Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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Well-Known Member
No, them meeting every year proves that it's a real event and not something made up...
So am I understanding that you believe that a conspiracy is something made up? Are you shooting down your whole arguments base?


Well-Known Member
How am I a conspiracy theorist? Because I question everything and if I see bullshit, I call it out? Why would you not question everything regardless of who tells you?
May I ask what is your occupation? What is your schooling and background?


New Member
For fuck sake the bottom line is questioning the powers that be is not crazy ... If you believe that then they already got you by the brain or where it used to be. Whatever happened to the American idea of dying for freedom of speech even if you disagree with whats being said. You know real freedom and unity ?!


Well-Known Member
So am I understanding that you believe that a conspiracy is something made up? Are you shooting down your whole arguments base?
When people call you a conspiracy theorist, they're essentially calling you a paranoid freak who has no evidence back up their claims, but that's just usually a cop out for those who are too close-minded or can't think of anything else to say. It's called a conspiracy theory for a reason, theories must have evidence.


Well-Known Member
When people call you a conspiracy theorist, they're essentially calling you a paranoid freak who has no evidence back up their claims, but that's just usually a cop out for those who are too close-minded or can't think of anything else to say. It's called a conspiracy theory for a reason, theories must have evidence.
You have not supplied one iota of evidence!


New Member
Holy shit the negative warning i got was for offending buck about getting his plants ripped lol! What a biased circle jerk we have here. It says for being offensive... So when people post fuck you whitey to me i bet they dont get that shit. What a fucking liberal run piece of shit we have here i should have known when people are defending fucking corporations on a fake ass weed board more than freedom of speech. Fuck this place and its sponsors. Are all v bulletin boards fucking liberal hidden agenda propoganda machines .... Shouldnt have political threads if your gonna be inconsistant as fuck with rules. Stupid liberal nazis. I would have to sign back in to this pile of shit to find out or care if i got banned fuck this places sponsors in the butt till it bleeds


Well-Known Member
Holy shit the negative warning i got was for offending buck about getting his plants ripped lol! What a biased circle jerk we have here. It says for being offensive... So when people post fuck you whitey to me i bet they dont get that shit. What a fucking liberal run piece of shit we have here i should have known when people are defending fucking corporqtions on a weed board more than freedom of speech. Fuck this place and its sponsors


Well-Known Member
Holy shit the negative warning i got was for offending buck about getting his plants ripped lol! What a biased circle jerk we have here. It says for being offensive... So when people post fuck you whitey to me i bet they dont get that shit. What a fucking liberal run piece of shit we have here i should have known when people are defending fucking corporations on a fake ass weed board more than freedom of speech. Fuck this place and its sponsors.
Dude, you were talking about hoping the guys entire family gets mutilated. This is not romper stomper, you can take your jack boots and go back to the front.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
You seem to be putting a negative connotation on what a conspiracy theorist is. You have repeatedly stated a number of different conspiracy theories in this thread, one of them being "big pharma".

Regardless of the truthfulness of either side of the story, the big pharma conspiracy theory is a conspiracy theory by definition. If "big pharma" is in fact doing all the things you claim then it is a conspiracy theory. If they are not, then the belief that they are is a conspiracy theory. The theory and conspiracy exist independent of reality.


Well-Known Member
You have not supplied one iota of evidence!
Over and over I have asked the same of those in agreement with you. My questions are circumvented, ignored, or lazily addressed. There is a pattern of hypocrisy, self-righteousness, and dismissal. I am doing my best to see a point, some integrity and function to swallow it whole.....I simply cant. Nobody should. That might be easier.....fact is you are being lied to, manipulated, and exploited whether you like it or not.....it is a mathematical certainty. Its' my turn for evidence.


Well-Known Member
The problem with 'evidence' is those who refuse to see what is staring them in the face will deny the validity of any evidence, but in hopes of flipping a few

This is long, so that alone will stop most from listening, but IMHO it is one of the most important videos you can watch/listen to


guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Over and over I have asked the same of those in agreement with you. My questions are circumvented, ignored, or lazily addressed. There is a pattern of hypocrisy, self-righteousness, and dismissal. I am doing my best to see a point, some integrity and function to swallow it whole.....I simply cant. Nobody should. That might be easier.....fact is you are being lied to, manipulated, and exploited whether you like it or not.....it is a mathematical certainty. Its' my turn for evidence.
When did you even join this thread? Plenty of evidence against the specific concerns of conspiracy theorists have been posted in this thread.

The whole thread is a pointless exercise in futility. Those who are convinced by facts and evidence and have critical thinking skills don't subscribe to the conspiracy theories.


New Member
What would be cool is the option to delete my account without burning my ip . But im sure the mods will solve that issue for me soon. Maybe they will call the police on me too if im lucky for being a dick.


Well-Known Member
When did you even join this thread? Plenty of evidence against the specific concerns of conspiracy theorists have been posted in this thread.

The whole thread is a pointless exercise in futility. Those who are convinced by facts and evidence and have critical thinking skills don't subscribe to the conspiracy theories.
I agree in the futility of this. It is interesting to explore psychology that I do not relate to....I enjoy it. You again cannot make "the conspiracy theories" flawed if you have not named what they even comprise. There is nothing to prove on my end.


Well-Known Member
What would be cool is the option to delete my account without burning my ip . But im sure the mods will solve that issue for me soon. Maybe they will call the police on me too if im lucky for being a dick.
Wow you whine like a little girl.
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