Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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No assumption, CEO's are demons to the liberals and progressives, show me some articles where lefties are outraged about the money Oprah makes.

Anyone who builds their empire off the backs of his workers is a piece of shit, liberal, conservative, black, white, whatever. You can't understand this because to you, left bad, right good.
Anyone who builds their empire off the backs of his workers is a piece of shit, liberal, conservative, black, white, whatever. You can't understand this because to you, left bad, right good.

So all companies should be equally owned by the employees?
Actually, right bad, left worse and all politicians suck.
...not all companies build their empire off the backs of their workers

of course they do.

even my own "company" which involves ME alone tilling soil planting tending and harvesting my produce and selling it at the farmers market is exploitative, because, variously, depending on which type of marxist/anarchist you are:

I should be giving it way rather than chasing evil profit
I Didnt Grow that, because i buy my tools , seeds water and fertilizers so really EVERYBODY did it...
I dont accept the government vouchers (which COST ME TO ACCEPT) so obviously i hate poor people.
I am hereditarily dominating and exploiting "The Means Of Production" (even though i rent...)
I am evilly siphoning off LEGITIMATE economic activity from party-approved interstate and international producers and shippers with my wicked local petty bourgeois schemes
Because i grow more than i need i am somehow eliminating somebody else's ability to grow their own shit since agriculture is a zero sum game...?
I charge More than cost when i sell my produce, and thats capitalism, and capitalism is always exploitative of the proletariat.
Because i am a capitalist, i must therefore depend on government (which exists solely to protect private property) to defend my territory, which of course leads to police states and poor innocent anarchists getting busted when they set bombs or spike trees.
of course they do.

even my own "company" which involves ME alone tilling soil planting tending and harvesting my produce and selling it at the farmers market is exploitative, because, variously, depending on which type of marxist/anarchist you are:

I should be giving it way rather than chasing evil profit
I Didnt Grow that, because i buy my tools , seeds water and fertilizers so really EVERYBODY did it...
I dont accept the government vouchers (which COST ME TO ACCEPT) so obviously i hate poor people.
I am hereditarily dominating and exploiting "The Means Of Production" (even though i rent...)
I am evilly siphoning off LEGITIMATE economic activity from party-approved interstate and international producers and shippers with my wicked local petty bourgeois schemes
Because i grow more than i need i am somehow eliminating somebody else's ability to grow their own shit since agriculture is a zero sum game...?
I charge More than cost when i sell my produce, and thats capitalism, and capitalism is always exploitative of the proletariat.
Because i am a capitalist, i must therefore depend on government (which exists solely to protect private property) to defend my territory, which of course leads to police states and poor innocent anarchists getting busted when they set bombs or spike trees.

Stop pretending you are more than a fruit salesman and lecturing as if you are not part of the problem as we all somehow are. Just leave it alone. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
And he got all internet tough guy on me too.


I think the one talking about raping another persons children is the pseudo tough guy... Not even a retarded pedophile would talk about raping someone's child in person.
Did he or did he not comment about the rape/molestation of the man's children?

Yeah why was my comment about Red molesting his kids deleted? I heard about it, and it was an honest question.

Thank you for the sig, btw. I understand that you're not a racist.
Take it down now please.

yes, we must all be super careful not to trigger a psychosomatic episode of your delusion induced illness, caused by your rampant Munchhausen's syndrome.

no flashing gifs people.

delicate special snowflakes must be protected from their imaginary diseases.
Yeah why was my comment about Red molesting his kids deleted? I heard about it, and it was an honest question.

Thank you for the sig, btw. I understand that you're not a racist.

why does it always come back to pederasty with you?

shit son, did daddy touch your special bathing suit places with his pee pee?

show us on the dolls junior.

this is a safe space.
yes, we must all be super careful not to trigger a psychosomatic episode of your delusion induced illness, caused by your rampant Munchhausen's syndrome.

no flashing gifs people.

delicate special snowflakes must be protected from their imaginary diseases.

i always prefer to get my life lessons from an overweight, middle aged, conservative white male who still lives at home with half a dozen other family members and barely cracks minimum wage.

it's a good thing we have you to dole out your wisdom.
photo (12).JPG
yes, we must all be super careful not to trigger a psychosomatic episode of your delusion induced illness, caused by your rampant Munchhausen's syndrome.

no flashing gifs people.

delicate special snowflakes must be protected from their imaginary diseases.
this might help you. Look it up, the max dose, and see what it does. I take the max dose.
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