World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
yes anyone interested should def visit the ROLS no till thread that shit is AMAZING. i think itd be cool to do rols in COCO somehow, i know its hard though because you need endomyco's instead and its much harder to keep them active than reg myco in soil


Well-Known Member
My first cuttings I took from my previous 3 Pineapple Express moms were between 6-8." I had took about 100 cuttings and only about 8 of them didn't root if I remember correctly. I only used neoprene collars,non ph tap water and I experienced with the cloning gel that came with with the 120 site ez cloner but besides that I just used tap water or clonex clone solution.

Clones don't need much light so try just using one or two t5 bulbs to reduce your heat and humidity. Im going to only use one t5 bulb wich is 2 ft long to cover the length of my 120 site ez cloner next time I clone. I killed all of my previous clones due to bad temps in the bathroom where I was cloning and it also had to do with two unhealthy pineapple express moms in dwc wich were over 5' high. I won't slip again.

When I clone again I will clone in a temp controlled environment between 70-75 Fahrenheit with a humidity of 50-65%. I won't be losing 120 clones again and half assing it. I have (6) purple wreck beans coming and I'm going to put them all in there own 5 gallon dwc bucket and hopefully in a month or so I should be able to take about 20 cuttings from each. To me dwc tend to grow pretty fast. Good luck pra and keep us posted.
Thanks, Sky. I also believe that environmental problems have been leading to my problems, mostly heat/humidity and too much ambient light around my clones (I have my two Stinkbuddy cloners in my small tent, thinking that I could shield my veg lighting from them). The last house we were at I had the cloner nearly by itself in the basement, keeping the rez temps low and avoiding excess light. Yeah, I learned long ago that clones almost need no light to root, I only suspend 1 X 13w CFL above 45 clones, on 18/6. I also bought some H202, although its not the 50% stuff that most seem to recommend, my grow shop only had the 29%. I plan on trying to run that in the rez if I still get problems. A loss of 120 clones is terrible man, sorry to hear about that... when you say that your PE were 'unhealthy' at 5', was that because your cuttings were coming from a plant that was too mature to take clones off of (e.g. the stems were woody and too developed?) or was their a systemic health problem with them?

take ~5-6" cuts in rockwool 1x1 cubes and clonex gel with a temp mat w/ sensor set @ 75 . i open twice a day air it out and give it a few sprays
Thanks, Nizza. I bought the 40mm (1.5") grodan cubes, with a tray, drain tray and humidity dome yesterday. I already had the heat tray, although it has no settings other than 'on' so I think I will run a towel between the tray and the mat to be safe. The mat states that its suppose to raise the rooting area temps by '10-20*' above ambient temp.

I also bought new neoprene collars yesterday so I can run two sets of clones side-by-side - one set of 23 aero clones and however many RW clones I can pull with my moms beyond the first 23.


Well-Known Member
The other question I have for WOH - do you guys (and gals) have a standardized maintenance schedule for mite prevention?

I have had to battle mites twice in the past 6 months and I had beat them back again with a combination of Dr. Doom foggers, NPS strips, mighty-wash and SNS-17 rosemary oil, with neem as a backup. I have been thinking about investing in some Floramite and periodically using it on my moms to protect against future problems. Any thoughts from WOH on a long-term mite prevention-maintenance schedule?

sky rocket

Well-Known Member
Thanks, Sky. I also believe that environmental problems have been leading to my problems, mostly heat/humidity and too much ambient light around my clones (I have my two Stinkbuddy cloners in my small tent, thinking that I could shield my veg lighting from them). The last house we were at I had the cloner nearly by itself in the basement, keeping the rez temps low and avoiding excess light. Yeah, I learned long ago that clones almost need no light to root, I only suspend 1 X 13w CFL above 45 clones, on 18/6. I also bought some H202, although its not the 50% stuff that most seem to recommend, my grow shop only had the 29%. I plan on trying to run that in the rez if I still get problems. A loss of 120 clones is terrible man, sorry to hear about that... when you say that your PE were 'unhealthy' at 5', was that because your cuttings were coming from a plant that was too mature to take clones off of (e.g. the stems were woody and too developed?) or was their a systemic health problem with them?
Actually my moms were in 5 gallon dwc buckets. There were times when I was so busy I would let the nutrient water level get really low sometimes. The ph of the dwc buckets would be out of range plus where I had them the humidity was too high in the tent leaves were falling off and wiltering away. It was all my fault.


Well-Known Member
The other question I have for WOH - do you guys (and gals) have a standardized maintenance schedule for mite prevention?

I have had to battle mites twice in the past 6 months and I had beat them back again with a combination of Dr. Doom foggers, NPS strips, mighty-wash and SNS-17 rosemary oil, with neem as a backup. I have been thinking about investing in some Floramite and periodically using it on my moms to protect against future problems. Any thoughts from WOH on a long-term mite prevention-maintenance schedule?
I spray all my veg plants once a wk with Ferti-Lome "Fruit Tree Spray" it's neem based. It keeps the mites away and the plants seem to love it.

One last thought on your cloner. If you get root rot or some other fungi in your system, it will end up in your tubing and spray nozzles. And can kill future batches. If it were me I'd replace all the spray nozzles, and any flexible tubing, and make a strong batch of bleach or H2O2 and run it through you pump and tubing.


Active Member
Wow what a SUCKING day....

