zimmerman news

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the funniest part is that i decided to start trolling you way back when because you said you NEVER get mad on the internet.

i hate to break it to you, but you mad, sistah. you so mad.

at least i don't just abort a child because i'm too lazy to be a dad. i'm sure your dog eating fiancee loved being pushed into a hasty abortion.

Yea, you angered me a long, long time ago. I even offered to come settle it with you face to face, but you chickened out, and since that time you haven't been able to get to me ever since. How sad. :sad:

Speaking of being lazy, how about you go get a job? Oh wait, you can't because you threw out your back from trying to lift your fat manatee of a wife.
Check this out. This is witness testimony today.

Later in the afternoon, jurors also watched Selma Mora, a resident of the complex, re-enact how she heard a loud sound, ran from her kitchen, peered out from her porch and saw the silhouette of two figures on the ground.

One was on top, astride a person on the bottom. The figure on the top got up, placed his hand on his head and paced. She asked him three times what was going on, Ms. Mora said in Spanish through an interpreter. On the third time, the manresponded, “Just go call the police,” she said.


Now this was not challenged by the Defense, it seems, maybe they will re-cross or something, I didn't get to watch.

So, all you real racists, tell me how that works, when the guy on top gets up. Now if Zimmerman is going to say, if he testifes, that he roll him over off him....but, the guy on top got up.

Now add this to the forensics photos that I did see of a rather small and skinny looking kid, face up on the ground.

So, if the forensics, blood spatter, bullet angle, anti-mortem brusing, etc, even hint at backing that up, it is cold blooded murder.

Get the guy on the ground, face up, draw and fire. Form the intent to kill and do it.

Did you mean to say that he was face down on the ground?
That has been done for over a year now.

Oh bs. Not a trial buff, I see. You have not seen anything, I guarantee. It is nothing to me until it is laid out for a judge and jury.

I have seen many a prosecutor blow it big on Court TV. I used to watch that a lot on chemo...plenty of time and very little interest in much.

So, what they say has Trevon on top, so far, right? Yet, the witness today said the top guy killed the bottom guy.
Face up. The guy on top got off the dead guy. Now a defense lawyer can try to turn around anything. Remember OJ. I do. I was glue.

Facinating to watch. It is very real as I too have been chomped by the maw of justice. :)
Face up. The guy on top got off the dead guy. Now a defense lawyer can try to turn around anything. Remember OJ. I do. I was glue.

Facinating to watch. It is very real as I too have been chomped by the maw of justice. :)

I didn't watch the OJ trial, but TM was face down when the police arrived and the photo they took of him face up was after they tried to resuscitate him.
one would want to detain and be in the right to detain actual thieves who are actually trespassing and actually stealing things.

one would not want to detain and would not be in the right to detain an innocent child walking home with skittles.

keep dragging out this analogy fail, do not abort.

Zimmerman never took Martin into custody nor physically prevented him from moving. Your claims of detention are outright lies. No one was detained.
Check this out. This is witness testimony today.

Later in the afternoon, jurors also watched Selma Mora, a resident of the complex, re-enact how she heard a loud sound, ran from her kitchen, peered out from her porch and saw the silhouette of two figures on the ground.

One was on top, astride a person on the bottom. The figure on the top got up, placed his hand on his head and paced. She asked him three times what was going on, Ms. Mora said in Spanish through an interpreter. On the third time, the manresponded, “Just go call the police,” she said.


Now this was not challenged by the Defense, it seems, maybe they will re-cross or something, I didn't get to watch.

So, all you real racists, tell me how that works, when the guy on top gets up. Now if Zimmerman is going to say, if he testifes, that he roll him over off him....but, the guy on top got up.

Now add this to the forensics photos that I did see of a rather small and skinny looking kid, face up on the ground.

So, if the forensics, blood spatter, bullet angle, anti-mortem brusing, etc, even hint at backing that up, it is cold blooded murder.

