Nice to be Independent


Well-Known Member
Could you guys please quit with the antisemitism?
i don't think they can.

who else would they blame for their miserable lots in life if they couldn't scapegoat the jews?

i mean, they'd have to own their shitty lives for the failures that they are if that were the case.

they find comfort in blaming a nefarious jewish kabal for keeping them down. sad, but true.


Well-Known Member
See here is the problem, i ask a simple question and all of a sudden i am an anti-semite?
You guy's believe that's not conditioning?:dunce:
You guys fell right into the trap and beautifully demonstrated how conditioned you are.:clap: Great job!


Well-Known Member
See here is the problem, i ask a simple question and all of a sudden i am an anti-semite?
You guy's believe that's not conditioning?:dunce:
You guys fell right into the trap and beautifully demonstrated how conditioned you are.:clap: Great job!
you didn't ask a question, you asserted in no uncertain terms that the indisputable number of jews who died in the holocaust was inaccurate, and you offered no evidence whatsoever for your assertion.

when i pointed out that it was a widely agreed upon number that is beyond dispute, you implied that it was just some jewish conspiracy.

you have ZERO evidence for your assertion. you have been conditioned by carnival barkers to buy into every stupid conspiracy, no matter how stupid, because that's what conspiracy theorists like you do.

your utter stupidity and anti-semitism will live on in my sig for all to see, and you will be shunned for the shitbag you are.

you made your own bed here, kiddo.

now go brush those lovely locks while digesting whatever crap alex jones throws your way.


Well-Known Member
you didn't ask a question, you asserted in no uncertain terms that the indisputable number of jews who died in the holocaust was inaccurate, and you offered no evidence whatsoever for your assertion.

when i pointed out that it was a widely agreed upon number that is beyond dispute, you implied that it was just some jewish conspiracy.

you have ZERO evidence for your assertion. you have been conditioned by carnival barkers to buy into every stupid conspiracy, no matter how stupid, because that's what conspiracy theorists like you do.

your utter stupidity and anti-semitism will live on in my sig for all to see, and you will be shunned for the shitbag you are.

you made your own bed here, kiddo.

now go brush those lovely locks while digesting whatever crap alex jones throws your way.
Your signatures are bunk.
They state squat.
The only one with assertions is you.
I made an open ended statement followed by a question.


Well-Known Member
Your signatures are bunk.
my signatures are your exact words.

thus, you just called your own words "bunk".

see, that's true. your conspiracy theory nonsense is bunk.

it is not supported by historical fact or evidence in the least.

the jews are not responsible for your shitty lot in life, you are.

pull up your big boy pants and deal with it. own your own failures in life, rapunzel.


Well-Known Member
my signatures are your exact words.

thus, you just called your own words "bunk".

see, that's true. your conspiracy theory nonsense is bunk.

it is not supported by historical fact or evidence in the least.

the jews are not responsible for your shitty lot in life, you are.

pull up your big boy pants and deal with it. own your own failures in life, rapunzel.
We have always been told that the number of deaths overall was six million. However, if you do extensive research and take the time to review the works of many Holocaust revisionists, then you may come to the conclusion that the actual number was around one million. Some people speculate that it may be less than that, but one million seems about accurate.
You may hear people around you talking about how 6 million died and that many were placed into gas chambers. But ask yourself this question, does it ever bother you that the Holocaust story was solely based on confessions and testimonies? I mean, what hard evidence have we really found that proves that the Nazis wanted to systematically exterminate the Jews? I mean seriously. Everything we have been learning about the Holocaust is all based on circumstantial evidence, not damning evidence. Auschwitz State Museum employees even admit their own doubts about the Holocaust.
Many people might view people like us as anti-Semitic, but we're not. We just want to know the truth and be able to communicate the right version of history to others, but this always comes with deadly consequences. British historian David Irving has always been subjected to violence just for expressing his view on the Holocaust which strongly contradicted the widely held version. Jewish revisionist David Cole was receiving death threats from the Jewish Defense League for making a video about what he found which disproves the Holocaust story. So what does this tell you? If the Holocaust was truthfully told, then why are so many revisionists being subject to violence just for expressing their view on the Holocaust?:dunce:


Well-Known Member
Someone here is a jewish zionist loyalist.
its cool how you have fancy little labels made up for the "non-believers". very cult-like.

what label would you apply to abandonconflict, who is definitely not jewish, and quite clearly NOT a zionist, yet who would agree with the rest of the known world in accepting the known facts about the holocaust?

have fun living in your little world of make-believe, child.


