Fist LED grow


Well-Known Member
The ladies look amazing Slipon. Very healthy and ready to please for sure. I'm glad to see you made your mind up and went with the new LED rig. I've done some reading on it, and it seems like a nice rig. I hope it's everything you wished for and the girls love it. I really think getting the extra light so you can get more girls in your grow will put a smile on your face, at least I hope. I'd be grinnin like a old man who farted. Take it easy and best of luck with the new fixture. Peace out.
yea they look great, pistens really look amazing, if it continue like this it could be a top harvest, so I hardly dare to changes anything or touch the girls :D have to be uber careful not to fuck it up now :D

and yes Im also glad, tho fixture first arrived in Denmark this morning, so I guess it will be on monday I get it or they have to be super fast and until now they have`t, did take 3 days to travel from Ireland to the UK ! Ooh well still a week to my 3 weeks vacation so no hurry

got a little extra on the Bonus check this year so used half on it on the lights, actually just wanted a bit of extra light to cover a bit more space, for a plant more, was looking at UFOs or a 4 spot light as the one I have now, but found this one in EU on sale, just a bit more then the good UFOs and less then the 4 spot and cover about the same space as the 8 spot I have now with 96 LEDs instead of 120 and Im sure it will be enough, 120x3W in a 2x1 ft fixture is a bit overkill if you ask me, maybe I split it up some day, once it served me well and warranty is out and see if I can split it down the middle and make two 4 spot light I can keep 4-6 inch`s apart, I can easily make a killer case, its the rewiring Im not crazy about, lets see

but yes the light seems legit, only thing I couldn't find any date on was the Kelvin on the white`s so Im a bit curious if I get 2700K 5000K 6500K or what ever :D
Im sure you can get even better quality lights, but Im also 100% sure you can get a lot worse and this light do have quality parts in em, just a half year or so old technology in em, in worse case I use it as a Veg light, but I don't think it let me down, just have to set your expressions according to what you pay for, most important is that it do have some whites and a majority of 630/660 nm LEDs and some IF as well in em


Well-Known Member
I needed results and for my first LED run baulked at trusting that light, if yours works out i might be able to buy one back off ebay :-P I'd want to change the fans. I think you'll notice a difference in intensity v apollo. you have the meter..? Be good to see how it goes, your certainly done well enough with the first grow!


Well-Known Member
should arrive on friday, if GLS don't fuck it up

96x3W with a veg/bloom setting and some white`s in it, but a bit curious myself, got it on sale and compared to other EU shops at a ok price (285€ = 370$) and no tax as its shipped inside EU or long shipping

View attachment 2722210

know it have a majority of 630/660nm and also fare red and some blue`s in the right spectrum, and also double lenses and all, and run on 192 actual watt

but I don't know witch white`s or how many of each, lets see, just wanted a quick, cheap fix to cover a bit more room, if it sucks to flower with (witch is the intension) I can always swap the T5HOs and use it to Veg with
I almost bought one of those panels, from what I've read they perform decently.

I didn't get it, I was within $20 of winning on ebay though. I love my A51 though, even if it's more pricey.


Well-Known Member
Those are just beautiful plants, and they seem to be in quite a hurry to finish. She's flowering really fast. That's impressive Slip, very nice bro. How is the hempy working out for you, I've been interested to ask, but you've been busy. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
yea they are, look like one of my best run`s so fare, lets see

the bucket works out perfectly, I changes the water every 3th day, its in a 5kg bucket and I give it 2L of water, with around 1/2L running out agin

I use normal tap water at areound 7,4 in PH I add 0,5ml PH down to get it around 6 and the 2ml micro and 4ml bloom take care of the rest beside that I give it 1/4 ts epsom salt and 1/4 cap full of H2O2

could see myself swap out the soil with clay pellets and the organic nuts out with mineral nuts at some point, or atlest do both, Im curious myself about the final outcome, but I must say the pistens do look nice fat and healthy on that one


Well-Known Member
I almost bought one of those panels, from what I've read they perform decently.

