Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
How come anytime i get the munchies nothing i have in the house sounds good? There is a shit load of food here and i dont want any of it. I dont even know what it is im craving. But whatever it is...it isnt here.


I'm really getting sick of waiting for cash flow. The ineptitude of others affecting my account pisses me off. Get your shit together!!! I can't express that to the party in question, always remaining calm and remembering my social engineering skills get things done moreso than raging out like I would like. end rant.
kinetic im sorry if youve explained your situation i apologize for not being less lazy to read, that sounds like bs that someoen is somehow affecting you out of your cash. do you feel like talking about the situation? if someone is keeping you from your money that is wrong and should not be tolerated IMO. either way good luck with it, i hate when people affect my ability to make money or take money out of somewhere like a bank, i no logner will use banks anymore, i give them MY money and then when i want it or need it they give ME a fucking hard time about taking it out, like wtf I FUCKING GAVE YOU THE MONEY, what is that bullshit?