Vegas micro mini grow w limited space....


Well-Known Member
I think id grow a bttr structure than that...u watch mr.spliff?...if I had a real room w real lights id stick w the same concept I use now but on a larger scale...bushes...w max lighting and trained for stoutness....idk tho this is just what I visualize...ima get an hid set up soon enuf n find out.
you got it right... im not saying your doing it wrong........the way you grow is perfect for indoor, short plants all tops these guys that do xmas tree grows are fukn stupid......just saying youre lucky they wont get heavy enough to fall over..........i dunno who mr.spliff is but i will check into it........glad youre back vega it would have took me a week to find you


Well-Known Member
you got it right... im not saying your doing it wrong........the way you grow is perfect for indoor, short plants all tops these guys that do xmas tree grows are fukn stupid......just saying youre lucky they wont get heavy enough to fall over..........i dunno who mr.spliff is but i will check into it........glad youre back vega it would have took me a week to find you
thanks woody......


Well-Known Member
vega.... im not a member of that cult .....if i wanted to watch infomercials i would watch the work out ones in the morning...... never made it past the first page of google


Well-Known Member
Ok...I was postin pics yesterday n n there not just on this I flip bk to this thread n woody had posted.."that sucks...maybe next time" like wtf is he tlkn I respond..."what are u tlkn abt woody"....I go to navigate to another screen n im like..:cuss:that fkn woody:cuss:....he knew it was comin n sd that smart shit rite before!!!...oh man I was convinced...come to find out I wldnt even b bk if woody hadnt mssgd sunni askin where I was....thanks woody...I owe my riu existence to u now....fucker
Was wondering what had happened to ya!! Glad to see your back!! We all missed you :)


Staff member
i think i'm number one on sunnis love list atm, it seems wherever i am so is sunni, still i have the same trouble in real life, girls just don't leave me alone lol

no offence sunni i haven't even had a convo with ya!
i am whenever trouble ensues, you decided to cause a bunch of a shit yesterday so i followed you around and checked out your posts.


Well-Known Member
vega.... im not a member of that cult .....if i wanted to watch infomercials i would watch the work out ones in the morning...... never made it past the first page of google​
I knew what u meant the first time...ha....I gotcha n feel what ur sayin...think it myself