I didn't get it, I was within $20 of winning on ebay though. I love my A51 though, even if it's more pricey.

kool, thanks for the insight, if it just preform decent for the money spend Im happy, just have to cover a bit more ground, so I can run 4 plants at the time and illuminate about 3x3 ft in total


Well-Known Member
mymy... now what can that be the nice GLS man came with :D


I wonder


look promising ;)


yeah !!!


and did`t take me long to find out the Kelvin of the whites :)


look good feels good, fans do make some noise, but no biggy, doubt I can here em in there for my 6" ventilation, only thing that might look a bit crappy is the silver colored "reflector" as it is in plastic, but I guess it would be to much to ask for aluminum on a 280€ light, and Im sure it will serve its purpose

had a hard time with the pictures of the light when its on, hard to focus


guess my camera don't like all that light :D only 3th pic is somewhat clear, first picture is of the light on Veg only, other two I have both the veg and bloom switch turned on, and that is most likely how it will stay ;)


Well-Known Member
as expected, I couldn't resist to hang up the light right away, even tho I first planed to do it next week in my vacation


dont I have beautiful feet`s :D

still need some work, but damn tired now, been running around all day, after I received the light I made the drive on my motor bike (nice summer wether to day with 82F and clear skies) to visit my "local" grow shop for some nutrients/coco, then of to the wellness shop for some more Epsom salt and the electrician to end with before getting home to hang up the light and mix some soil aso


1kg of Epsom salt from the wellness shop, 20$ should keep me with Mg for a year :D and some P/K 13/14 and bat guano for flowering and a new bottle of GH bloom for my hempy bucket + a few bricks of coco I already mixed in to my soil mix


Well-Known Member
Hell yeah Slipon, everything is looking great bro! I like the new led rig, you have all the spread I think you were looking for now. do you prefer the led's that you can switch out the modules like the ones you have or is that conincidence? If I would invest into led's that is the way I would go, I'd like to be able to up-grade or switch out damaged panels. If your gonna drop coin on something I want to be able to use it until I get sick of it basically. One of the few advantages hid's still have going for them is you just swap out what is becoming a rather cheap bulb, and you're right back in business. You don't have near as good as spectrum of usable par light, but it's easier to replace what you do have, cheaply. That said I think the tech in the future will at some time address that, and other issues and also get cheaper. Magnetic grow ballasts were crazy at first, look at them now! Sooner or later led's will have adjustable lenses, and dimmer switches on every good panel or something of the sorts, you know. All in good time. 20 years from now we'll look back and wonder how we grew such nice flowers with the crap we had. Enjoy your new rig Slip, the garden is looking great man. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
hehe thanks :)

and yes, even tho the tech only is from the 60ish and first began to move with in the last 5-10 years and still new, the development so fare have been as extreme as the PC`s, like double its effect every year, so your probably right about the 20 years time, or you just buy a cube you let sit out in the sun all day to collect sunlight and hang over your plants all night and it will be as effective as the Sun for free with no bulb or heat :D

I dont know witch I prefere, well my first one is better quality Im sure, also seem`s to put a bit more Lumens out (no wonder it have 28 LEDs more on 10% less space)

also the warranty is longer and let me switch out stuff myself, if sumthing fail they just sent a new unit, all is connected with "easy plugs" to avoid long shipments and customers being with out there light, they are even designed to run etc. 7 spots out of the 8 if one fail until you get a new to plug in, the new one don't have that but also cost like 40% less

and as you said, its still early, and you can always upgrade. I can easily see this light as a veg light in a year or two when I get a new top of the art fixture and my first one become the supplement light, good thing about em. is that they "only" last 5-7 years roughly so you wont fall to fare behind :D use it for a few years, then bump it down as veg light for a few, then sell it cheap or give it away to a nub for good karma


Well-Known Member
Good read. Enjoyed your unboxing of the new LED fixture. I hope it lives up to your expectations.

Really like the LED technology and I'm reading more about them all the time.


Well-Known Member
Ive been wondering about those lights especially having reflectors. I was just looking online on the 384 w one. I emailed Lg leds solutions but have not heard back.


Well-Known Member
so fare seem`s legit enough, output is less then my other light, but for the money they seem`s ok and spectrum is nice with 3/4 Red`s and 4 white`s per square


who is that riding on Falkor ?


Well-Known Member
That's Chunk from the Goonies. Great movie from back in the day. I'm glad the new led rig is keeping the girls happy. I've been watching alot of led grow videos on youtube and it's pretty impressive how an led can get weight on a flower, and the trich's are insane. Take it easy bro, see you around. Peace out.


Well-Known Member
ahh yes, the Goonies, epic movie from my childhood, like the never ending story, he was the fat boy who became friends with the, well "monster" and gave him chocolate bar`s

and yes seem`s ok, agin for the money spend, where I read 6-7K foot candles under my first light I read 3-4K under the new one, but as I said, it also have 24 LED less and spread out more, just have to find the right distance for it and Im sure it will preform