Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Staff member
Fml barely ate all day, then decided not to go to benny benassi along with a bunch of friends... Everyone had grams of MDMA. Drank some crown to start the night, watched a huge bonfire crushing beers till the wee hours. Went home with my lady, decided to smoke some wwxbb I had from this season because I didn't think I would be able to sleep. Then it happened, fell up the stairs trying to get to my room... I think it was my positioning.. I'm usually a kneeler.. I was like sitting as if I was in a pew rocking back and forth.. Must have been to much for my virgin bum? It was a three hour dry heave interrupted by my girl trying to rub my back so I could yell at her to sto. Either way I wouldn't recommend a hemroid to anyone, I just wanna sit on an iceicle hahah DON'T WOORY ILL KEEP YOU ALL UPDATED ON MY STATUS
youre back together with your gf?


Sector 5 Moderator
Fml barely ate all day, then decided not to go to benny benassi along with a bunch of friends... Everyone had grams of MDMA. Drank some crown to start the night, watched a huge bonfire crushing beers till the wee hours. Went home with my lady, decided to smoke some wwxbb I had from this season because I didn't think I would be able to sleep. Then it happened, fell up the stairs trying to get to my room... I think it was my positioning.. I'm usually a kneeler.. I was like sitting as if I was in a pew rocking back and forth.. Must have been to much for my virgin bum? It was a three hour dry heave interrupted by my girl trying to rub my back so I could yell at her to sto. Either way I wouldn't recommend a hemroid to anyone, I just wanna sit on an iceicle hahah DON'T WOORY ILL KEEP YOU ALL UPDATED ON MY STATUS
Damn bro, that's terrible. The good news is that they do go away. I popped one doing 1,200 lb leg presses a few years ago. I cut back to about 800 lbs (with more reps) and they went away.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Fml barely ate all day, then decided not to go to benny benassi along with a bunch of friends... Everyone had grams of MDMA. Drank some crown to start the night, watched a huge bonfire crushing beers till the wee hours. Went home with my lady, decided to smoke some wwxbb I had from this season because I didn't think I would be able to sleep. Then it happened, fell up the stairs trying to get to my room... I think it was my positioning.. I'm usually a kneeler.. I was like sitting as if I was in a pew rocking back and forth.. Must have been to much for my virgin bum? It was a three hour dry heave interrupted by my girl trying to rub my back so I could yell at her to sto. Either way I wouldn't recommend a hemroid to anyone, I just wanna sit on an iceicle hahah DON'T WOORY ILL KEEP YOU ALL UPDATED ON MY STATUS
I'm laughing so hard here..... A piece of potato can make it feel a little better than ice. Then there's Prep. H. and the other geezer remedies LOL Now I can not help myself from saying this, "PICS or it didn't happen, ROFLMAO!!".


Well-Known Member
yeah sunni im back with kayla... kinda. its a love hate relationship, we love each other, and her parents hate me now. No one is good enough for their daughter type of deal. well she is stuck with me and my hemroid until further notice hahah Yeah potpimp I did some research as you might imagine with the initial reaction to the ahemmm I dono if the pics online are like 'hey I got hemoriods lets see how bad I can make them before we take pictures' because a lot of them look like they had a hose from a pissed off bee hive right into their ace. Im on the very minor side, I would go into details.. but im talking raisins.. not grapes! and only singular. you wont catch me in a climbing harness in the next week, and im defiantly not ridding any bikes. ill just have to get better at throwing up I presume, I can go back to my old ways and be fine... this way is just a pain in the ass! :-o


Well-Known Member
He was plenty rich enough; but maybe he was only looking to traditional western medicine. Cannabis cures cancer and so does the "Sour Sop" fruit, but you have to dig out this info on your own; doctors are not going to treat you with it.
You are probably right on those accounts. But pot should not be claimed as a cure-all, like some sort of snake oil. We already have loony Republican's trying to squash marijuana legalization, we don't need to add fuel to their fire.


Sector 5 Moderator
You are probably right on those accounts. But pot should not be claimed as a cure-all, like some sort of snake oil. We already have loony Republican's trying to squash marijuana legalization, we don't need to add fuel to their fire.
That's a concern of mine too See4; if people tout it as a panacea it becomes nothing but snake oil, despite it's legitimate uses (which are many). I just smoke it to help me sleep. ...and to get high. ...and before sex. ...and before chocolate ice cream.


Well-Known Member
I'm about to partake in my nightly ganja right now. Anyone reading this at home or on the go feel free to join me!


Well-Known Member
Who doesn't like Kinetic?

Indagrow, that sucks! Did you also have the best ab workout of your life? Once you get an assynipple, they are much easier to poop out. (yeah I could of said pop out.....) Take that show to the shower and slowly push it back in. For god's sake, man, do NOt push while on the toilet for at least a week or two.


Well-Known Member
Gosh thanks guys/gals :) Im super baked constantly now because I quit smoking cigarettes, am stuck at home all the time.... and am supplementing herb instead of cigs.... Its been really really hot, lots of watering, and feeding to do these days. I feel like Im in the twilight zone, sleeping in, sleeping earlier, eating more.... smoking more herb haha... so fucking hot.... 3 days now. Baked. Sunset, smoking more.... dinner,, mmm yeah!!! then smoke more herbs herbs herbs.... no Tobacco!!!