Lemon king

Well-Known Member
*easy Don ill be ready to sort you out next week getting my temp groom up has skinted me out! i cant wait though ive seen yorkshire growers picks fuck me stunning...Pink trichs nuff said!! you are a generous man and again i am sorry its taking so long! i also have a friend with a super lemon og male and im thinking super-smelly-lemon og cherries (im getting ahead of myself again!)


just a note to say they have now gone under the 600hps in the make shift room and they are far away from the missus!

they are both staggering nodes, this tells me how long they've been vegging they've reached sexual maturity so were around 5 weeks from seed, as i said i think i mainlined them too early and with the hot temps boiling the roots, the transplants, the beatings, low light blah blah its lead to were we are now, still ive seen allot worse! the next 2 weeks under the hid should be good, even though the environments not perfect we should see growth rocket!

As always clearly showing the two different phenos based on internode length, funny thing is they Both have the same leafs with, shape etc and both stink of Lemons, Normally the indica dom pheno has a 50/50 lemon smell with an equal heavy skunk smell. I'm very happy with this, it means hopefully when i herm SatDom with tiresias mist and pollinate the more indica pheno the Lemon smell characteristic will carry through in most offspring!

**just a note to say ive found that DNA used the cubing method to create Lemon skunk regs and STS method to make fems. what i don't understand is if they selfed the (las lemon skunk) x (skunk) cutting that had the characteristics they wanted e.g lemon smell why do i have two different phenos (based on internode length being the only difference atm) surely as there is only one parent and therefore there should be no variation its a clone in seed form??**

Satdom has some bugs she will get canna cured at lights out and again in 3 days

Both have 8 tops Sat dom i will take to 16, Indica dom i want to take to 32....


Now that i have been able to provide a more stable environment here is the difference in growth rate in just 3 days. still under the 15w fish light at this point.

3 days ago.........................................now


o yea daddies getting back on track...cant wait to run them pink trichs Don !!!


Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Oooooohhhhh.... Yup they'll hold you hostage as often as possible bro! My girl went so far off the rails she almost ratted out my grow. Was fucking MENTAL.

All the best mate, the ride is far from over far as that goes. Just remember: You are always wrong, and it's all your fault, default to 'apologetic' mode for self-preservation LOL... But seriously. It's a tough ride. All the best and wishing you a peaceful journey. Yes, it changes the second your kid is born, trust me. You do have great times ahead to look forward to!!!
this will be my 4th child. i currently have 3 girls.......soon im sure to be 4 im sure........if it wasnt for my collection of Dogs id have to move out any man with 1 daughter knows......i must have been a right kunt in my previous life !!!

(thank you for the kind words! im happy really!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Random picks i found of a few old grows


above i think is female seeds white widow x big bud...complete hermie piece of shit

im not a small bloke height wise....thats another SLH just finished 2 week stretch..this was a ghetto grow as you can see in the photo below she was flowered in a very tall narrow closet with only an open door for vent, under a 6huni!


she got mites so bad she had webs on here all over so she was chopped at 8 weeks. way to early.


one of the boys having a saftey meeting!!


..........what i want for xmas!!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Don Gin and Ton again.

    our business will conclude soon mate (check shemale) just read a post saying youve put powdery mildew about like a cheap german hooker!........lol.


Lemon king

Well-Known Member

first week back under 600w, not bad but not great, im used to seeing inches of growth everyday not cm.....environment is everything indoors!

16 tops
8 tops

1 week of veg left ideally id like a bigger bush so i may just leave them....but having said that i also want 32 tops!!

oooo whats this then......THANKS TO D you the man.....p.s is the smelly cherry x smelly berry the smelly berry from dr. underground????




Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member

oooo whats this then......THANKS TO D you the man.....p.s is the smelly cherry x smelly berry the smelly berry from dr. underground????
View attachment 2776300
If gap store was like that i'd be down there everyday :)

lmao see what you mean about the pink labels now i thought i'd printed them on white but i used a little memo pad thing and pink seemed appropriate seeing as the pips will make purple bud lol.

the smelly berry is from UGORG ;)

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
pink seemed appropriate seeing as the pips will make purple bud lol.

the smelly berry is from UGORG ;)
o yes sir its all about the purple bud, looks the bollox!!

now im gonna ask if its his first cross smelly berry or the second im sure he changed the combo! either way i guess its true what they say about Breeders Boutique only using the best!!!

n thanks for looking in don hows everything???

