600w DWC GHS Kalashnikova and CH9 Greenbud


New Member
general hydro calibration solution is 4.01 and 7.0 so you could say 7.00 which is hundredths.

Hannah has 7.01 solution. So yes it does calibrate to the hundredth decimal place.


Active Member
Flowering Day 28

1100ppm @ 5.8 PH

I am having a hell of a lot of problems with the Kalashnikova strains. The PH is so unstable and hard to manage with 4 buckets and plants this big that its all grower error i am attributing this too.

Once i have a UCDWC system i should be able to manage a hell of a lot better.



Active Member
I don't want to expose this, but i at least people will know i am having problems too. Heres a picture i snapped the second i turned on the light before it got all orange. (This is was snapped just before the picture above.)



Active Member
also the string that is dangling from the light is to measure 8 inches in distance. i cannot raise my light any further without cutting my Yoyo's off and this picture does not show how a lot of the plants are above this marker. Over all the Green bud seems impervious to my newbness

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
I HATE not being able to cool my plants on hot days.....I have no A/C and when the temp hits 100F here in New Mexico all I can do is watch and hope. :wall:
New Mexico.... most places i seen there never had A/C they all ran Swamp coolers. worked niceIMO and use way less electric. tho idk if is a option really as they run on cooled water so might spike up humitity...... need to find out that answer


New Member
Are you running any cal/mag? 1100ppm seems high to me if you are talking about x0.5 ec.

I run mine around 700 total with 100ppm cal/mag and about 15ml protekt. The protekt acts as ph up and has a lot of ph buffer... if you use it you have to put it in your water first before anything else. Cal/mag deficiency (not sure which) was causing my ph to drop, and then I got more deficiencies from ph lockout. You might not be getting enough cal/mag with the lucas formula, my ph drop was hardest when I was using sample bottles I had of GH Flora 3 part.

I would back off to 700ppm (x0.5 conversion) and run a little cal/mag. The protekt is good, but probably won't fix your problem by itself. And of course everything else... root zone temps, bubbles, light proof, bennies/sterlizer, ambient temps, air flow, etc. Any of that shit is not good enough for the plants and they will let you know.


Active Member
Hey Malevolence, i am on a .7 conversion for 1100ppm. No cal-mag, i still have to pick some up and i think i will get some protekt as well. but i have to order this shit online. Problem is i am going through trade school so money is uber tight. once i harvest this stuff, i am sure i will be running 70% through bubble bags for hash. Since good bud is so easy to get up here, i have to bank 850$ for electrical bill/ UCDWC Build to get underway.


New Member
Your ppm sounds good at .7 conversion... Looks like cal/mag problems to me... I've been learning it's pretty important like the big 5 instead of the just the big 3... NPKCalMag. If you're broke you can get calcium from crushed egg shells and mag from epsom salt... not sure how well that would work in DWC and you would need bennies to break it down. That's probably also the root of your ph issues.

I'm probably switching to organic hempy bucket sog... at least for this next flower run since I have 12 plants. A little less yield than DWC maybe, but less work and better taste makes me want to give it a shot. Of course they are being vegged in a DWC cloner thing. For organic nutes I will be starting with Botanicare... can't decide between pure blend pro or their new Kind line which has Cal and N in it's own bottle. This is supposed to make it super easy to adjust your needed calcium, and eliminate the need for bloom boosters since you can simply 'up' the amount of Bloom 0-6-6 without increasing the amount of N. They say it elminates the need to run cal/mag even in coco. It is a hybrid of synthetic and organic... not sure how pure blend pro stacks up in the organic department. Yield should be more than we can smoke with 8-12 hempys and a seperate veg/clone area, and I'm going for flavor. It's probably all in my head and just stoner theory, but I feel the living biological processes present with organics help to create more sophisticated terpens and cannabinoids. Kind of like how drug companies try to just patent extract specific cannabinoids... they aren't getting the full profile and other essential oils. That is similar to how I feel about organic vs synthetic but like I said prob just in my head.

Dyna-Gro Bloom + Pro-Tekt is pushing my 8.0 tap water to 9.1 ph after mixing all my nutes. The whole nute switch thing started when I decided I want to try Silica Blast because it should give me lower ph.

