I wasn't trying to stir anything up, just trying to make a few people laugh.I love most people on this planet I am not sure why this continues.
I have a few thousand friends that live in MI I just don't visit the east coast very often due to a VERY BAD experience.
You won't catch me in Georgia Either my home state where my kid lives, or Florida where my roots grow deep.
I found my place out west and it suits me to stay here as much as I can.
If you want to continue to batter like I have something against anyone knock yourself out but the honest truth is I don't like cops and they don't like me and cops on the East coast are one of a kind.
Took me 42 Years to escapeI wasn't trying to stir anything up, just trying to make a few people laugh.
I happen to like Detroit too, some of my favorite rappers are from there
East Coast isn't the greatest, I won't go near Kentucky because I was in prison there.
Cops here are one of a kind, either have a GI haircut, carry a gun and bible or be damned.
I feel Cali calling me too, one day I'll rest my head there for good. Peace.
Pigs will always use scare tactics, that's just how they operate.and to boot it all had to do with not wearing my seatbelt, i wasnt even driving or nothing, the cop act like he found a pound, oh yeah check this shit out when we got to the jail the cop was tring to get me to snitch, telling me i was going to get atleast 6 months and all there bullshit, that my name would be in the paper blah blah blah, fucking cops ant got nothing better to do exept fucking with hardworking people
You will probably get 15 weekends in the county jail...it's like summer camp bro don't sweat it...Im on the east coast and yes the cops r dicks, just caught my first weed charge in my life like a year ago 1.3grams, and they wantted to give me 30 days, so i went and paid 600dollars for a lawer and still wantted to give me 30 days in jail, i told the judge straight up that i have no problem doing 30 days but i run my own company and must be there every day and i would fall so far behind on bills because im the bread winner, my whole family would suffer and they gave me a 600 dollar fine and a year unsuppervised probation all for 1.3grams of weed, talk about bullshit so from now on i dont smoke or carry weed in my car
LI believe that any compound that cannot be found in such high concentration in nature is risky. Personally I don't use Azamax for this very same reason. I know most nerd using spinosad are still very conscious of the quality of their end product and using it is still quite a step above chemicals, but for those of you growing for personal consumption or for people with lowered immune system, your best bet is using beneficial... bugs for the bugs.
As stated above a few posts up, I use ladybugs with nematodes (Steinernema feltiae nematodes)
spinosad: (wiki)
However, most tests ignore the cytotoxic(toxicity within the cell) aspects. One study,"Cytogenetic and Hormonal Alteration in Rats Exposed to Recommended “Safe Doses” of Spinosad and Malathion Insecticides", by S.A. MANSOUR1, A.H. MOSSA AND T.M. HEIKAL, found significant markers for long term mutagenic effects in mammals.[SUP][13]
Im going to grab some nematodes on Monday, there's a place 20 or so miles away that breed all these insects and shit.
one question I have, I'm presuming there gonna come in some form of powder or something (could be completely wrong) and site says to keep in the fridge.
as Im in pots and only have 4 flowering plants at once, will the stuff last a while as its not the cheapest thing for a one off use. I have absolutely no idea what it looks like or whatever till I go chat, but don't wanna chat to much to them as weed ain't legal here.
im presuming it'll be something I mixup with water and drench soil with, then Leave em a few weeks so sort themselves out, similiar to myco.
Any advice appreciated bro!