Which 600w HPS Bulb?


Well-Known Member
I need a bulb for a 600W HPS, but there are so many choices, Im not sure what to pick. The light setup is used, so I have no idea what brand or how many hours are on it.


Well-Known Member
Here are 2 test done by growerhouse.

The first test all the different digital ballast using a hortilux super hps in a standard hood. The second shows all the different bulbs in the same digital ballast and OG hood.
They basically show that the best combination is solis tek with a hortilux super hps bulb is the best.




Well-Known Member
Monster gardens has a brand called genesis and they are from the same factory as digilux. Supposed to be the same bulb. But $30. I run them...no complaints.


Well-Known Member
You are more than welcome. I am a lighting nerd for sure.
I am in an area that has a lot of growing and technical knowledge, so I get to see and use a tons of things not all the county has access to easily. Plus once I got in to LED's it made me have to understand every aspect of all lighting sources and plant growth/responses.

The digital ballast are more efficient at converting power to light. In the ballast test I posted there is only one magnetic ballast(old school heavy), and it shows that it puts out less light than even the bottom end digitals. But bulbs still make a differrnce using magnetic ballast too.
Some will even argue that a digital 600w is as good as a magnetic 1000w. I personally wouldn't agree but it is probably close.


Well-Known Member
Both 400W and 600W electronic ballasts are only 2.3% ‘lumens per watt’ more efficient than their equivalent magnetic version. For example, a 600W Electronic ballast consumes 645W to deliver the same amount of lumens as a magnetic ballast which consumes 660W.


Well-Known Member
Both 400W and 600W electronic ballasts are only 2.3% ‘lumens per watt’ more efficient than their equivalent magnetic version. For example, a 600W Electronic ballast consumes 645W to deliver the same amount of lumens as a magnetic ballast which consumes 660W.
Is that actually tested with a meter or just theory?
The 1000w digitals are about 30%-39% more efficient in actual light...PAR umols, than 1000w mags.