Talk to me bros, does this baby look ready??


I'm just looking for a couple opinions, since I don't wanna jump the gun, does she look ready or should I let her go??



Well-Known Member
what are growing
photo / auto
rule i was told was when u think u should cut wait 2 weeks then wait 2 more then cut it ............for us new ppl

best way is to see the resin glands 30x microscope........check several buds top cola and lower sites
milk is high thc
clear is to soon
amber is lower thc but higher CBDs and other medical stuff


Bro it's an auto strain, it's been flowering for 5 weeks, I don't have a microscope so I'm just trying to get somebody prospective, since I'm just drooling everyday to chop this bitch down haha!!


Well-Known Member

no it is not ready .......i do autos myself when the lower leaves start yellowing and it goes up to the upper fan leaves that is harvest time


Well-Known Member
lower leaves
middle lvl
then top set of fan leaves

flush her with oxgenated water (get some distilled water jugs and set them in the sun for 3 days the little bubbles stop it is done ) the time u finish the flush letting her dry up and then the 2 days of darkness the leaves on the buds will be yellowing and u can cut

untill then keep hitting her with light the lower bud sites will thicken up and cuase it finish faster ........i run mine on a 20/4 timer


Cool man thanks I had the scissors in hand and my eye was twitching, ima let her go a few more weeks...


Well-Known Member
lower leaves
middle lvl
then top set of fan leaves

flush her with oxgenated water (get some distilled water jugs and set them in the sun for 3 days the little bubbles stop it is done ) the time u finish the flush letting her dry up and then the 2 days of darkness the leaves on the buds will be yellowing and u can cut

untill then keep hitting her with light the lower bud sites will thicken up and cuase it finish faster ........i run mine on a 20/4 timer
What are you talking about again? You dont know what your talking about bud. Whay does this guy need distilled water? Why? My guess is that he hasnt been running distilled water, so why in the world should he go get some and leav it out for three days to evaporate? You dont know what your talking about so stop giving advice noob.
to the op, simply go and get a microscope or find a really good camera with a macro setting and zoom in so you can see the tricombs. Dont listen to this moron, he just runs around talkin shit he doesnt know.....distilled water? Gtfo


Well-Known Member
What are you talking about again? You dont know what your talking about bud. Whay does this guy need distilled water? Why? My guess is that he hasnt been running distilled water, so why in the world should he go get some and leav it out for three days to evaporate? You dont know what your talking about so stop giving advice noob.
to the op, simply go and get a microscope or find a really good camera with a macro setting and zoom in so you can see the tricombs. Dont listen to this moron, he just runs around talkin shit he doesnt know.....distilled water? Gtfo
auto plants do u grow them if not shut the fuck up

auto gentics the plant dies off short span quick bud ..........when the plant is ending the leaves yellow ...starts at the bottom and moves up the bud site leaves are the last to yellow .............check it out for yourself learn something


disttilled water is 98 cents and then gives u a clean jug to use for water from the well ........the sun trick is from distiling for yeast it give the water more air .....since the jugs are not air tight 8% oxygen can pass a day ........look it up numb nutz

try it with a milk jug and see ..............the little bubbles are air and they stop once it can not hold anymore .............and with a milk jug how does the water smell............u want to feed that to the plants


Well-Known Member
If you can see amber trics at all chop it, it looks from the picture that theres no white pistol at all. Is that the case? If your wondering. Quick dry a tiny bud. If it tastes like hay it still needs a while. If it tastes like chronic....chop it.


Well-Known Member
auto plants do u grow them if not shut the fuck up

auto gentics the plant dies off short span quick bud ..........when the plant is ending the leaves yellow ...starts at the bottom and moves up the bud site leaves are the light to yellow .............check it out for yourself learn something


disttilled water is 98 cents and then gives u a clean jug to use for water from the well ........the sun trick is from distiling for yeast it give the water more air .....since the jugs are not air tight 8% oxygen can pass a day ........look it up numb nutz
explain why he needs distilled water to flush mr hightimes.


