

Well-Known Member
Are there any online poker players here? I played for years on Full Tilt and remember the dreaded day we lost our rights to play. Well, I have just found a place that accepts US players called "Bovada". Look it up and enjoy. Also, if you sign up at you can get 30% rakeback.
I don't know about cards but I think these four-fives beat a full house anyday![video=youtube_share;AtoM9x-Bfu8][/video]
I don't like playing online, too many idiots who chase single hit cards on the river. I love cards though. My mom taught me basic addition by teaching me to play blackjack when I was 2. I used to win everybody's lunch money in grade school!
And now I want to watch The Wire, Omar is one of the greatest television characters ever created.
I am an imsomniac so of COURSE I like to throw some cards (especially pinochle) however I am nowhere near as good as some ive played online. Ive been watching the wire since hbo first aired it years ago. Miss those good ole shows that kept shit real!
I need to marathon The Wire and Breaking Bad close to each other after BB ends so I can make a fair comparison because BB is challenging The Wire for best dramatic series ever in my book. The acting on The Wire was amazing, Andre Royo told a story in an interview about milling around getting into character as Bubbles and someone gave him a cap of dope because he looked like he needed it more. He calls it his street Oscar!
NoOOOOO shit? I haven't watched a single episode of bb dude! seriously! Ive seen commercials for it but just assumed it was another shit spin-off but obviously I was wrong eh? I respect your insight so OBVIOUSLY I need to watch me some breaking bad!
It's fucking AMAZING!! Watch it now! It's killing me I can't watch the current (and final) season. My internet is too slow to dl it and I don't have cable.
I am an imsomniac so of COURSE I like to throw some cards (especially pinochle) however I am nowhere near as good as some ive played online. Ive been watching the wire since hbo first aired it years ago. Miss those good ole shows that kept shit real!
so are you black or were you in prison? just wondering.
neither cheetoes, sorry to disappoint ya. bricktop.jpg I find it amazing that you'd jump to conclusions at such a rate ,however being here as long as I have I can discern your motivation!
oh yea Im the site racist according to some.
Nah I just wondered because I learned to play in prison along with all the white people I know that play. The black guys there had been playing since birth it seemed.
nuk was about the only non-segragated thing where I was.
I guess you coulllld be an 70 year old lady. I think they run some nuk at the old folks home...
lmao, actually if ya really wanna know I have no shame and nothing to hide, my gandparents play bridge(I cant stand bridge atm) so the ONLY other game they'd play is pinochle. I used to watch and slowly taught myself low count pino, that and I played pino and crib at our local v.f.w against cut throat veterans who take every point you miss, ya tend to learn quick or give up lol! I am sure they do run nuk at old folks homes for sure! Here for some reason cribbage is a big older folks game!
I don't like playing online, too many idiots who chase single hit cards on the river. I love cards though. My mom taught me basic addition by teaching me to play blackjack when I was 2. I used to win everybody's lunch money in grade school!
And now I want to watch The Wire, Omar is one of the greatest television characters ever created.

They did a study of hands and online is the same as live as far as chasing and bad beats go. It just seems worse online cause you see as high as as 100 times as many hands compared to live. Live poker is just so damn slow!
If you live near a card room, it is much more profitable and easier to analyze your opponents. I live in the Bay Area so there are quite a few card rooms 1/2 hr from home. I used to play online but cashing seems to be dreadful. Aftr a nice ripped from the glass, patience is the key ingredient to cashing in. Good luck at the tables bongsmilie
If you live near a card room, it is much more profitable and easier to analyze your opponents. I live in the Bay Area so there are quite a few card rooms 1/2 hr from home. I used to play online but cashing seems to be dreadful. Aftr a nice ripped from the glass, patience is the key ingredient to cashing in. Good luck at the tables bongsmilie

That statement makes no sense at all! Online I see way more hands, can play four tables at once (you can play more but, I seemed to lose concentration on more than four), and you have thousands of players at once compared to maybe 100-200 people on a good night.
That statement makes no sense at all! Online I see way more hands, can play four tables at once (you can play more but, I seemed to lose concentration on more than four), and you have thousands of players at once compared to maybe 100-200 people on a good night.

