McDonald's Guide to Living on Minimum Wage


Ursus marijanus
Show me one post where I have ever advocated treating anyone different based on their race. You can't. You are caught up in the biggest lie of the modern age. That all are created equal. All are created, thus all ought to be treated equal is the truth. But some peoples are better at things than others. If this was not so, why the push for diversity? If everyone just has different skin color, and it stops there, then what benefit could be gained from diversity? It is the fact that different peoples think differently. If Jews, blacks, Caucasians and other races are so different as to have the ability to have diseases that other races are not affected with, then skin color cannot be the only difference. But this does not mean we should treat others badly.
It is imo of value to distinguish between "equal in ability", which is patently false and not sharply correlated with ethnic membership ... and equal in rights and inherent dignity. Once slavery and suffrage were addressed (and once sexual orientation wlll be removed as a discriminator, imo the great frontier of social justice today) I think we can all agree that all humans are ... equally human. cn


Well-Known Member
It is imo of value to distinguish between "equal in ability", which is patently false and not sharply correlated with ethnic membership ... and equal in rights and inherent dignity. Once slavery and suffrage were addressed (and once sexual orientation wlll be removed as a discriminator, imo the great frontier of social justice today) I think we can all agree that all humans are ... equally human. cn
I couldn't agree more. Buck has such a small mind that he cannot distinguish between the idea of racial differences and hate.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
It is imo of value to distinguish between "equal in ability", which is patently false and not sharply correlated with ethnic membership ... and equal in rights and inherent dignity. Once slavery and suffrage were addressed (and once sexual orientation wlll be removed as a discriminator, imo the great frontier of social justice today) I think we can all agree that all humans are ... equally human. cn
The next frontier is accepting neuro diversity.


Well-Known Member
I couldn't agree more. Buck has such a small mind that he cannot distinguish between the idea of racial differences and hate.
i'm certain that if you can attempt to justify stealing from your parents to yourself, then justifying the classification of all blacks as inherently inferior should be no problem for you.

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
what do you think is wrong with it? seemed to me like he was being honest with himself. I enjoyed it
telling stories about ripping your family off to feed your drug habit is entertaining to you?

Disgusting to me.

Plenty of junkies where i'm from. I don't find stories about it "enjoyable" at all....sorry


Well-Known Member

notably absent: food, gasoline, heating, and an accurate health insurance number.

so as long as you don't mind being cold, hungry, sick, and paying for a car that has no fuel to run (all while working about 70 hours a week at two jobs), it's totally doable.
This type of thing will happen when you choose this career path.

stoned cockatoo

New Member
telling stories about ripping your family off to feed your drug habit is entertaining to you?

Disgusting to me.

Plenty of junkies where i'm from. I don't find stories about it "enjoyable" at all....sorry
I meant I enjoyed the part where he was being honest with himself not stealing from his parents. But what do you want him to do invent a time machine or kill himself? or he could shut the fuck up or he could be honest, nothing wrong with realizing and admitting that you were a fuck up


Well-Known Member

notably absent: food, gasoline, heating, and an accurate health insurance number.

so as long as you don't mind being cold, hungry, sick, and paying for a car that has no fuel to run (all while working about 70 hours a week at two jobs), it's totally doable.
What can you expect living off minimum wage? Key word: minimum. That income is PLENTY to keep you out of the streets and to keep you from going hungry. You may not live in the most luxurious place or have the nicest things but such is life... People have to work to get a decent salary, and you can't expect to live extremely comfortably if you just settle for a minimum wage job. It's really stupid to complain about this sensible budget for someone with very little income... You might want to travel to some other countries and see if you feel the same way...

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member

notably absent: food, gasoline, heating, and an accurate health insurance number.

so as long as you don't mind being cold, hungry, sick, and paying for a car that has no fuel to run (all while working about 70 hours a week at two jobs), it's totally doable.
you forgot to add in the 100$quarters for cash at the drive through window.

Yah, I want a side of salad with my bigmac


Well-Known Member
It's really stupid to complain about this sensible budget for someone with very little income... You might want to travel to some other countries and see if you feel the same way...
sensible? how is a budget that does not include gas, heat, food, or actual health care insurance while working 70 hours a week sensible in any way?

and please don't ask americans to lower our standard of living to other shit holes.

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
sensible? how is a budget that does not include gas, heat, food, or actual health care insurance while working 70 hours a week sensible in any way?

and please don't ask americans to lower our standard of living to other shit holes.
Maybe because it assumes you are still living at home going to a community college, so you dont become a McFuck Up.


Well-Known Member
Maybe because it assumes you are still living at home going to a community college, so you dont become a McFuck Up.
i don't see tuition or books anywhere in that budget.

you'd have to work for 10 months just to afford books for one semester out of your (imaginary) savings.


New Member
Hopefully anyone not a teen, a dropout, or the infirm, etc. aspires to greater things than a lifetime or a career at McDs.

And for those who *do* choose a career, min. wage is a floor, a starting level, not a cap, and managers and GMs make a good deal more than min wage.

Funny that a bunch of mexican immigrants (legal or otherwise) can so far outshine american youth. No, not funny. What's the word. Right. Telling.