Well-Known Member
Well while you search for "credible" e ammo, your noob is starting to show. Im watchin you bro, your talkin alot of shit round these parts bud.


Shits gettin ugly! Hahaha....I chopped a little bud off and drying it out in my safe, it stays dark and pretty cool...I'm outa smoke so I'm kinda itching for my one auto to be done...


Well-Known Member
disttiled water is 6 ph and 0 ppms 98 cents .......spring water runs u about 1.25 for a gallon plus u gain a free water jug do u flush do u just run it under a sink for 10 mins is that 10 gallons of water for the 5 gallon pot

no u fill up 10 jugs 1 gallon a peice then run that tho the planter and u know u flushed it correctly with the right amount of water ...............and if u do the sun trick and the water has the most air it can the droop on the leaves is over much faster since they did not drowned in water but had highly oxgenatated water sent tho it

i am not almight pot god .........i just learned a few tricks and i am getting tired of ppl calling me names try them if i did not think it was worth it i would have never of tried to help someone else


Well-Known Member
what are growing
photo / auto
rule i was told was when u think u should cut wait 2 weeks then wait 2 more then cut it ............for us new ppl

best way is to see the resin glands 30x microscope........check several buds top cola and lower sites
milk is high thc
clear is to soon
amber is lower thc but higher CBDs and other medical stuff
I love this post....apparently theres a two week rule i wasnt aware of. When you think its done wait two more weeks. He didnt even tell you how many days the plant is supposed to go yet your stickin with your guns on the two week train.........shiiiiiiiiiiit talkerrrrrrr.


Well-Known Member
I love this post....apparently theres a two week rule i wasnt aware of. When you think its done wait two more weeks. He didnt even tell you how many days the plant is supposed to go yet your stickin with your guns on the two week train.........shiiiiiiiiiiit talkerrrrrrr.

that is what a old grower i take value in his words said to me

i passed it on like i said the rule i was told............god knows what rules u were told other then be a ass


Well-Known Member
disttiled water is 6 ph and 0 ppms 98 cents .......spring water runs u about 1.25 for a gallon plus u gain a free water jug do u flush do u just run it under a sink for 10 mins is that 10 gallons of water for the 5 gallon pot

no u fill up 10 jugs 1 gallon a peice then run that tho the planter and u know u flushed it correctly with the right amount of water ...............and if u do the sun trick and the water has the most air it can the droop on the leaves is over much faster since they did not drowned in water but had highly oxgenatated water sent tho it

i am not almight pot god .........i just learned a few tricks and i am getting tired of ppl calling me names try them if i did not think it was worth it i would have never of tried to help someone else
your not helping by giving mis information. I drink my tap water, i bet the op drinks his. The ppm of both of our water is probably around 150 and the ph is probably pretty close to 6. So why in the world should this guy go and get jusgs of distilled water to flush his gas, save money, save time, take your hose and water it, just like i do.


Well-Known Member
your not helping by giving mis information. I drink my tap water, i bet the op drinks his. The ppm of both of our water is probably around 150 and the ph is probably pretty close to 6. So why in the world should this guy go and get jusgs of distilled water to flush his gas, save money, save time, take your hose and water it, just like i do.
look at your posting look at the rep part .............u are just a jack ass that saids what he can to make others look stuip and make yourself fell better

something happend to u to make u this way ...........................i run all this stuff myself it worked for me i passed it on i seen nothing but comments on how stuip ppl are from u

get a life u words have no value u are just anouther dead asshole walking around waiting for the bullet


Well-Known Member
got to ask did your daddy rape u or your sister........did u see mummy wrestling with the neighbor lady


Well-Known Member
To the op. this isnt rocket science. It takes practice and patients and theres alot of peoples opinions to wade through and alot of people waiting to reach into your pocket. Stay lifted and dont listen to every thing you hear. Research every move you make before you do it and youll be fine bro. Plant looks great btw.