Hey Lacy, the card on my Nelly Moser says full sun. I have another climatis with purple blooms that grows well in shade but not sun. I am so confused so I put my Nelly Moser in a spot the gets about 6 hours of sun per day.
A lot also depends on the soil and how fertile it is etc. I know that I am transplanting a few that just do not receive enough light due to the fact that the trees have known grown bigger.
I have chopped a bleeding heart bush down twice now and it still keeps on growing like crazy. I have another one white that is big too, but that spot can hold it, lol.
I also have those but would like the white ones. They are gorgeous.
My Stella D'Oros are ready to bloom too, lol. I luv flowers.
Yes those yellow day lilies are the most floriferious of all the day lilies. They bloom all summer long. Mine have not even starting blooming yet, 

So far in bloom I have, lots of Columbine, Anemomies, Dianthus and the annuals I planted.
My tulips, hyacinth, widflowers daffodils and all spring bulbs are done now, sad. My lillies are ready to bloom soon though.
I will stop rambling about my gardens now, but I luv it, lol.