Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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It's amazing that when mike adams does it it is for the greater good, and lining his pockets is purely coincidental.

But when anyone else does it they are evil and trying to kill everyone and only concerned with profit.

It's real coincidental he has all the answers in a convenient ready to purchase form.

He promotes natural remedies that have been proven to work, and he doesn't even sell half of the stuff that is promoted on that website. He doesn't try and patent nature like big pharma does, making it illegal to get nutrients from a specific plant-based product from anyone else. Besides, you think he's the only one who sells natural remedies? Many companies do because anyone who knows anything about health knows that nature has all the answers.
How is that even a reasonable response? All I said is I don't understand how letting a GMO fish loose in the wild, and the fish becoming an invasive species means GMO is inherently bad. I'm not saying it is a good thing, but isn't the real issue releasing non-native species into the wild and not GMO?

The purpose of GM salmon is because they grow much faster, thus resulting in more profit. The problem is they have the ability to breed with real salmon, so eventually they will be indistinguishable. Many are also raised on fish farms where tons of chemicals and antibiotics are used. Sounds tasty, huh?
How am I a conspiracy theorist? Because I question everything and if I see bullshit, I call it out? Why would you not question everything regardless of who tells you?

How is that even a reasonable response? All I said is I don't understand how letting a GMO fish loose in the wild, and the fish becoming an invasive species means GMO is inherently bad. I'm not saying it is a good thing, but isn't the real issue releasing non-native species into the wild and not GMO?

Evolution created genetics that took millions of years to become the organism that they have become. It seems obtuse and arrogant to not give that due respect. Humility means to use caution, to proceed without pride. Generations of testing, long term observations, and utmost value placed upon safety need to occur. I say this is a risk, patience and pragmatism are wise choices.
guy incognito has some hidden agenda against naturalnews, who cares, let him think what he wants to think. Like I said, if you want to eat GM crops/fish and take pharmaceuticals, go right ahead.
The purpose of GM salmon is because they grow much faster, thus resulting in more profit.

So? Do you try to grow your cannabis plants faster and larger? Why is that inherently bad?

The problem is they have the ability to breed with real salmon, so eventually they will be indistinguishable.

So? You still haven't addressed why GMO is inherently bad. You are starting with the premise GMO is bad, and anything bad that could potentially happen because of that is also bad. If they are indistinguishable then who cares?

Many are also raised on fish farms where tons of chemicals and antibiotics are used. Sounds tasty, huh?

I didn't see that point in the original article at all. Furthermore how is this specific to GMO fish? You seem to have a problem with farm fishing in general which is an entirely different argument.
guy incognito has some hidden agenda against naturalnews, who cares, let him think what he wants to think. Like I said, if you want to eat GM crops/fish and take pharmaceuticals, go right ahead.

It's not hidden at all. I hate pseudoscience and bullshit and I will call it out every chance I get. naturalnews is a cesspool of ignorance and misinformation. I have a list of other sites that are known to propagate bullshit and I hate them all.
Evolution created genetics that took millions of years to become the organism that they have become. It seems obtuse and arrogant to not give that due respect. Humility means to use caution, to proceed without pride. Generations of testing, long term observations, and utmost value placed upon safety need to occur. I say this is a risk, patience and pragmatism are wise choices.

Humans have fucked with genetics and evolution long before the relatively recent advent of GMO. Why is it ok to selectively breed corn, soy, cannabis, carrots, [insert every plant and animal humans cultivate] for thousands of generations? Because that is natural?
Because assholes like you flock to them in spite of them being fact checked. Your argument would be a hell of a lot stronger if you had provided the source I asked for.

Ahh, hostility...the last refuge of a fool. You should be ashamed of the person you have become. Just lazy and closed off is no way to live. Do your own homework or wait to have facts find you I couldn't care less. You are simple mind and incapable of making a case at all. You have not answered any questions....I am sorry but you lose this time.
Ahh, hostility...the last refuge of a fool. You should be ashamed of the person you have become. Just lazy and closed off is no way to live. Do your own homework or wait to have facts find you I couldn't care less. You are simple mind and incapable of making a case at all. You have not answered any questions....I am sorry but you lose this time.

Ironic that you aren't providing the study I requested either. You must be in little pharmas pocket just like jtprin
Humans have fucked with genetics and evolution long before the relatively recent advent of GMO. Why is it ok to selectively breed corn, soy, cannabis, carrots, [insert every plant and animal humans cultivate] for thousands of generations? Because that is natural?

Hybridization and genetically modifying are two different things. http://www.thegrocer.co.uk/topics/t...maize-in-shocking-cancer-study/232603.article http://www.greenmedinfo.com/blog/new-study-links-gmo-food-leukemia (PDF inside)

What is inherently bad about GM foods?

For example, taking the frost resistant gene from a plant we eat and putting it into another plant that lacks the ability to resist frost in order to increase the grow season ultimately leading to more food, why would that be bad?
What is inherently bad about GM foods?

For example, taking the frost resistant gene from a plant we eat and putting it into another plant that lacks the ability to resist frost in order to increase the grow season ultimately leading to more food, why would that be bad?

If someone could do that and provide substantial evidence that it will not harm the environment or anything that consumes it in any way, shape, or form, then sure. That's not the case, however. The point of GM foods is so that you can heavily coat them with pesticides like glyphosate and have it not die. The problem is it also because apart of the crop, with no way to wash it off. So you are literally eating pesticides when you consume GM foods. In fact, glyphosate is so deadly that you need to wear a full body suit and protective eye wear while spraying, yet they say it's okay to eat.
If someone could do that and provide substantial evidence that it will not harm the environment or anything that consumes it in any way, shape, or form, then sure. That's not the case, however. The point of GM foods is so that you can heavily coat them with pesticides like glyphosate and have it not die. The problem is it also because apart of the crop, with no way to wash it off. So you are literally eating pesticides when you consume GM foods. In fact, glyphosate is so deadly that you need to wear a full body suit and protective eye wear while spraying, yet they say it's okay to eat.

What makes you think the regulations in place would knowingly allow essentially poisonous food to make it to supermarkets?
What makes you think the regulations in place would knowingly allow essentially poisonous food to make it to supermarkets?

I don't know... maybe the fact that a lot of Monsanto executives also have positions with the U.S. government? Why is aspartame and high fructose corn syrup allowed in foods? They also just raised the amount of glyphosate allowed to be used and it's thousands of times more than the amount that causes cancer. Here's another study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23756170
If someone could do that and provide substantial evidence that it will not harm the environment or anything that consumes it in any way, shape, or form, then sure. That's not the case, however. The point of GM foods is so that you can heavily coat them with pesticides like glyphosate and have it not die. The problem is it also because apart of the crop, with no way to wash it off. So you are literally eating pesticides when you consume GM foods. In fact, glyphosate is so deadly that you need to wear a full body suit and protective eye wear while spraying, yet they say it's okay to eat.

I love the wait and see approach.....I suppose poisons help weed out the non beleivers.
I'm not gonna pretend to know, but I've heard it suggested that fluoride calcifies over your pineal gland (minds eye). A conspiracy theorisist (spelled wrong on purpose, spelling Nazi's) might be led to believe that the gub'ment is trying to rob us of our creativity...
Mike, I meditate almost daily. I drink about two gallons of green tea a week. Green tea is high in flouride. I still meditate just fine.
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