OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Well-Known Member
thanks for the suggestion baka...i am just tired of spending 200 dollars on a ton of soil every year when the shit is all around me, sooner or later im going to just make my own soil by mixing tons of good stuff in with regular soil but right now i dont have the loot to buy the things i need. it gets expensive
we have something locally called heavy black loam
if you were to go about 10 yards from the creek you speak of in a low spot that only fills up in a flood and dig a foot down you could probably find some
im a carpenter/operator for a concrete aggregate company
ive seen all kinds of dirt :)

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
speaking of soil and dirt, i have recently decided to refuse to buy soil since there is so much everywehre on the ground lol, im trying to find a place with the best soil, so far ive found if its under a tree near a stream or water the soil is a little better than other places, who esle has some good ideas where i can find nice dark fluffy soil. like i said under trees and on hills where water drains ive found to be the best, any other opinions on this?

edit, yes the contest DOES start today!!! good luck all
The rich black soil on the bed of a lake, or river that's dried up a bit. You could also try composting if its feasible. I like composting cause it brings the worms in. Add a lil lime and Yer good. Oh and if Yer close to the ocean you can get seaweed and kelp free. Rinse it real good and dry it out.


Well-Known Member
Hey bro you would mind telling me a fox far feeding chart for auto flowering having a hard time figuring it out what should the ppms b week by week

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
I just use dyna grow all the way thru. I will say during the flowering period autos tend to feed a lil heavy on nitrogen. So if ya see yellowing of the leafs give her a touch of some N.


Well-Known Member
But I'm doing autos I just one third everything right ?
If it was me, I would just jump to week 5 whenever it starts to flower, but then again, I like to continue my veg nutes even after the flip until the stretch stops, so for an auto, maybe wait until a week after it starts to flower to move your schedule to week 5.
I believe that schedule is trying to tell you, or assuming there is a 4 week veg included, but you have to adjust accordingly.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Yeah. no Rice Krispies......Snap Crackle Pop weed(OVER FERT) :)
Fuckin hate when bud does that shit. Bought some homegrown from a unknown source. Never again that shit popped out towards my eye.:shock:. I was yelling "please make the pain go away oh Lord I won't sin again!" Hot ember going toward the eye sucks.


Well-Known Member
ALL 3 Tap roots have sunken into their plugs. :) Ak- We have HOW MANY days before we are required to choose 1 for indoor and/or outdoor??? I'm popping 3 in hopes of 2 being female. I'm gonna put one out on the roof and see what happens. I got this little flat roof out my kitchen window that gets sun 95% on the time that it's in the sky. and none of my neighbors can see the top of it. :) Can I use my household AC drain for a drip system?? HAHAHAHA I WOULDN'T but it's available if possible :)


Well-Known Member
cool well since i see everybody doing blue cheese im going to do cream caramel, thanks, oh yeah i got the doller store brand they dont say solo but there 16oz that should be fine, i hope
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