24 hour dark????


Well-Known Member
going to have to side with an idiot on this one. Not using a timer is pretty stupid but small light leaks don't herm plants. I have a veg cabinet in my flower room that light shines through the cracks around the door and out the exhaust hole. never a herm in my room. ass fer po gramma your an f-ing idiot for pointing out something as trivial as grammer. ASS
You sir, are an idiot. Please stop with your bad advice and poor grammar.


New Member
going to have to side with an idiot on this one. Not using a timer is pretty stupid but small light leaks don't herm plants. I have a veg cabinet in my flower room that light shines through the cracks around the door and out the exhaust hole. never a herm in my room. ass fer po gramma your an f-ing idiot for pointing out something as trivial as grammer. ASS
a dont trust timers and just hav always done it manually


New Member
so now it's my problem that the way he types make him seem extremely ignorant? you two are unreal.
You are ignorant as to the fact that i am actually a cannabis magazine writer. I have posted over 30,000 posts on cannabis cultivation and own several websites. So don't be assuming things before you see the truth. Have a lovely day and you were fooled.



Staff member
You are ignorant as to the fact that i am actually a cannabis magazine writer. I have posted over 30,000 posts on cannabis cultivation and own several websites. So don't be assuming things before you see the truth. Have a lovely day and you were fooled.

you should hold yourself to higher standards than,

enough with the bickering folks ;)

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Plants have circadian rhythms similar to people. So any abrupt changes in photo period will be MILDLY shocking. A slow, progressive shortening of the day period is best. But the difference between that and a quick flip overall is very small. You all can argue this all you want. In the end though there are no dramatic differences.
And anyone that thinks a plants vegges faster under 24/0 vs 18/6 or the like really do not know what they are talking about. Quite often the plant that receives a dark period will out perform one that receives no dark period at all. Plants store enough carbs during the photo period to continue growth during the dark. And its much more natural too boot. Autoflowers(rudelius)on the other hand respond well to 24/0.


Well-Known Member
Why do folk think cannabis plants suffer from stress, such a strange concept
seems more likely this is a good excuse to blame grower error on

i wonder, do plants suffer with anxiety
can i spray them with prozac :)


Well-Known Member
[youtube]rKTUAESacQM[/youtube] he may be able to fly through the whole night but can he rock a party til the early light.