First thing I had problems was getting dressed...could not find anything to wear...Yes I know...

Well I did get out of the house and was dancing to my truck when I looked at the riding lawnmower...and remembered the battery I had just purchased in the back seat of the truck. So I opened the door on the truck to see the battery had fallen over and there was battery acid all over the carpet...That was a perfect interior...I was so mad I thought I'd catch flame any minute...and wow what a mess to try and clean up...

Had to take the battery back, the guy cleaned it up for me and added more acid..he advised I put baking soda on the carpet, I did but what a mess that is too...

Then everything I touched at work went to shit...after breaking my glasses and having to go out and buy new ones so I could see to fix the old ones, I gave up...

Took the truck to the car wash and vacuumed up the baking soda and I put some more down...and the new floor mats, I bought yesterday, If I had put in the mats, I would have set the battery on the mat and would not have had a mess..

I went home 15 minutes early and took a nice long drive in the country with the windows down, at least I felt better by the time I got home...

Hope everyone's day was better


Well-Known Member
All is well that ends well.

BTW: I scooped the sprouts from the Burpee Germ. Tray without mishap.

Kosher Kush, Skywalker Kush, Sensi Jack Herer and Blueberry, Purple Wreck,
Headband, OG #18, and OG Kush are in their cups:

I am giving the Cannaventure's PurpleBerry BX and the Blue OG a couple days
more before I transplant them.

I made those silly holders to help keep the cups from tipping. They work.

Take care,



Well-Known Member
Sounds like a rough day Whocares. Nothing like a'good book or'music and some tokes to put it behind you.

As far as my mite a large grow the only way ive personally gotten rid of them was killing every plant in the place/harvesting then one month with no plants in the place while i bleached every piece of equipment and nuked the place with bug bombs and other pesticides every 3 days. Some'might be able toeradicate mites in a large grow without closing down but i never would think they were gone until 5 weeks into flower.

What I do now is use a set of clothing that i only wear in the room or i go in naked after a shower. Still cant say for sure wont get em in this ive had thrips and possible aphids but thats from bringing in clones from a dispensary and having no idea that those little flies were bad news. At least ive dealt with mites so many times i can spot them on clones. Watts idea of preemptive treatments is a good one and plants really do seem to enjoy neem.

The middle back is the afghan x blueberry with more yellowing than the rest.securedownload-155_fx.jpg

My back is finally feeling 70% better..havent been to work since the 1st hoping to go back next monday but i have to get an MRI for L&I. Just about in time too. My sandwidows( opinion has really changed on this strain...its a 9/10) are already about 20% amber 75% Milky 5% clear on day 52 and the mugs are well formed. So ill hack em down this weekend. The Skunk ,ay come down too but its not looking right yet. Last run the skunk that went 9 weeks was just about right. Afghan blueberry is in the same boat...its really yellowed out but that could be the close call with dehydration. Bluedream just started another round of birsts of growth and itll go 9-10 weeks. Only been able'to'run my MH for a few hours a night lately as its been too'warm making it hit 89-90 in my tent.



Well-Known Member
Day 60 of 65 veneno still no amber pistils and still no scope ether it should be here any day now, does this look like a late flowering cal mag deficiency to you guys?



Well-Known Member
Pardon my typing this touchpad sucks for this website.

Think this is a Skunk but it could be BDsecuredownload-376_fx_fx.jpg definitely BDsecuredownload-113_fx.jpgsecuredownload-372_fx.jpg for sure skunk on this one securedownload-388_fx.jpg





Well-Known Member
Thats a hell of a scrog Psylocibin dude..very nice looking nugs and a hell of a harvest for one plant! I never really worry about how the leaves are looking past day 45 or 50 personally.


Well-Known Member
Damn those trichomes look crazy and kinda weird, is that the effect that the camera gives or are they really just that covered? Thanks for the compliment man I'm pretty pleased with my future harvest, I'm already pleased with the 3.5 oz harvest i got off of this premature buku and the big buds are yet to come, the big buds are to big to hold them selves up and pretty much every branch that reached above the screen is to big to hold its self up, so I'm really hoping i pull at least 5-6 o/z off this veneno, if so that will put me at about 10 oz total which would bring me up by 5 oz from my first grow/harvest...


Well-Known Member
securedownload-388.jpgsecuredownload-372.jpgsecuredownload-376.jpg Here are the un adjusted same pics.

Very nice secone harvest dude.

I think the trichomes show'up'funny because im using a cellphone the galaxy s4 which has 13 megpixel but its not a nice camera know what i mean? Theyre definitely really sugary but after i adjust contrast and sharpness it seems to make em look weird.


Well-Known Member
Day 60 of 65 veneno still no amber pistils and still no scope ether it should be here any day now, does this look like a late flowering cal mag deficiency to you guys?

Hard to tell you what may be wrong under the HPS light conditions as they are orange under that light. But within the last couple weeks it's hard to fix any problems that may arise, this is the time you just have to ride the wave to finish. Damn good looking scrog for sure, you are going to have a nice harvest. :weed:


Active Member
Evening my friends, Better day today...

Has anyone heard from Moe? I do hope he's hanging tall....we are waiting to hear some good news...

heres my question, do you turn your plants and move them daily? I'm wondering if this stresses them?

I move all of mine everyday and rearrange under the light for the best light...