OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Staff member
Yes at the VERY LEAST send him a PM. You're so close to the end of day 1 anyway that personally as a "contestant", I have no problem with it.
he will read this thread, he will see bigworms post pm's not needed , he will explain his thoughts on late contest entries that way everyone will see it, and not have to explain himself over and over again


Well-Known Member
But you must bare with him. He said a few days ago that HE WOULD NOT BE ON AS MUCH the first week or so. he's got a lot of other stuff going on as well but he insured us that he will check in and answer as many questions as possible.


Well-Known Member
I also want everyone to know. the start of the tourney is on 7/29/13. if you germed a few days before or after. dont worry about it, not a big deal. yall can start posting pics anytime after the 29th....I wont be around much for the next week as i am just about to get into my 4 day 12 hr per day swing shift..but the contest WILL start on the 29th...reardless of how dont think i left i am just busy and will get back to yall asap. i will germ MY entry on the 28th prob. or when i get time. thanks guys and goodluck to everyone again! the surprise gifts for the winners will be announced in the next month!
Here is where he said it. :)


Well-Known Member
he will read this thread, he will see bigworms post pm's not needed , he will explain his thoughts on late contest entries that way everyone will see it, and not have to explain himself over and over again
I was just saying PM because he says in the other sticky to PM him with any questions regarding entry

if you have any questions PM me personally and i will handle it

*thank sunni for coming up with this idea. otherwise you assholes would be reading thrugh 20 page thread for rules


Staff member
I was just saying PM because he says in the other sticky to PM him with any questions regarding entry

if you have any questions PM me personally and i will handle it

*thank sunni for coming up with this idea. otherwise you assholes would be reading thrugh 20 page thread for rules
yup i know what i said but this question will probably be asked a dozen times over, so once he comes online the first thign he will do is read this thread and answer the question outloud so that he doesnt have to answer it a thousand times over.

the only reason i say this is because the question will be asked over and over and over again over the next week. :D


Well-Known Member

  • *thank sunni for coming up with this idea. otherwise you assholes would be reading thrugh 20 page thread for rules

    Really dude, you think thats funny?
    Just cause im not posting does not mean im not checking the thread!



what up fellas, sorry bout the down time i have been at my job alot latley, have to go back in in just a few hours but im going to try to get to some questions now,ill go back and read the last few pages and see waht people asked and will get to it accordingly...

I will also be PMing all of the contestants in the next week or so just to make sure everyone who said they are entering is actually in..its OK if u got started a few days early or late, i dont care. if there are any questions and im not around i think SOMEBEECH and sunni can take care of alot of them to but lets see what i can get to


Hey bro you would mind telling me a fox far feeding chart for auto flowering having a hard time figuring it out what should the ppms b week by week
i think bakatare answered your question well. start slow and slowly increase nutrients from there until they are good to go. try to stay under 1000PPM, also if your using a solo cup or a small pot they need to be watered and fed consistently as the roots are so small they will drain and suck up water and nutrients quite fast. good luck and welcome to the contest if your in friend!.

But I'm doing autos I just one third everything right ?
i dont think it matters whether or not you do half strength, IMO autos are just as good and just as strong as photoperiod (regular plants) so if you have successful grows with others then do exactly what you did before you will be fine

If it was me, I would just jump to week 5 whenever it starts to flower, but then again, I like to continue my veg nutes even after the flip until the stretch stops, so for an auto, maybe wait until a week after it starts to flower to move your schedule to week 5.
I believe that schedule is trying to tell you, or assuming there is a 4 week veg included, but you have to adjust accordingly.

^listen to this, its your best bet for a feeding schedule.
If its not to late i would like to enter a blue cheese, im planting it in the cup right now

hi big worm, its not to late at all, your just in time actually, just make sure whatever the plant is its an autoflower as we dont wanna be taking months and months to finish this sucker, we already got a late start however, everyone WILL get to finish i promise, no one will be left out, we are community we go in to this as one and no one is really finished until EVERYONE is finished, this is for fun not to measure our peepee's :)
im sure we can do some late entries
^^^listen to this pretty lady, she can help you with everything AND more than i can, please try to keep PM's to me only as she cant be bothered with dumb shit, but like she said, if you just post it here I WILL get to it, i promise, just takes me a little time sometimes.

yup i know what i said but this question will probably be asked a dozen times over, so once he comes online the first thign he will do is read this thread and answer the question outloud so that he doesnt have to answer it a thousand times over.

the only reason i say this is because the question will be asked over and over and over again over the next week. :D
if i had a nickel for every question asked twice i would be able to retire right now in costa rica! :)

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
cool well since i see everybody doing blue cheese im going to do cream caramel, thanks, oh yeah i got the doller store brand they dont say solo but there 16oz that should be fine, i hope
I decided to use bluecheese cause it was a freebie from the tude. I won't spend a cent on autos. But might start getting em from Dinafem. Every freebie auto I got from them has been good. Not hemp like. At the rate this BCA is going I wouldn't be surprised if I get more down the road later on.


i am in but i have never done an auto so i will figure something out.

finally something i can do with an auto freebie.
glad to hear it smoke, welcome to the contest and best of luck to you! if ou have done photos its the same thing as autos, just different light schedule, not much of a diff tho really.

