"I just read a book about North Korea called 'Nothing to Envy.' The book documents how a regime such as their's leaves NO room for any individuality at all. But it is well beyond stamping down human rights.
For example a slur against the 'Dear Leader's' height is punishable by death. No freedom of thought, word, idea.
Compounding that is the fact that North Koreans must look past all of the misery in their country including kids dying of starvation in the streets. If the government says it isn't happening it isn't happening.
What does this have to do with Paula Deen? Well as soon as I finished the book about N Korea I began reading White Girl Bleed a Lot. Page after page of White men, women, teens, the elderly, babies being attacked by black mobs all over America. The police may not respond but the press ALWAYS buries the stories.
In N Korea the truth is withheld to make the leader and the regime look good. In America, it is to not make blacks look bad.
Paula said n_____ when she was a kid. But tell me, did she and her friends roam the street yelling kill whitey and smash bricks onto the heads of families watching July 4th fireworks?
Of course not. White folks aren't animals.
Now explain to me why 13% of our fucking population gets to do whatever they want, lie cheat steal rape and riot on the taxpayers dime but a woman like Paula who busted her ass for decades to get ahead loses her job over a word she used decades ago?
Spread the word--tell the Food Network that what they did is Un American. Boycott. Our soldiers put their lives on the line so we can live freely. We have lost freedom of the press to a new era of Make the blacks Look Good. Let's not let the freedom of individual speech go to only blacks as well." -Vision in White from Chimpout forums
A comment on this from a racist forum. I was curious as to what racists thought on this subject. Very racist post, but it did make me think. This guy has a point, a racist point, but a point indeed. I don't condone this mans comment and I'm in no way racist, and nor do I think our government is trying to make them look bad or good. It isn't a race that does bad things, people do bad things.
I just thought he brought up a good point saying she didn't go around causing any harm. She said n_____ and that is that. She didn't hurt anyone, and I agree that a lot of blacks get offended far too easily on this shit. It's time to let go of the past, I've been called names too, but I don't make a huge deal of it. I've been called weak, awkward, can't play basketball, or rap, and other things because I'm white. Boo hoo, shit ain't true. That's why I agree that poor Paula didn't deserve this at all. If anyone was offended, honestly, suck it the hell up.