Interested in seeing the DIY undercurrent. Should be badass if you can get the right bulk head that doesn't leak... ultimately I would like to run undercurrent unless I get into this whole vertical growing thing. I forgot why I came back in and added this paragraph... was gonna say something about undercurrent but fuck it. oh... what are you going to use for a res and will you run a chiller? I was going to use a 30 gallon coleman cooler which holds temps really good, but they're $60 after tax in the U.S. I have found 3 layers of reflectix like you have keeps my buckets colder than my 5 gallon cloner cooler.


Active Member
what are you going to use for a res and will you run a chiller? I was going to use a 30 gallon coleman cooler which holds temps really good, but they're $60 after tax in the U.S. I have found 3 layers of reflectix like you have keeps my buckets colder than my 5 gallon cloner cooler.
I have a large deep freeze, i was going to avoid a chiller because they generate heat. so i have four 2L bottles of water frozen, essentially was going to put em in the control bucket every 24 hrs. brb, just blew a breaker. but it leaves my computer on but my 14,000 BTU AC, my Router/modem goes. i usually can watch movies on my PS3/TV with my AC going when its not hot out, when its hot out the resistance in the wire is higher and thus my breaker goes. i would blow a heard of goats for the wiring to be able to handle 30 amps rather than 15. nothing worse than choosing between looking at a wall and being cooled or watching a movie and sweating your tits off. back to the topic, i would just run a 5 gallon res, not that much bigger than the buckets. just enough that i can throw some frozen 2L bottles in there and record PH/PPM.

I had more to say but this power outage and weird sounds coming from outside of my trailer is making me Sketchy


Active Member
Whatever though.

Day 35, 12/12

Have not changed the res yet, 1100-1200PPM @ 5.4-5.6ph

Kalashnikova Bud


Never seen the trichs so far out on the fan leaves before, they dont seem super dense on the buds but my god the trim will be sugared.

also i had to chop both mother plants because of a fucking tard cop.


Active Member
What's up with the cop? And forget anything I said about my ph... my ph pen is way off.

Cop came by one night, i spotted him outside. i poked my head outside the door and asked him whats up. he asked if chris hansen lives here, i said "from dateline NBC?" he said a kid told him he lived here, and then he left. but i started getting sketch so to keep myself from a mandatory minimum if i am caught i chopped two mothers.


Well-Known Member
Is your PPMs rising?

1100PPM is a lot even on the .7 scale. Measure in EC and keep them at like 1.3EC. Youre at like 1.6EC if at 1100ppm

Your plant deficient in nutrients due to PH. Saw K def. in the first page pictures.

If your PH is dropping start at 6.1 and let it go to 5.5. Work with your PH. Once you establish a right feed of the right ratio your PH shouldn't budge.

Your PH is dropping because the plant is taking in more cations than anions. Cations raise PH. Anions lower PH. So find out which cations your plant is not getting enough of and feed them that. Most likely its not the lack of nutrients present, but the PH is not there for them to absorb it.


Active Member
Your Avatar fits with your posts perfectly, lol. Thanks man, i appreciate it. i'll jump up my PH to 6, (been stopping at 5.8 ) i found since they are later in flower now they seem to drop the PH slower. Which means i was most likely too high in the PPM's like you suggested. and yes, over time my PPM's would go from 1000 to 1200/1500 (1500 in early flower) in less than 4 or 5 days. but the PH would also drop so i added straight tap water to the buckets (PH 7.9) and diluted the nutes and brought the PH back up.

But now the plants are so unmanageable and its only going to get worse with time as the buds fill out. I kind of put myself in a mess and am still wondering how to deal with it. Can't stake it since its hydro, and can't tie it up because i have to take the lids off the buckets in the tent, move them to a dry bucket outside of the tent and empty all the water from the buckets in the tent, wash them out. refill them. and put the plants back in. but every time i do so i never get the positioning right, the plants tend to sprawl out and i honestly have to jam everything back into the tent, a few days ago i noticed one of the larger buds was aiming at the floor....

Going to try Mainlining next go around and i will be building a small metal ring/washer that fits between the bucket lid and the 6" netpot with a raised railing around the outside so i can do some LST. etc.