Might just be the location you play live games. Not enough action. I'm an amateur taking home $150-280 /day. I was a losing player online playing exactly the same way I play live games.
I played online for years. I used to love stars till they fucked me out of 1500 after a night of 100$ double or nothing games. They straight up robbed me. After I was up 1500 they sent me an email saying I had insufficient funds in my account to begin with so they took all of the winnings I made. Pure bs I had the money in there. I swore I would never play there again.

Played full tilt alot too. Sometimes UB. I never play online anymore but my old man plays several sites that take US players. I can get their names if you like.

I would much rather play live. I've done very well live. I'd probably get my ass handed to me now since I haven't played in close to two years.

Gonna find out tho. Gonna go play in a tournament at the casino pretty soon I think.
That statement makes no sense at all! Online I see way more hands, can play four tables at once (you can play more but, I seemed to lose concentration on more than four), and you have thousands of players at once compared to maybe 100-200 people on a good night.

I agree with loquacious. When playing online i can literally hunt down and target weak players with by using a super hud. This tells me how many games they've played, average buy in, average win/loss profits, type of games they play, type of player they are, bet frequency on every street. After a while you can almost gauge exactly what kind of range a player is opening with from what positions and what they are likely to to do on what kind of boards. If im playing a Sng one look at my HUD tells me exactly who understands ICM and who doesnt, thats all i need to know to target these players.

I woulod not and could not consider even sitting online without a super hud. Firstly though i would reccommend reading and understanding ICM, then get Sng Wizard to analyze, your position/ hand range and optimal push fold strategy. With practice this then becomes second nature and you no longer find yourself in situations of uncertainty.

Then upload all your hands to be analysed and pick them apart. Find out what your winning and losing edges are, eg what are the BBs you most go broke with, what marginal hands your pushing with, what positions your losing plays are, etc.

I will take this info any day over live tells :)
I played online for years. I used to love stars till they fucked me out of 1500 after a night of 100$ double or nothing games. They straight up robbed me. After I was up 1500 they sent me an email saying I had insufficient funds in my account to begin with so they took all of the winnings I made. Pure bs I had the money in there. I swore I would never play there again.

Played full tilt alot too. Sometimes UB. I never play online anymore but my old man plays several sites that take US players. I can get their names if you like.

I would much rather play live. I've done very well live. I'd probably get my ass handed to me now since I haven't played in close to two years.

Gonna find out tho. Gonna go play in a tournament at the casino pretty soon I think.

Can you go into more detail about this?

You can't play with what you don't have, so how can you have insufficient funds? I am trying to comprehend this but have really no idea what leg they have to stand on . Did you bounce a payment?, use a borrowed credit card? Owe them money from before?

There has to be something. Otherwise what's stopping you taking them to court? I wouldn't just shrug off 1500 as ,"i'll not be playing there again" I'd fight it if I knew I was right.
how the hell was I gonna take pokerstarz to court??? really? There is nothing more to the story. After playing 100$ dbl or nothing games for close to 16 hrs I was up around 1500$. I then received a notice from admin that I had insufficient funds to begin with and they took all of my winnings and said I actually OWED them like 500$.wtf?

After close to two months of back and forth emails with support they dropped the 500$ figure down to 100$ but still wouldn't return my winnings.They said if I paid the 100 I could start playing again. FUCK THAT! At first they couldn't keep the supposed figure I owed them right as they kept changing it. Either way I didn't owe them shit! The money was there. Like I said, they straight up robbed me. I had emailed them bank records showing I had deposited the money and the whole works.

How do you fight a company based overseas? Especially when the thing you are doing is illegal in the eyes of the state. It would be like suing a drug dealer for not delivering product after fucked......and I was

True story
Seems crazy to assume that a multi million $ buisness would rob you of a measly $1500, there credibility would die overnight. All you would have to do is go into your deposit history to prove you made a (successful) deposit of $?, then take that information to another poker site and pokerstars integrity would crash and burn, any other site would pay a small fortune if you could prove this. They would line up to damage the intergrity of stars, which is why it seems so far fetched, im not saying it didnt happen im just asking why??
Suing stars is also a no brainer ..-internet gaming laws bongsmilie and gibraltar not being subject to all EU law, "forget about it" :bigjoint: