One Plant, MD


Active Member
Considering growing one plant under a 250w HPS in Maryland

A few questions:
1. In a worst-case, if I'm ever caught, what is the likelihood of prison time, or even being charged with a felony?
2. Has anybody ever been caught in this state? What happened?
3. Is this site safe to look at from home? Will my internet history be red-flagged? NSA crap has me a little worried
4. What is the minimum fire-safe size of a grow box for a 250w HPS light?
5. I was busted 10 years ago as a juvienelle for growing. I was told my record was expunged, and I now have a clean record as an adult. Would they try and bring this up in court?

Thanks guys!


New Member
where in maryland i kno people that have been growing for 20 years in aac and pg but it really depends aa cops are retards my uncles are cops there it depends man low profile this site is fine to use turn airplane mode on if you take pics with your phone


Well-Known Member
Considering growing one plant under a 250w HPS in Maryland

A few questions:
1. In a worst-case, if I'm ever caught, what is the likelihood of prison time, or even being charged with a felony?
2. Has anybody ever been caught in this state? What happened?
3. Is this site safe to look at from home? Will my internet history be red-flagged? NSA crap has me a little worried
4. What is the minimum fire-safe size of a grow box for a 250w HPS light?
5. I was busted 10 years ago as a juvienelle for growing. I was told my record was expunged, and I now have a clean record as an adult. Would they try and bring this up in court?

Thanks guys!
1. Low/ Look at the laws for yourself
2. You should ask this question in the MD section for a chance at an answer. It doesn't matter though b/c everyone's case is different. Just don't distribute or grow in school zones.
3. Yes it's safe to look at from home.
4. No such thing as fire safe. There's always a fire risk. 2x2 is the smallest for a 250 watt.
5. Expunged is expunged so no.


Well-Known Member
In Maryland myself, I recently talked to a friend I grew up with who is A deputy for a county i wont mention lol Around here according to him, getting caught growing a couple plants you really dont have much to worry about. As far as anything being expunged it wont show up when you go to get a job, but will show up in court and possibly if you get pulled over. Ive got charges not convictions (i do have convictions) that have showed up on background checks for employment. Same with an expungement in court they take it into consideration while they claim they dont. good luck dude. loose lips sink ships. 99% of the time if u get caught up, your really fucking up, someone is talking, or jus plain ol bad luck...