Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


Well-Known Member
It's almost hard to believe last year was your first outdoor grow, from the pics you post it looks like you're absolutely killing it this year.

This year is my first grow ever, made some mistakes and will probably make more, but I think I'll make it to harvest. Next summer is going to be way different.
Yeah bro it is my 2nd outdoor ever. Last year I made a ton of mistakes, very depressing but it was very valuable to learn and go through those mistakes. Seeing the difference from this year and last years outdoor growing is rewarding and proud! Thank for the kindness Socaljoe!!!


Well-Known Member
you could try mosquito dunks.

I have fought these bastards on several occasions. Did a lot of research on them and how to tell the difference from fungus gnats . I have tried azamax for root drench and Dimiclus earth and both to no avail. The only method I have found is not my favorite but you gotta do what you gotta do and it has to be done in vegg. In flower your screwed. I still see some on the top of the dirt this morning which will probably be for the next day or so. What matters is what I used is systemic and is working under the soil where the damage takes place.


Well-Known Member
025 - Copy.jpgMy only seed plant this year - brains damage from KC brains - has anybody else run the damage before? having a hard time believing she is pure indica but we will see


Well-Known Member
The netting won't support bud weight so what is the
netting used for then? Maybe TWS will chime in and tell us
or anyone else that knows what the netting is used for.
I would just have to say WRONG! U just have to make sure you have them in the right place .I had 10 plus footers the netting is what I used. 1 at 6 foot. & 1 @ 9. My nets where tied down so the plants wouldn't take off with them.


Well-Known Member
Coming along nice.
What is it?
Looks like you're outside, but the purple soil around it looks like artificial light.
What's going on there?

Later time of day its outside. Could also just be my phone camera. Indica, started them indoors should be way bigger but stunned em too many times trans potting and had a flood they survived when they were in the ground. Put em back in pots and cut the bottoms off so it doesn't get root bound or flooded again.


Well-Known Member
Later time of day its outside. Could also just be my phone camera. Indica, started them indoors should be way bigger but stunned em too many times trans potting and had a flood they survived when they were in the ground. Put em back in pots and cut the bottoms off so it doesn't get root bound or flooded again.
Alright bro, looks like you have recovered well!
Man ! nice scenery. I wish I lived where it was that nice and green. The ferns are bitchen. lol
On my walk to work I see lots of ferns and I've been thinking they would make excellent cover for cannabis outside. :) can anyone tell me how much bat guano to water . Earlier someone said to mix and let it sit. When should this be given flower , veg ?

Happy growing
My lil girl by the swamp. She was struggling due to root suffocation (I planted with a tarp, didn't give enough room.) Just expanded her growing area, should be great.