I have two of these going but theyre only 3-4 nodes tall. They look just like yours but miniaturized lol every grow I've seen online looks about the same, they seem very uniform when vegging. Not sure about flowering though. Good luck with these!
I was a bit worried at 3 nodes... They are kinda mini then aren't they?! FAT shape to the leaves but it's like they're shy to take up the room around them. Leaves on insanely short stalks, really don't stick out much! At 5 nodes their growth pattern got me excited as all hell, though. So neat and contained yet by then they look POWERFUL. SUPER strong stalks, if you're planning on LST then you can't wait much longer!!! Starting to look like the SoG man's dream by that point.
INCREDIBLE uniformity indeed, almost looks like a batch of clones. I got ONE pheno that was clearly different from the start: Looks like a classic OG Kush, longer leaves more elegantly shaped and a more leggy growth pattern, also faster on the branching side of things. I have this feeling that she will be the real frost-monster... And yield like a heartbreaker, it's always like that innit?!
Anyhow, she's sure not shy to stretch at the moment. Seems like flowering unleashes everything that was hiding under the surface. She might be stretching but fan leaves are now going HUGE too.
Every leaf on every mom is now twinkling with little trichs powdered all over the fans, especially in the 'palms'. I want a boy of it. I NEED a boy. Germed the last beans because I know I lucked out on popping the first 7, so I bet I'll have a choice of good boys coming out the second lot.
Funny thing... They're not digging the colder weather all that much. Seems like they want to be all cosy and warm, fastest growth rate so far was at 25 C (77F), right now I am struggling keeping the temps above 22 C (71F). I over-catered on my vents lol... Kicking 2 600w HPS lamps, GULLWINGS not cool tubes, and a 400MH, ballasts all inside the room I had to bring hem back to keep warm!
That's my big thing, I over-cater. LOL.