Well-Known Member
my signatures are your exact words.

thus, you just called your own words "bunk".

see, that's true. your conspiracy theory nonsense is bunk.

it is not supported by historical fact or evidence in the least.

the jews are not responsible for your shitty lot in life, you are.

pull up your big boy pants and deal with it. own your own failures in life, rapunzel.
Bunk because of the assertion you put behind it genius.


Well-Known Member
We have always been told that the number of deaths overall was six million. However, if you do extensive research and take the time to review the works of many Holocaust revisionists, then you may come to the conclusion that the actual number was around one million. Some people speculate that it may be less than that, but one million seems about accurate.
You may hear people around you talking about how 6 million died and that many were placed into gas chambers. But ask yourself this question, does it ever bother you that the Holocaust story was solely based on confessions and testimonies? I mean, what hard evidence have we really found that proves that the Nazis wanted to systematically exterminate the Jews? I mean seriously. Everything we have been learning about the Holocaust is all based on circumstantial evidence, not damning evidence. Auschwitz State Museum employees even admit their own doubts about the Holocaust.
Many people might view people like us as anti-Semitic, but we're not. We just want to know the truth and be able to communicate the right version of history to others, but this always comes with deadly consequences. British historian David Irving has always been subjected to violence just for expressing his view on the Holocaust which strongly contradicted the widely held version. Jewish revisionist David Cole was receiving death threats from the Jewish Defense League for making a video about what he found which disproves the Holocaust story. So what does this tell you? If the Holocaust was truthfully told, then why are so many revisionists being subject to violence just for expressing their view on the Holocaust?:dunce:
you forgot to cite your source.

yahoo answers :roll:

what a fucking idiot you are.


Well-Known Member


New Member
Actually it's 12 million... 6million jews and 6million of anyone else they didn't like... Jews conflate their number to garner more sympathy and justify ongoing israeli war crimes nothing more...


Well-Known Member
what assertion? that you are a holocaust denier?

sorry, but the shoe fits, cinderella.

The key claims of Holocaust denial are...the actual number of Jews killed was significantly (typically an order of magnitude) lower than the historically accepted figure of 5 to 6 million.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP]
Thats says it all, nowhere does it say its fact.
I never implied if i thought it was more or less, or how much less or more. So yes your bunk assertion based on non-fact.


Well-Known Member
Actually it's 12 million... 6million jews and 6million of anyone else they didn't like... Jews conflate their number to garner more sympathy and justify ongoing israeli war crimes nothing more...
6 million perhaps, but that's also by using the broad definition of 'who's a Jew', including half,or even quarter Jews,people married to Jews,or just the quack Aryan whom converted to Judaism as well.
Having just stated this, I have a feeling the 6 million number really comes from total war causalities as such;not all of them died in some brick oven in a second rate Industrial complex called Auschwitz.
Now as for the actual killings the Nazi did kill during WW2, as so recorded in the History books,I'd say maybe 3-3.5 million died as often portrayed by the likes of the ADL & SPLC.


New Member
6 million perhaps, but that's also by using the broad definition of 'who's a Jew', including half,or even quarter Jews,people married to Jews,or just the quack Aryan whom converted to Judaism as well.
Having just stated this, I have a feeling the 6 million number really comes from total war causalities as such;not all of them died in some brick oven in a second rate Industrial complex called Auschwitz.
Now as for the actual killings the Nazi did kill during WW2, as so recorded in the History books,I'd say maybe 3-3.5 million died as often portrayed by the likes of the ADL & SPLC.
Firstly the ADL and SPLC are subversive traitors to the US. They foster "agent provocateurs" and along with AIPAC are nothing more than a propaganda front sustaining and promoting Zionist ideals not to mention actively engaging in espionage, which is IMO is High Treason, no different from the Robert Hanssen's of the world. Anything these groups have to say is complete and utter propaganda laced with b/s.

There were more than a couple of camps I've been to two of them, I can tell you some horrible shit did happen at those camps because while your touring the grounds and museums, you can't shake the really morbid and spinechilling feelings that follow you around. Not a pleasant place to be... can't really explain it, but if you visit you'll know what I mean... They're pretty much as they had been left after WW2, barring some minor restorations/renovations, to conform to code over the years.

But I would agree with a broad definition being used, I had family die in the camps and no one is jewish in my family. I also had family killed in the hometowns by nazi soldiers, don't think anyone counted them...