Frenchy :). The only comment I have about the article since I'm still pretty new to this whole hash thing is that those super close ups of the trichs were amazing, however they sure look like they were very immature. Seems like all the trich heads are completely clear still. I know it might make for a pretty blond product but it can't be the best potency you can get. Am I wrong here?

Please Pretty please!!! Do not ask me to comment on the dry ice/cement mixer article, I would loose it I am afraid and we do not want that.
Thank you for your comprehension

OMG!!! .....precious buds or trim should never be subjected to such butchery and punishment (think my soul cried after reading that lol) seriously...if you looked at frenchy's style as sensual love making...what was published in that article was a brutal gang-bang.
So if you guys are sick of smoking billions of dead skin cells from this rolled hash and want to make the holy grail of bubble hash, follow these steps

1. Dry your trim for about 3-4 days to reduce the overall volume of your trim.
2. Do NOT use bunk trim. If the heads on your trichs are not raised up, dont even bother
3. Wrap your 5 gallon bucket in reflective insulation. Trans thermal spots around the outside of your bucket cause inconsistencies making it harder to dislodge trich heads from stalks
4. Add plenty of ice and distilled water. Flouride and chlorine degrade the terp profiles of your strain
5. Stir for 2 minutes, let rest for 30 seconds. Repeat all the way to about 12-15 minutes
6. Pull bags, scrape with plastic putty knife
7. Mat your hash patty to soak up all of the moisture
8. IMMEDIATELY take that pressed patty to a lemon zester or fine cheese grater (use nitrile gloves)
9. Spread hash out evenly on parchment paper (DO NOT USE WAX PAPER)
10. Let clusters 'set' and dry for a few hours before storing to cure

If you over stir or stir too agressively, you risk bringing plant particulates or even worse... resin stalks into the final product. What you want is heads only. If you use crap trim going in, you can expect crap coming out. My bubble is terp'd out to the max and leave absolutely no residue when dabbing. Every second that you let your hash patty sit there wet, the more it will oxidize and give that ugly brown color. You have to be very quick to dry this shit. And most importantly, run a deep cure on this. That means, leave in ~5% moisture and burp every other day. I dont need to enter this in some contest to know whether or not its the holy grail.

....and thats WHATS UP







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Very nice MyFather, a pity you did not give us a close up of your dry trichomes and even more so than you did not press those trichomes, I would have love to see the pressed texture and colors.
Anyway you work very clean and you must have a gentle hand which a very important point that you should have mentioned. It is a shame on the other that you have such a problem with the color brown, I would love to have you at one of my future lecture and show you some brown from India, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Nepal, et.... I may change your mind.
Have you ever done a comparative drying test between fast and slow. I have not and I believe in slow drying, you made me curious and I will have to try it myself.
THanks for sharing