Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Breast cancer is a huge money generating endevour. Where the failing lies is with pediatric cancer. It is woefully under funded research wise and grant wise, and that is an embarrassment
with the new ruling from the court system u are about to see a huge explosion in bio field .............for the last 15 years certin high priced companies have found certin ppl with natural dna that is aids proof( several family have a gentic immunity to the aids virus) and they have sued bullied and just flat out crush ppl that tried to do any resreach into them ....................the ruling was natural DNA as in your mummy shagged your daddy your dna is natural can not be patent and there for open to anyone that askes u can i have some to cure blah blah blah

there are bad places like millions of other things but there are real ppl out there tring to help out and now that they can do it free and clear need help funding it .........right now is the best time to help out on any resreach projects for cures since areas they were not allowed to go into they are free and clear now

and yes i am no idoit i know they do not cure certin things to use as a pop controll system becuase the birth and death rate are so out of wack more and more ppl are going hungry and there is less and less food clean water and space /jobs


Well-Known Member
It makes too much money and too many "important" people make a living off cancer "research". They have had cures for nearly 100 years but mostly all they offer are leaches (figuratively speaking) - unless you've got a LOT of money and can afford the real cures - or the illegal cures.
I suppose Steve Jobs was not rich enough to cure his cancer?


Well-Known Member
I just suffered a side effect of smoking good cannabis. Refridgeraidus. The blueberries didn't stand a chance, especially next to the container of cool whip.


New Member
I just suffered a side effect of smoking good cannabis. Refridgeraidus. The blueberries didn't stand a chance, especially next to the container of cool whip.
had same thing happen to me ate up bunch stuff now going pass out dkiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii


to the person who said they are addicted to watching those strain hunters vids on youtube, i was doing the same thing for a little whiel until i watched them all like twice, i couldnt stop wathcing them once i started, my fav was the one in india up in the deep mountains, i wish thats where i lived. where nature still rules. and paper currency isnt at the top of the food chain


Well-Known Member
I have to show off my "Sherlock Holmes" pipe.View attachment 2718722

I use to think they were called sherlocks too.. but the true sherlocks are S shaped... the one you have is almost the same as my buddies.. I have had shoulder surgeries and still have bad shoulders so the length sure helps from having to move my arms up..

I wanted a glass one.. however I am a cheap SOB... and I know my past with glass would only allow that to last for a week or so before I broke it..


Well-Known Member
I just suffered a side effect of smoking good cannabis. Refridgeraidus. The blueberries didn't stand a chance, especially next to the container of cool whip.
I was making parfaits almost daily... frozen berries + yogurt and some granola.. packed on the winter weight..lol


Well-Known Member
it's 3:45 am and the temps
80.1 °F
Feels Like 83 °F (I call BS feels like 120 already..)

it's not natural for the AC to turn on before most folks think about being awake...


Well-Known Member
Did anyone else watch the Inside Man with morgan Spurlock on the MJ?

I actually felt he did a really good job.. not like the others who go out and find the intentional dumb ass stoner interview.. he actually said he was surprised to see the variety of people who use it..


Well-Known Member
Thing are starting to turn in our favorer, nothing worse than some stupid stonner blowing weed in yer face and turning you stupid..


Well-Known Member
The internal dilemma... go to Church or have an extra 3 hours with the grandbaby today...
I had to break it down to this
Go to Church till 12 then come home spend 3 hours with baby? (God willing she (I) will take a nap for atleast 30 mins in there?
Stay home spend 3 hours taking a nap and then 3 hours with the baby?

made the peanut butter already and that will wear off around noon.. so.. looks like Church it is..


Sector 5 Moderator
I suppose Steve Jobs was not rich enough to cure his cancer?
He was plenty rich enough; but maybe he was only looking to traditional western medicine. Cannabis cures cancer and so does the "Sour Sop" fruit, but you have to dig out this info on your own; doctors are not going to treat you with it.

I use to think they were called sherlocks too.. but the true sherlocks are S shaped... the one you have is almost the same as my buddies.. I have had shoulder surgeries and still have bad shoulders so the length sure helps from having to move my arms up..

I wanted a glass one.. however I am a cheap SOB... and I know my past with glass would only allow that to last for a week or so before I broke it..
I've had mine for about 2 years and it's not broken yet. My son uses it mostly; it's just too big for one person. I've got 3 other favorites, one special one that I love smoking out of all the time.


Well-Known Member
Gave myself a minor hemroid puking my brains out last night... Didn't even know that was possible? No shame in my game.


Well-Known Member
Fml barely ate all day, then decided not to go to benny benassi along with a bunch of friends... Everyone had grams of MDMA. Drank some crown to start the night, watched a huge bonfire crushing beers till the wee hours. Went home with my lady, decided to smoke some wwxbb I had from this season because I didn't think I would be able to sleep. Then it happened, fell up the stairs trying to get to my room... I think it was my positioning.. I'm usually a kneeler.. I was like sitting as if I was in a pew rocking back and forth.. Must have been to much for my virgin bum? It was a three hour dry heave interrupted by my girl trying to rub my back so I could yell at her to sto. Either way I wouldn't recommend a hemroid to anyone, I just wanna sit on an iceicle hahah DON'T WOORY ILL KEEP YOU ALL UPDATED ON MY STATUS