How Republicans can kill Obamacare easily


Undercover Mod
What is wrong with grass roots? You would rather stick to political correctness, and then tell people what a mind boggle you are in. Torn between conservatives and liberals. Poor you. Cry me a river. Nothing you post is true. What world are you living in where you get to make crap up? Ithaca? Really? Is that how things are done in Ithaca? Around here making shit up will get your brains stomped hard.
Obviously you have never been to Ithaca.

WE have an annual fest called grassroots


Undercover Mod
More presumptions and assumptions. I'm not suprised. When will it end? Does your life smell like a pocket full of roses all day when you make yourself believe wierd shit, and then not have to worry about reality?
How pointless is your life? Does it really bother you when you think about it?


Well-Known Member
What is wrong with grass roots? You would rather stick to political correctness, and then tell people what a mind boggle you are in. Torn between conservatives and liberals. Poor you. Cry me a river. Nothing you post is true. What world are you living in where you get to make crap up? Ithaca? Really? Is that how things are done in Ithaca? Around here making shit up will get your brains stomped hard.

Your grassroots is astroturf
They wil defend the killing of baby seals for the right amount of cash. And right now they are marching to the Koch brothers drumbeats
Why not join the John Birch society Same thing


Well-Known Member
FreedomWorks is a non-profit organization heavily involved with the Tea Party movement.[SUP][1][/SUP] It does not disclose its corporate donors, and its leaders are drawn heavily from the leadership of the Republican party and right-wing operatives. In 2006, the Washington Post revealed that from 2001 - 2006 FreedomWorks engaged in a hidden deal with insurance brokers whereby the brokers would sell high-deductible insurance policies and tax-free medical savings plans to individuals at a group discount, and those who purchased the plans would automatically be added FreedomWorks membership list. Customers unaware of the membership arrangement, for which they were charged extra fees. Membership was a condition of getting the discounted insurance plan. The arrangement was credited with helping increase the number of "members" FreedomWorks could claim belonged to the organization. About 16,000 people "joined" the organization in this manner, causing $638,040 to flow into FreedomWorks's coffers over 5 1/2 years in the form of monthly checks for "association fees" collected by the Medical Savings Insurance Company, that were forwarded to FreedomWorks.[SUP][2][/SUP]


Well-Known Member
I have a question why is it such a bad thing to have the government compete with private business? More competition right in the market place right.

Why don't private companies want that? It lessons the profits in their pockets by promoting lower cost healthcare.
because when the government competes with the free market, it fails and just has to keep pumping more and more money into it to keep it inefficiently running. Our government couldn't maintain social security right for 70 years, but they are going to make healthcare cheaper? I'm a little skeptical because the government doesn't do anything long term very efficiently.


Well-Known Member
because when the government competes with the free market, it fails and just has to keep pumping more and more money into it to keep it inefficiently running. Our government couldn't maintain social security right for 70 years, but they are going to make healthcare cheaper? I'm a little skeptical because the government doesn't do anything long term very efficiently.
Seems healthcare gets cheaper in every country that has universal healthcare
And how does Obamacare take over healthcare?
It doesnt.
it regulates insurance


Well-Known Member
FreedomWorks is a non-profit organization heavily involved with the Tea Party movement.[SUP][1][/SUP] It does not disclose its corporate donors, and its leaders are drawn heavily from the leadership of the Republican party and right-wing operatives. In 2006, the Washington Post revealed that from 2001 - 2006 FreedomWorks engaged in a hidden deal with insurance brokers whereby the brokers would sell high-deductible insurance policies and tax-free medical savings plans to individuals at a group discount, and those who purchased the plans would automatically be added FreedomWorks membership list. Customers unaware of the membership arrangement, for which they were charged extra fees. Membership was a condition of getting the discounted insurance plan. The arrangement was credited with helping increase the number of "members" FreedomWorks could claim belonged to the organization. About 16,000 people "joined" the organization in this manner, causing $638,040 to flow into FreedomWorks's coffers over 5 1/2 years in the form of monthly checks for "association fees" collected by the Medical Savings Insurance Company, that were forwarded to FreedomWorks.[SUP][2][/SUP]
kind of like AARP insurance? Or AAA insurance? This is not uncommon...

