zimmerman news

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Well-Known Member
Your falsehoods are too numerous to list hear.
LOL, you fail again.

just list one, assface.

Claiming a statement I never made is proof of my racism is typical of your total lack of honor and honesty.
you're basically inviting me to dig it up again, where you make some retarded claim about "afro-american preacers" "exhorting their parishioners" to the polls is a violation of church-state separation, despite the fact that voters are citizens, not state officials.

no such mention of whites voting on sundays.

i have the quote, i'll be happy to post it here for you to prove how racist it was.

So, trying to get out in front of the total failure of your claim of murder against Zimmerman by pretending you predicted his acquittal?...lol........
of course i think it's murder, but do i think it can or will be proven? that's another story and the facts are all still coming in to the jury.

i never predicted an acquittal, either. you just have no off button for your fail, do you?


Active Member
Zimmerman was a "neighborhood watch captain." This tells me he was part of a formal neighborhood watch program:

Block watchers
Window watchers

Zimmerman did everything wrong according to the guidlines laid out in the two websites above. While the NW program encourages "citizen patrols" , zimmerman did it all wrong. He went out at night BY HIMSELF, armed with a gun, and approached a suspect. He was told to stand down by the police but he pursued Martin anyway.

I don't know if the prosecution brought this up or not or even that it matters? The guy knew better! He was looking for a fight and perhaps had seen Martin before in the neighborhood and was bothered by him but this is speculation. I have been looking for the reason why he would pursue somebody at night by himself.

He had to have had his weapon drawn before the encounter because I doubt he was confident enough with his weapon to leave it holstered. He was on the hunt. He has a weak constitution and I hope the jurors think about this. Zimmerman was the aggressor and used excessive force. This whole self defense argument is bullshit to me.

If he didn't carry a firearm but a taser or pepper spray instead this wouldn't have happened. If he didn't carry a firearm maybe he would have thought differently about how to approach the situation. He chose to carry only a firearm. He wanted to kill, not stop a suspect.

Zimmerman needs to disappear for a while so other nutjobs don't get the same idea. It's vigilante bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Lol... he cocked his gun?

Some people like salt on their food too, who the fuck cares?

Zimmerman is lucky TM didn't chuck a spear at him tbh.


Active Member
Lol... he cocked his gun?

Some people like salt on their food too, who the fuck cares?

Zimmerman is lucky TM didn't chuck a spear at him tbh.
Yes of course he cocked his gun. He was getting ready to point it at someone and therefore kill them. He was serious about commiting a crime.

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
Barack Obama, at a recent rural elementary school assembly in

Lousiania asked the audience for total silence. Then in

the quiet classroom, he started to slowly clap his hands once

every few seconds, holding his audience at total attention.

Then he said into the microphone, "Children, every time I clap my

hands together, a child in America dies from gun violence."

Then, little Darrell, with a proud Simpson drawl, pierced the

silence and said: "Well, dumbass, stop clapping!”


Well-Known Member
it's possible, listen to it.


doesn't really matter though as it won't be brought up in trial.
It's not possible. I used to own that same exact kel tek and it doesn't sound anything like that. I'm actually amazed that the gun even fired when he shot TM, I got rid of it because it jams nearly every single time you pull the trigger, not to mention it has such a small barrel that it is loud as hell. No kick, but loud.


Well-Known Member
It's not possible. I used to own that same exact kel tek and it doesn't sound anything like that.
sounds spot on to me and apparently to a whole lot of other people, including others who have owned the same weapon.

we all know your mind is made up based on one thing and one thing alone anyway though, so your opinion is pretty much for shit here.


Well-Known Member
then show me which facts i got wrong then or what doesn't correspond to zimmerman's story, you dumb sack of shit.


instead, you just drop in and make these snide, retarded remarks that everyone just has to shake their heads at.

you're like a fucking child.
I don't get why the select few here even attempt to engage in debate with someone who plays this way. pathetic on both sides.
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