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Im likin the sound of smelly berry lads mmmmmm lol
the parents are......

[h=2]Smelly Cherry[/h]
Type:Hybrid indica/sativa
Sex:Regular F2
Genetics:Black Rose, Cherry Assassin, Livers (aka Blues)
Flowering Time:8-10 weeks
Outdoor Harvest:Sept/Oct
THC Level:Medium
Characteristics:Nice daytime smoke. Sweet candy tastes with beautiful colours in flower.


Underground Originals Smellyberry is a Sativa/Indica Hybrid and is a cross between Blues x Original Blueberry. SmellyBerry has been for some people, a good strain to relax stiff muscles, and even to deal with spasms. As an adjunct to painkillers, it is very useful and may even have full on analgesic properties for certain kinds of pain. The Blueberry parent has given a light, energising effect without any edges, as a result the strain maybe excellent for those with mental health issues. The buds and colas on SmellyBerry are extremely dense and the colas are awash with massive, hefty stacked calyxes. The resin production is extreme and coats the buds in a solid layer of THC. The leaves and buds may turn red-blue with lower temps. Smellyberry has a fruity Blueberry taste that is very pleasing and very moreish. Smellyberry's smell is dense, strong and hashy, with some seriously strong fruit overtones. Extremely aromatic, Carbon filters an absolute essential requirement! These cannabis seeds take 7-8 weeks to flower. Smellyberry is a mellowing, calming cerebral hitter, with no trace of a paranoid edge to it with a feeling of bodily relaxation and lightness, a cannabinoid massage of the highest order.

Im excited to say the Least, there having a sale on as well mate check em out!!



Well-Known Member
That sour cherry looks nuts man. They all look good mate. I know where my next bean purchase is gonna be from lol dank ass genetics too..


Well-Known Member
Though I'd share my friend's dna Lemon OG. Foxtailing more than a sativa putting on crystals like an indica, smelling almost like sour diesel with a sweet yet sour lemon scent. End of week 6:


IMG_20130815_210329.jpg I swear to you guys this bud is AT LEAST a good 7 or 8 inches thick, never seen buds indoor get that thick with only 2 weeks of vegging.

Here's some Exodus Kush as well. The smell of this strain is the culmination of urban decay like good bass music. I smell it and i see a couple of neds with their blue tracksuits under a grimy underpass playing something noisy on their phones. It smells like dead stuff, you cant place if it's cheese or kush your smelling, it has the og gutural dankness with that cheesy cheese overtone that just blends like a fucking puzzle with the og. It's digustingly amazing!


Hope you like, all in dwc fed foliarly SOLELY until about week 3 (and sprayed with copper sulfate before flowering because its a pretty humid area), so only nutes in water for about 3 to 4 weeks before flushing ;)

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Nice man throw some cuts of her my way lol i haven't tried her yet!

shes looking great though and who said og's wern't big producers! can you describe the smell more? is this the only bean they grew, how many diff phenos in a pack??

i wanted to try the E.K as well for a long time now she sounds lovely, although i think when i start my cheese experience im guna try and find the original cut here in the uk and work my way up, im sure ive never smoked the original E.Cheese.

its a shame your mate didnt run a jurno would have liked to have a look, any chance of doing one for the last few weeks?? (pics without hps plz) i am very interested in both strains!!

it seems foliar feeding is the new big thing im hearing everyone do it, soon we wont even need roots lol!!


