but that's how all big companies run, just like jc penny and their 2 gay dads ad, they got flack and lost a lot of people boycotting their stores, they responded by putting out a letter saying they support gay marriage, that's how companies work, they need to protect their reputation and figure out what they stand for by going back to their mission statement, what values do they hold in THEIR business? What becomes too far? these companies make millions of dollars and they need to protect what they value, whats in their mission statement and what is morally right. their employees have the right to free speech but it may end up that their free speech doesn't reflect on what the company stands for and may end them in hot water. Paula Deen is a face for that company, and millions know who she is, therefore her right to her thoughts I guess didn't stand what for the company believed in, so the company choose to fire her because they need to protect their values and their company money.