The UK Growers Thread!

Canna fault ya I'm.just xhilin with a zoot now;) my clones are ready for repotting already the b dream that is I just hope its a good cut ibselextedbthe one that looked most sativa and went withbthatbas the mother let's hope she a Gooden;)
Canna fault ya I'm.just xhilin with a zoot now;) my clones are ready for repotting already the b dream that is I just hope its a good cut ibselextedbthe one that looked most sativa and went withbthatbas the mother let's hope she a Gooden;)

aye im sure they will all turn out gd i just put mine straight into 10ltr pots save all the hassle of repotting later
this is his outdoor




fuk me vice ....this is why I don't stray too far from the uk thread....these people are fukin numptys
the newest slim bizzle, 250gb, but ima put my 500gb hd in my ps3 and put the 320 i got outa me ps3 into me xbox,
getting it dual nanded too,, long story,

just got no games, just won halo 3 odst for a qwid on ebay so lol, my collection has begun, for the xox im just buying xbox xlusinves, wen i get started , the wife gets pssed with me spending 50 qwid per game so cant be doing it for both consoles, give it a few months itw ill be dual nand end off, harvest tim coincides with ps4 release so u know what m y first purchase will be..

and shizzle fuk your outdoor plant has shot up
Hmmmmm I don't know whether to go with the new ps or not????? And cheers mate they have aint they must be the homemade compost and wilkos nutes????

And do u want anymore????