Right or wrong, why I think Treyvon was shot

that's not what o'mara passionately argued. his own words were something about not even needing a scratch on your finger.

perhaps you want to answer the question that ANALEXCESSGAY1 is too afraid to answer?

zimm is white and peruvian.

he can self identify how he wants and i'll call him latino if he wants, but the fact is that he is half white.

LOL I dont see you saying the same thing about Obama.

Impartiality fail...
obama is white and black.

he can self identify how he wants and i'll call him black if he wants, but the fact is that he is half white.

Well, at least we are making progress. I am glad to hear you will refer to Zimmerman as a latino going forward.
I remember a show a few years ago that took makeup and made white people appear to be black. Some of the things they have observed was that white people had a fear of blacks. If I remember correctly there was more fear observed, or at least more instances of white people reacting to those that had been made to look black when they had not only been made to look black but were dressed in a 'hip-hop' style. From what I have seen, Treyvon was dressed in somewhat of a hip-hop fashion. Now, let me be clear, I am not saying that it is OK for people to go around shooting folks just because they have an initial reaction of fear towards someone. But let us face facts. Zimmerman (GZ) was initially suspicious towards Treyvon (TM). Why? Well, I think it is fair to say that the majority of crime is committed by blacks who are hip-hop dressed, whites that commit crimes are also hip-hop dressed, as well as white-trash dressed. The white-trash style has yet to catch on in the African American community. I think had TM been dressed in khaki pants, with a polo or button up tucked in with a belt and nice shoes he would not have been confronted, and shot. Of course, people have a right to dress how they see fit, but sometimes there are negative affects of the choices we make that we have every right to make. A similar thing might be said of a female rape victim that was dressed like a total slut. It doesn't make it her fault she was raped, but her decision to hold herself out as a whore increased her chances of getting raped.

Trayvon was shot because he attacked someone who had the means to defend himself. Baby Tray was no baby; he was a gang member wannabe (see pics from his cell phone with gold teeth, shooting birds, with a semi-auto pistol, and with a pile of jewelry on a bed). His death was an illustration of the phrase "evolution in action"; the young and stupid die young and stupid.
I remember a show a few years ago that took makeup and made white people appear to be black. Some of the things they have observed was that white people had a fear of blacks. If I remember correctly there was more fear observed, or at least more instances of white people reacting to those that had been made to look black when they had not only been made to look black but were dressed in a 'hip-hop' style. From what I have seen, Treyvon was dressed in somewhat of a hip-hop fashion. Now, let me be clear, I am not saying that it is OK for people to go around shooting folks just because they have an initial reaction of fear towards someone. But let us face facts. Zimmerman (GZ) was initially suspicious towards Treyvon (TM). Why? Well, I think it is fair to say that the majority of crime is committed by blacks who are hip-hop dressed, whites that commit crimes are also hip-hop dressed, as well as white-trash dressed. The white-trash style has yet to catch on in the African American community. I think had TM been dressed in khaki pants, with a polo or button up tucked in with a belt and nice shoes he would not have been confronted, and shot. Of course, people have a right to dress how they see fit, but sometimes there are negative affects of the choices we make that we have every right to make. A similar thing might be said of a female rape victim that was dressed like a total slut. It doesn't make it her fault she was raped, but her decision to hold herself out as a whore increased her chances of getting raped.
It's been my experience that blacks have just as much distrust of blacks as whites do. A black female accidentally gave me a $50 when she thought she gave me a $20 for a $17 cab ride and told me to keep the change. When I asked her if she knew she had given me a $50, she was very grateful. She then told me that no black man would ever have done that. So the attitude that black men are worthy of fear and distrust is not limited to "whitey". Many claim that the high incarceration rates of black males proves the courts are biased. The truth is that black males are just more inclined to criminality. I believe this has nothing to do with their skin color, but is culturally and politically based. Frankly, if you choose to dress like a gangsta, you are choosing to be treated like a gangsta. If you choose to dress like a harlot, you choose to treated like a harlot.
It's been my experience that blacks have just as much distrust of blacks as whites do. A black female accidentally gave me a $50 when she thought she gave me a $20 for a $17 cab ride and told me to keep the change. When I asked her if she knew she had given me a $50, she was very grateful. She then told me that no black man would ever have done that. So the attitude that black men are worthy of fear and distrust is not limited to "whitey". Many claim that the high incarceration rates of black males proves the courts are biased. The truth is that black males are just more inclined to criminality. I believe this has nothing to do with their skin color, but is culturally and politically based. Frankly, if you choose to dress like a gangsta, you are choosing to be treated like a gangsta. If you choose to dress like a harlot, you choose to treated like a harlot.
You should put that one on Stormfront.
“There is nothing more painful to me … than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery, then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
- Jesse Jackson
"Black males are just more inclined to criminality" Totally not racist, Herr Red.
To ignore tons and tons of factual data is stupid. To use this quote out of its context is dishonest. To call a Jew "Herr Red" is racist and offensive. You, sir, are all four.
"she was dressed like a whore" is not a valid defense in any court of law, shithead.

you seem too dumb to understand the concept that you are responsible for not raping people, and the clothes worn by the person you're raping are irrelevant.

i'm sure that this is the only way you can get any (unless, of course, you steal enough stuff from your parents to call a low class escort) but that doesn't make it right or excusable or less abhorrent.

rape is a product of a sick mind like yours, not attire choices.
You dumb fuck. Its not a defense for the rapist. Its one of many variables that can lead to the crime that the victim has control of. Just like walking down the road in a bad area with $10,000 cash in your hand and getting robbed. You have every right to do it, but it makes you an idiot to do it and not expect to get robbed. If Treyvon didn't look and act (and was not) your common street thug, he might not have gotten shot.
To ignore tons and tons of factual data is stupid. To use this quote out of its context is dishonest. To call a Jew "Herr Red" is racist and offensive. You, sir, are all four.
Lol, you're a Jew now?

The classic "but I have a black friend" with a new twist.

I commend your creativity the same way I'd commend a retard for an excellent finger-painting.
Many claim that the high incarceration rates of black males proves the courts are biased. The truth is that black males are just more inclined to criminality.

OMFG there are no words.

since when the fuck are a bunch of stoners so incredibly racist?
You dumb fuck. Its not a defense for the rapist. Its one of many variables that can lead to the crime that the victim has control of. Just like walking down the road in a bad area with $10,000 cash in your hand and getting robbed. You have every right to do it, but it makes you an idiot to do it and not expect to get robbed. If Treyvon didn't look and act (and was not) your common street thug, he might not have gotten shot.

the only variable that leads to rape is the presence of a rapist.

dressing a certqain way is not an invitation to rape, nor is it an invitation to be followed and shot.