no increased yield using seimen, help


Well-Known Member
somethin like that...

never grown any autos. Got this strain from my man and he says it could win something, so that's good enough for me ;)


Well-Known Member
from texas originally
hate states with a 0 plant limit
ill be keeping a eye on the auto
very interested ive been playing with crosses for a little while


Well-Known Member
yeah zero sucks but...what can ya do....all my people are here...
BUT my son recently moved to Tampa and I hear things are getting close or better down there? correct me if I am wrong pls...
I have people just moved from Texas back home LOL
I could never live there simply because of the heat...bad enough where I'm at.


Well-Known Member
THIS story cannot end so abruptly... Please do proceed :)
it was a club...k?

um...hooked up, it was good, but I realized that I like my tube steak just fine....
happened one other time but that was an old friend who I never really hang out with much anymore for obvious reasons LMFAO


Well-Known Member
in texas you can get caught with up to a 1/4 lb in the county you reside and can get a ticket and walk away
cops discretion
and fl is real close from what im hearing more and more


Well-Known Member
hell yeah man...I had NO idea! So you've heard the same thing...awesome....
my boy, he just got offered a killer job there in Tampa so we will be hooking up soon to see his place and the beach......oh yes....peach loves the beach....

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I was going to crack some joke about being a forest ranger or some shit, then I remembered the strangest thing: The theme song from this dubass show with Chuck Norris, Walker Texas Ranger.

There is something VERY suspect about that song. The lines "when you're in Texas look behind you, 'cuz that's where the ranger's gonna be'

Because of that bit I renamed the show Stalker, Rectum Ranger.

Just thought I'd share that little gem.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
you must be in africa cause you're two minutes ahead of me and I saw my post before yours LMAO
OH that, damn I got caught again. I tend to bend the space-time continuum by accident. Some kind of temporal anomaly caused by me levels of AWSEOME.

LOL, African Time works the other way around. If somebody says 'soon' you'd think an hour, a day perhaps. Here it can mean anything up to 2 years.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Hamish you had good luck with tireseas mist right ? Thinkung of getting it.
Personally never tried it, to be very honest. I don't like fems much mate, them and autoflowers. They're a bit weird to me, kinda like the bearded ladies of the cannabis world. All my breeding is done oldschool, males and females. Something a bit wrong about chicks with tube steaks. But that's just me bro.

However, the one guy that has been using it that I know about has gotten STELLAR results with it, all the male flowers he could possibly need on the girl he chose. Looks like it does the job VERY well.


New Member
I get yah . I only wanted it for the cut only stuff thats around me, but maybe ill wait untill i have a good male and some good cuts going at the same time if ever...