So, you're basically saying that people are too stupid to think for themselves, and do some research,
You have been told over and over and you still can not seem to grasp the concept.
You said you do not care about the health ramifications (I think you are lying about that and believe that vegetables will cause you to have butt tumors) you just want it labeled.
GMO crops, including
vegetables, fruits and grains have not been shown to be unhealthy.
Therefore the government can not compel anyone to label their products as containing GMO.
I am sorry you are unable to grasp this simple point. I am embarrassed for you.
Even if I agreed with your insane fantasy, I can not change the government's stance on food labeling.
If you would like to try, go for it. There are much more important things to worry about when dealing with food, but if you want to fight a windmill, go for it. Again, for the 20th time, if the government mandated GMO be labeled, then they would have to label every vegetable as potentially dangerous.
and you and Monsanto know better.
Again, for the 20th time, monsanto does not have the market on GMO cornered. There are many companies that produce GMO seeds/crops some of them are nono-profits.
I am amazed that you have been p[resented with such a large volume of factual information and all you do is cover your ears and say, "la la la I can't hear you."
How many times do you need to hear facts before they seem reasonable to you?
You would sooner keep people ignorant of what they're eating just in case genetically modified foods serve some greater purpose on the planet.
You would have labels put on because their is a very slight chance that they are bad for you?
I thought you said you did not care about the potential health issues?
You are not arguing logically.
Whether people choose not to eat it for perceived health reasons,
The perception of GMO is the problem. The people behind the perception of GMO products are for the most part liars.
You along with 80-90% of the country has been duped by idiots.
You have been duped, you accepted a turd sandwich and are still chomping away on it, smiling.
or because they feel that fucking with nature has unforeseen ramifications, they should have that choice.
Yes, you have the choice to ignore science, but why mandate labeling for your brand of crazy?
You can not force companies to label a product for hazards that do not exist.
If you do not like it, work to change it.
As has been said 57 times,
you have the choice to buy organic food and shop at Whole Foods.
Monsanto is free to roll out an advertising campaign disproving the myths, and touting their genetics, telling us all how they are going to save the world and keep us healthy. They have deep pockets.
Again, monsanto does not produce all the GMO stuff in the world.
You are hopelessly ignorant about the subject and you refuse to see how flawed your argument is.
Maybe you will understand this time, lol?
1. You do not have top buy GMO foods, no one does.
B. Buy organic and shop at Whole Foods.
3. Work for change. Make the government change their labeling rules.