Waaaa hooooo Spring Has Almost Sprung

I got a few pics of her the other day


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this what my roses looked like 2 days ago...I went out to deadhead them and some thing had eaten every leave off it....
Oh my goodness mr. Bong. That are simply gorgeous.
I am so sorry the bugs had a buffet :| on your roses.
Thats stunning :)
thanks for the pic and I hope you get rid of those nasty buggies. :(
this what my roses looked like 2 days ago...I went out to deadhead them and some thing had eaten every leave off it....

Sounds like Aphids or spider mites to me, bastards. Those are lovely roses though. You can kill them with my special mix of 3/4 water, 1/4 white vinegar and cover the bottom of a spray bottle with dish soap. Spray entire rose bush, under all leaves too with this, leave on over night and rinse off in the morning. All the bugs should be gone. I use this on all my roses and I have many and it really works. You may have to spray again in mid season, if they come back again. :mrgreen::peace:
yes. my guess was those nasty aphids. Bastards is right. :twisted:
They multiply so damned fast. :o

I bought some climbing roses a few years back only to find that they really are not meant to be grown in our zone.
So what I end up with is long strangly canes. Not very attractive so I have cut them down and am now growing them just as regular roses since they will at least flower this way. :?

I dislike very much when nurseries deceive buyers this way.
It was a local nursery and I will never go back there again. I should get the BEST service there by people who know what they are talking about not try and hand out their mistakes.

Anyway I love climbing roses alos and my intention was to have these roses climbing along with some of my clematis.

I do have some more clematis in bloom so I will try and get out whe it isn't raining and take some more pics.:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:
Sounds like Aphids or spider mites to me, bastards. Those are lovely roses though. You can kill them with my special mix of 3/4 water, 1/4 white vinegar and cover the bottom of a spray bottle with dish soap. Spray entire rose bush, under all leaves too with this, leave on over night and rinse off in the morning. All the bugs should be gone. I use this on all my roses and I have many and it really works. You may have to spray again in mid season, if they come back again. :mrgreen::peace:
thanks chiceh...I made the spray you suggested and I hope that helps...this is al
l that's left of my roses...


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Damn bongspit, they are getting eaten alive, lol. Did you use a spray bottle, cover bottom with dish soap, fill 3/4 water and the rest with white vinegar? Shake it a bit and spray it all over so the plants kinds of look sudsy, lol. Make sure you give it a good rinse the next day. :mrgreen::peace:
Damn bongspit, they are getting eaten alive, lol. Did you use a spray bottle, cover bottom with dish soap, fill 3/4 water and the rest with white vinegar? Shake it a bit and spray it all over so the plants kinds of look sudsy, lol. Make sure you give it a good rinse the next day. :mrgreen::peace:
yes...I follow direction well..lol I sprayed them twice...would this spray be ok for my tomatoes?
I use it on everything, specially roses and outdoor pot (anything that will have tender bud sites for those bastards to munch on, lol). Makes the leaves shiny too, lol. :mrgreen::peace:
I don't remember what this is called...but it's purdy...

It is a lily, not sure exactly what type. I have lots of different lillies coming, I will post pics when they are bloom. They are my next favorite to roses, lol.
It is a lily, not sure exactly what type. I have lots of different lillies coming, I will post pics when they are bloom. They are my next favorite to roses, lol.
I'm not sure where these came from...I have 3 that come up every year...
Wow. They really did a number of those roses.

That orange flower is called a tiger lily. They are a wild lily so to speak and are easy to grow.

You might often see bunches of them at the sides of roads etc...I have some of them but I am not a huge fan of orange coloured flowers. It doesn't fit in with my colour theme. ;)
Nelly Moser clematis is one of the few clematis that can be grown in the shade...or basically requiring little driect sunlight. I have two of them but this one that is in the sun is starting to flower now while the other will bloom later.


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This comes up early and climbs up one of the downspouts. I have some of those cool downspout trellises that I got from Lee Valley:) DOH! forgot the pics. :|


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Yeah..it worked for me.Plus I will only use natural products. I am not into spraying my weed with pesticides and then smoking them:?:confused:
a friend of mine was telling me that he coats his tomatoes with saven(sp) dust once a week...I asked him if worried about eating tomatoes with chemicals all over them....not me..