Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Son of a bitch..

Last night I guess I tipped my phone and it fell into my cup of juice, like 1/4 of the way up from the bottom (iPhone4), so the submerged bits were the speaker and the recharging port, so I plug it in last night as I'm going to sleep and set my alarm to wake up for work at 8:00am.. 10:30am rolls around and I wake up and the first thought in my head is "WTF TIME IS IT!". My phone doesn't turn on, I turn the TV on, "10:28am..." FUCK! Call work, let them know, throw my clothes on, go in..

Phone's fucked, won't even carry a charge.. Was off tomorrow, was planning on going in to pick up a new one, the boss asked me to come in tomorrow and cover a shift.. not off again til Sunday at the earliest.. Job kind of relies on having navigation.. so, good game..