Ok so I read post one, and the first page, and I'm down to start an auto in a solo cup. I didn't sit and read the last 30 pages, do I really need to? I read the what now, germ a seed on the 29th, or can I start the seedling now so its above ground?
you dont have to read all 30 pages friend, just the sticky on the rules and guidelines and if u have any questions feel free to get ahold of me one of the many ways possible and good luck!
i am in, little late but its good
hi phil, we are glad you can join in welcome to rollitup and good luck
no auto seeds.. but im gonna watch this thread closely :D
thats a bummer :( maybe next time?
Heck yea! Got my cup, got my dirt, got my seeds, even got nutes for later. I'm ready to go!
hey grow welcome, i think i already said hi to you but ill say it again! good luck :)
Iowa is suppose to have the best soil in the US, right in our backyards. Maybe I need to start using it!
yea i hear ya man im sick of using the bullshit u get from stores and shit, its just to damn expensive then i go out digging in the woods and i find FREE SHIT better than what ipaid for, retarded lol
Turns out if its not too late I'm in. I was just gifted 5 "ogre" autos by Joint Dr. I'll start em today, outdoors. Says 11weeks.
hey quetz. your never to late brother, welcome and good luck, get them sprouted before its to late outside brother! you still got plenty of time tho, 2 weeks AT LEAST!
i got a Blue Cheese freebie that i have in the germination stage, so looks like ill be in on this. Outdoors
hi jbrown welcome to the contest, good luck and please read the rules and guidelines when you get some time, thanks.
Count me in starting today will update with more later, im excited for this competition :-)
hi rich, welcome to ROLLITUP and welcome to the contest, best of luck to you, read the rules for me, its the stick at the top of the autoflower sub forum page, its says ''AUTOFLOWER RULES'' blah blah something like that, when you get a chance look it over for me friend, thanks and good luck!

OKIE DOKIE. i think i got them all, if i missed anyone i sincereley apologize i did not do it on purpose, please message me privatley if i didnt get you here and i will be happy to help you, again im not tryign to leave anyone out its just hard to go back thru and make sure im getting EVERY question, i really am trying to. GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! :)

:peace: :peace:


Well-Known Member
My question was SO far back you haven't been able to read it. so I'll ask again. What was the time you were allowing for "veg" I have REG seeds and popped 3 so I can make sure the one picked isn't male. Hard to win a contest while showing people your balls! :)


Active Member
read the rules and ready to rock, blue chesse will be planted first thing in the morning, it popped its tap 18 hours after being in the paper towel everyone better watch out haha jk


My question was SO far back you haven't been able to read it. so I'll ask again. What was the time you were allowing for "veg" I have REG seeds and popped 3 so I can make sure the one picked isn't male. Hard to win a contest while showing people your balls! :)
hey stew sorry about that, we arent really doing much with 'veg' time becuase it is an auto, originally we were going to keep a restriction on light schedule but i have decided that members may use WHATEVER light scheudle they want the entire way thru, so if someone wants to run 20-4 the whole time thats fine with me, we are basically trying for 3 weeks 'vegging' and then from there the autos should kick in and start flowering whether anyone wants them to or not, hence why they are called autoflowers lol, but yea run any schedule u want, dont worry about time, toward the end of the contest i will set a final date that i want it all wrapped up by or at least a time frame for people to shoot for, we dont want it running longer than 2 and a half or 3 months MAX. hope this helps


Well-Known Member
I was just making sure thank you. didn't want it to come time and be like "I DONT KNOW WHICH ONE TO PICK" lol should have sprouts by tomorrow :)

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
so out of a selection of 14 autos i chose BuddhaSeeds white dwarf and red dwarf auto fems. will start 2 and make a choice as they progress and start the soaking sometime today.

i chose the dwarf plants due to the small cups. this is going to kill me or the plant because those pesky roots like some room.

along with small cups that may need a watering 2 to 3 times a day. "i ain't got time for that"

i am already stressing that i have a few plants in 1 gal. container for too long already and i am not going to transplant. these are for a seed run and dont want them huge.
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