The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Looks like big lads in forms seshnfridsy.Lol.her some nylon gloves I've never done it making sure inhet em this time lol

Yeh I've got I've typing for me Pmsl fucked .com


Well-Known Member
mind u i cut that nug last week i love it saying i dont smoke ive been toking it every fukin nite...the nice sweet fruity taist.....


Well-Known Member
Yeh chop her Friday fam a lam have u got nylon gloves??? I've never used em before defo using em this time Lol ... that's what that last post was suppose. To say lol


Well-Known Member
I like the has that's all goooey and just breaks up and sticks crack together again god d kill for some of thaybshit right now only had ur one when in was bout 18 hot it off sum.Pakis lol


Well-Known Member
Its quite a good yielder should get 4oz+
now thats just not possible remember,
and yeh yorkie i make loads of sence with my nice big op doing sexy n shit, obvously i know absolutely noffink. infact i may try sum tri, oh wait that dont work:? $&$&^&££

and whoever said it fuk 6 litre airpots, buy the 10L ones and be done with it, ya can always cut em down.

and imc pull wen yer ready mate, if need be just chop the top and leave the reast while the tops dry,, simples


Well-Known Member
I'm just wondering how many I can squeeze in the tent in think 6 ltrs will be perf but if I can get 10lyr ones I'll do that Yeh. Was gonna get square pots but been converted to air pots lmao still gotta get sum tights for em tjo