Get the guy on the ground, face up, draw and fire. Form the intent to kill and do it.

zimm was on top at the end because he thought martin was still a threat and didn't think he had shot him (version 1)

zimm was on top at the end and spread out martin's arms to the sides even though martin's arms were folded under him when the cops got there (version 2)

who knows which lie is cloer to the truth, but both of them were on top or below at certain points in the struggle.

the real concerning thing is that the blood on zimm's head drips forward towards his face as if he were looking down and on top.

it'll all come out in the wash if zimm gets on the stand, which he pretty much has to.
Speaking of being lazy, how about you go get a job?

i have a job. it's going pretty well.


Zimmerman never took Martin into custody nor physically prevented him from moving. Your claims of detention are outright lies. No one was detained.

like i said, that is just my speculation.

and everything you said above is speculation as well, no different from mine. we both have zero evidence for each claim.

you hitting the bottle again tonight?
Oh bs. Not a trial buff, I see. You have not seen anything, I guarantee. It is nothing to me until it is laid out for a judge and jury.

I have seen many a prosecutor blow it big on Court TV. I used to watch that a lot on chemo...plenty of time and very little interest in much.

So, what they say has Trevon on top, so far, right? Yet, the witness today said the top guy killed the bottom guy.
How do you change facts like that? Do you just post lies or do you distort truth in your own head? NO ONE in court today said the top guy killed the bottom guy as you put it. Were you drunk watching the trial today?
You contend that T was administering a beating. So we have contentions at ten paces, i guess. cn

and a vicious beating it was.

a 2 cm scratch. my cats administer worse 'beatings' than martin.

never trust them when they tell you to pet their belly.
Whatever happen to Pepper Spray and Tasers? I thought the Taser was a good idea especially for women and men like Zimmerman that can't fight and need a little protection from children
Oh and the Latina witness I love her. She knows English better than we are lead to believe. She is smart and remembers details of that night. Their is no way the defense will be able to discredit her. And I can tell the judge is getting fed up with the bs tactics the defense is using. Knock knock that's a dude at your jail cell Zimmerman.
the real concerning thing is that the blood on zimm's head drips forward towards his face as if he were looking down and on top.

it'll all come out in the wash if zimm gets on the stand, which he pretty much has to.

I'm not sure the blood drip angle is that much of a concern for his defense. Wounds to the head don't stop bleeding immediately and the blood that dried could easily be the blood that came out after he was on top and/or when he was standing. The blood loss that occurred while Zimmerman claims to be on his back would most likely not leave "run marks" as it would drip straight toward the ground or be removed by contact with the ground.

I'm still 50/50 on this one, it could easily go either way. Murder 2 charge was a big mistake IMO. I think the prosecution is gonna need to prove that Zimmerman made the initial physical contact, not verbal contact, to negate his self defense claim. Being the only actual eyewitness to what happened immediately before the struggle and at the moment of the shooting is a monumental advantage for Zimmerman.

I also think UB is downplaying the significance of the injuries to Zimmerman. You can endlessly repeat the size of the wounds, but the jury is going to see the picture below. I see a fairly large trapezoidal gash and a fairly large vertical gash that both bled a fair amount. I've been in a few serious fights in my younger years and I never had any injuries like those on the back of my head from punches. Now, if my head was repeatedly slammed into the ground (sidewalk or otherwise), I would expect something just like that. I also don't think you're getting those injuries from brushing up against a tree (as has been suggested by a nitwit on this thread), unless Z stood with his back to it and repeatedly bashed his own skull into it.

All fantastical and unbelievable theories aside (did I actually see "he may have tripped"), the injuries on the back of his head support at least one portion of his story, that he was on his back getting his head slammed into the ground.

I just wanted to throw this out there for comment as well. This is a PROSECUTION witness.

After Jeantel left the witness stand, a mobile phone manager testified about Martin’s cell phone records and a former neighbor of Zimmerman testified she heard yelps for help outside her townhome on the night Martin was shot. Jenna Lauer said she couldn’t tell who was screaming.

“They were being hurt,” Lauer said, describing the person screaming.

Which one of them had injuries other than a gunshot? According to her, the person screaming was the person being injured. And she's talking about before the gunshot. I think I've seen several people make it clear that Martin had ZERO injuries other than the gunshot. Just thought it was worthy of some discussion.
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