But this freedom works is bigger than I thought if they have those kinds of plans. Im suprised anybody high up would be on RIU posting "officially". pot site seems a strange place for them to hang out.
why are the Koch brothers any worse than soros? i dont remember your last post about him. strange. If freedomworks is astroturf that would mean center for american progress, green for all, and anything else he gives money to astro turf as well?


Well-Known Member
Other than Cuba name one country with universal healthcare that bans private insurance
name one that hasn't seen a RISE in private healthcare insurance because the universal healthcare is failing them? If universal healthcare works as you claim, wouldn't private insurance be on the decline? The opposite is happening.

Try paying cash for meds in the UK.

The recession caused a lot of people to drop private insurance, UHC caused employers to drop coverage, yet it's still very popular and rising again for those who don't want to wait for care.

Rationing is a very real consequence of UHC. Are you confident that you will be deemed productive enough, young enough and valuable enough to receive catastrophic care?


Well-Known Member
name one that hasn't seen a RISE in private healthcare insurance because the universal healthcare is failing them? If universal healthcare works as you claim, wouldn't private insurance be on the decline? The opposite is happening.

Try paying cash for meds in the UK.

The recession caused a lot of people to drop private insurance, UHC caused employers to drop coverage, yet it's still very popular and rising again for those who don't want to wait for care.

Rationing is a very real consequence of UHC. Are you confident that you will be deemed productive enough, young enough and valuable enough to receive catastrophic care?
You mean they won't take money for prescriptions in the UK? And why do Countries with UHC have better health and cheaper health care then we do?
I thought the talk of death panels died with Palins political career


Undercover Mod
If you have more money you should be the first inline.

Why would a greedy individual want to wait inline behind someone who was there first?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I did read it. Honestly, it is crap. The feedback from customers you are talking about is basically what I meant when I mentioned the invisible hand of Adam Smith. You didn't even understand it. The market becomes an apparatus of coercion when private interests can fix prices. This is how you are incorrect in your specious argument which is basically that demand always commands supply. Supply can (and therefore inevitably will) become monopolized by a shrinking class of owners. Demand will simply take what is supplied and advertizing will make them feel like they chose it.

Who is demand? Everyone. Who is supply? Not everyone. Privatization allows monopolized supply and therefore unhindered privatization will inevitably lead to an ever-shrinking number of people owning an ever growing percentage of market share (control of supply) until we have a king who inherits absolute power.

You rail against monopolies. Isn't government by coercion ALREADY the biggest monopoly? You seem to dance away from the coercive nature of government and declare that people making their own market choices, by their free will, will somehow devolve into a monopoly, rather than the proliferation of thousands of micro businesses.

What you fear happening, the monopoly boogeyman, is ALREADY HERE. Why do you endorse more of that?

I'm not for a system that REPLACES government with monopoly privatization backed by force. I'm for free interactions, which is neither of the two above.


Well-Known Member
So then let me make it easy for you. Who are you more scared of? Who has more power to dictate over your life? Rich people or the government? The rich guy a couple blocks over can't hurt you, but the politician you elected into office sure the hell can.
Fear is the mind killer. Fear is the little death.

I must not fear.
Fear is the mind-killer.
Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.
I will face my fear.
I will permit it to pass over me and through me.
And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path.
Where the fear has gone there will be nothing.
Only I will remain.[SUP][2][/SUP]


Well-Known Member
I assure you the people you are talking about rarely live past 50.

You can lead a long fullfilling life if you keep yourself in shape.

Medicine is not a solution it is a bandaid.
You have never been sick I guess.


Well-Known Member
A lie not to believe, you mean?

"I did not have sex with that women.....Monica Lewinsky."

Your turn.