Well-Known Member
You will definetly find a keeper in a 6 pack for sure, though i really dislike feminised seeds... My friend pushed for to get feminsed seeds and convinced me which in the end we got 3 lemon og males as well so all good .
In terms of phenos i really do not think there is a big difference in terms of smell (some sweeter some fuelier/sour by 5-10% deviations from the mean smell if that makes sense) but there is some in growth, all very seriously branchy! with og 18 and lemon skunk budding formations. This strain puts on weight like a beast, anyone can pull off 3 ounces from one this no questions asked bottom branches falling over like flies. The branchiness comes from the skunk for sure. My favourite i think is a lemon skunk dominant pheno only due to the bud structure and yield, i grew dna lemon skunk and it foxtailed a lot but not as much as this does. I mean even buds that get no light are swollen like hell and covered in sugar. The form and body of the smell comes from the og18 aaaaaaaaall the way that sour fueliness back to it with the lemon skunk sweetness and brings more lemony implementation to the smell. When i say it smells like a sweet and sour lemon sour diesel i think its pretty bang on! I have the feeling this will be an OG18 for those who dont like feeling too fucked straight away, i think the lemon skunk will make it just ever so more relaxing and not so overpowering. The smell doesnt make you feel like you are gonna get fucked from it, not like the Exodus kush by no means, oh no no.

The exodus kush i think is a total winner strain, i can really see me getting crippled with half a hit just from the smell... And i really think there are no pheno variations in this strain either. I liked it so much i forced my friend to do an all exodus kush grow after. I was a cheese lover when i was in the uk but ended up getting sick of it. Not smoked cheese in over a year, but when i smell this shit i feel like fainting. My rhino carbon filter doesnt do the job well enough new ona block in there every week...
I might do a journal with the next Exodus Kush grow with weekly updates etc but my camera's qualities puts me off a bit, doesnt do justice to the buds. There's no point now really just flushing them for 2-3 weeks, 1 week of water 1 week of final phase 2-3 days of water again in complete darkness. I'll show you a few pics in another week or at harvest without hps.
This 2 strains i think were the 2 most popular tastes looked for here in spain, something disgusting and something truly lemony. You should be very interested in these strains hehe
I swear by foliar feeding, i even pray to it religiously. Its pretty hard to burn your plants foliarly because everything happens so fast and nutrients are straight away absorved by the areas that need nutrients so no need for inneficient transportation and waste in the plants biomass. Make a cocktail of organic nutrients and spray them every 2 days with lights off so that it doesnt evaporate too quickly nor creates hotspots. All i put in the root water while foliar feeding is supervit and 100 ppm of advanced a and b bloom just for the roots to train themselves taking little amounts of nutrients up the branches, i still never go above 1.2-1.4 ec at most!!! in dwc when i feed through the roots. Moreover i think that shock of getting all the food through the leaves and suddenly it stops and its all throught the roots (wich is their fucntion) i feel like they go into overload mode and just start sucking up anything and everything through the white haired goodiness hence making lead like buds. I swear to you that you can grow things in hydro this way and tell people you did it in soil and you have to be an expert to know it wasnt grown in soil, clean natural taste and burn.

Anything else you want to know about the strains just ask

P.s: I forgot to mention that both these strains STREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEETCH LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER! I CANNOT STRESS THIS ENOUGH! plants easily tripled to quadrupled in size once put to flower. We wanted to do a scrog put plants flowering when we thought hm if it doubles it will be just right. \Plans out the window by week 3 they had EASILY tripled already! Flower this as a rooted clone and you will still get a monster!

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Thanks for taking the time to type that out sounds like your defo sold on them lol i must admit i really dont see much variation in the LS, i know they used sts to make their fem seeds.

I have thought that if you self a clone (s1) then how can it have any phenotypes? surely all the plants will be seed form clones of the mum?? CaN someone correct me on this?? if this is true it would explain the very very little variation in the plants!

I must admit the way your selling that Ekush is making me wana hit the buy button! and now you've said the plants are all almost identical i think a couple single seeds are in order!

please do return and post them picks mate would love to see how she turns out, harvest pics of the lemon would be nice too, 7-8" wide buds need showcasing lol.....

as for the foliar feeding its not something for me at the min i got a little system thats working. im sure it can be improved but by tweaks rather then trying to learn a hole new way of feeding ! maybe in a few years when i've decided i hate roots lol

is there any effect on the size of the roots as there pretty much doing nothing??

once again thanks for typing that, might as well turn this into a Lemon / DNA thread, theres just not enough info out there, spesh in 1 place!!