Glenn Beck's Latest Comment


Well-Known Member
i'm so sorry the instrumental temperature record proves you to be a deluded asshole.

you said the same thing about the polls that you are saying about the instrumental temperature record, how'd that work out for ya, child?

The thermometer stuffed up your anus does not count....


Well-Known Member
The thermometer stuffed up your anus does not count....
the instrumental temperature record says we just got done with the hottest decade on record, and the decade before that was the hottest one on record until the most recent one.

but you're too stupid to acknowledge basic reality now, just like you were too stupid to acknowledge basic reality back then.

it was all just liberal media and fake polls. now it's liberal media and a fake instrumental temperature record.

keep going down this road, sweetheart. the inevitable slap in the face from reality, followed by you scurrying away with tail between legs for months will be more than worth it.


New Member
the instrumental temperature record says we just got done with the hottest decade on record, and the decade before that was the hottest one on record until the most recent one.

but you're too stupid to acknowledge basic reality now, just like you were too stupid to acknowledge basic reality back then.

it was all just liberal media and fake polls. now it's liberal media and a fake instrumental temperature record.

keep going down this road, sweetheart. the inevitable slap in the face from reality, followed by you scurrying away with tail between legs for months will be more than worth it.


Well-Known Member
the instrumental temperature record says we just got done with the hottest decade on record, and the decade before that was the hottest one on record until the most recent one.

but you're too stupid to acknowledge basic reality now, just like you were too stupid to acknowledge basic reality back then.

it was all just liberal media and fake polls. now it's liberal media and a fake instrumental temperature record.

keep going down this road, sweetheart. the inevitable slap in the face from reality, followed by you scurrying away with tail between legs for months will be more than worth it.
Keep talking out your ass and that instrumental temperature might skyrocket!!


Well-Known Member
the instrumental temperature record says we just got done with the hottest decade on record, and the decade before that was the hottest one on record until the most recent one.

but you're too stupid to acknowledge basic reality now, just like you were too stupid to acknowledge basic reality back then.

it was all just liberal media and fake polls. now it's liberal media and a fake instrumental temperature record.

keep going down this road, sweetheart. the inevitable slap in the face from reality, followed by you scurrying away with tail between legs for months will be more than worth it.
That's weird, because it took me about one minute to find about 100 articles on "pro MMGW theory" websites making excuses and explaining away the lack of warming over the last 15 years. That's right, SPECIFICALLY addressing the "unexpected lack of global warming" for the last 15 years. Seems strange that all these leaders in the fight against MMGW would spend so much time on something you say isn't even true. Weird.

To make it easy, here's a quote from the first one that popped up. Discovery Channel News , you know, that Right-Wing loony farm.

The IPCC currently states that the global temperatures will rise by between 2 and 4.5 degrees Celsius when carbon dioxide in the atmosphere doubles. But given that global temperatures have not risen since 1998, some have suggested that temperatures will be at the lower part of the range. That would be good news for humans because it would give us a bit more time to deal with the climate problem.


Well-Known Member
I am amused about how global warming arguments have shifted from "It's not happening." to "Well, it's not happening as fast as expected.". The fact is, we are having an impact on our environment. While it may not be as massive as some groups claimed it would be; that does not grant one the luxury of doing whatever the hell one wants without the consideration of repercussions. I, for one, feel that the short-term effects were overhyped for the sake of political ends. However, that doesn't change the fact that humans in industrialized nations are having an effect on our climate. To argue otherwise would be as foolish as saying certain refrigerants don't harm our ozone layer. We may not be encouraging an ice-age in our lifetime, but that doesn't mean our current actions aren't causing documentable harm to the environment which may have negative effects for future generations.


Well-Known Member
how many of the hottest years on record occurred in the last 15 years?

i can give you a hint if you need, sweetheart.
Ah, that wasn't my quote, sweety. Maybe you should take it up with the folks in charge on your side of the debate, they're the ones telling us why there hasn't been any warming for the last 15 years.

And out of the billions of years of climate, how far back do those records go? Enlighten us on how many of those same years were the COLDEST on record as well. Oops.


Well-Known Member
also man made global warming is a myth and a hoax. so yea.

even the oil companies are saying that the rise in temps we are seeing will be beneficial. so you might want to get up to date on your mental retardation.

Well, your friend and mine the famous Liar Al Gore ruined it for all the truth seekers when he published his Bull Shit book and movie, inconveniently lying to us with his ’hockey stick’ raise of temps… If he wouldn’t have lied, then some of us could believe that we cause “Global Warming” People will worry, if there is global warming, or global cooling… There have been Ice Ages and global heat waves, sorry peeps, Earth runs in cycles…. Your life cycle will not effect the Earth’s cooling/warming cycle… Your Ego, is out of control, if you think, you have some effect on Global Warming…or cooling…

Have a nice day, go smoke a bowl or two and f/n chill, the more chill you become, the less global warming will be an issue for you… Chillin… I feel the cool…


Well-Known Member
Well, your friend and mine the famous Liar Al Gore ruined it for all the truth seekers when he published his Bull Shit book and movie, inconveniently lying to us with his ’hockey stick’ raise of temps… If he wouldn’t have lied, then some of us could believe that we cause “Global Warming” People will worry, if there is global warming, or global cooling… There have been Ice Ages and global heat waves, sorry peeps, Earth runs in cycles…. Your life cycle will not effect the Earth’s cooling/warming cycle… Your Ego, is out of control, if you think, you have some effect on Global Warming…or cooling…

Have a nice day, go smoke a bowl or two and f/n chill, the more chill you become, the less global warming will be an issue for you… Chillin… I feel the cool…
So now the earth is magically capable of handling whatever we can throw at it? In that case, fuck it, let's throw all the Freon we can at the atmosphere. Surely the earth is too powerful to be effected by the actions of us petty humans...


Well-Known Member
So now the earth is magically capable of handling whatever we can throw at it? In that case, fuck it, let's throw all the Freon we can at the atmosphere. Surely the earth is too powerful to be effected by the actions of us petty humans...
Pretty much yes...

I am not against clean air and water but our standards have never been higher.

I also argue your claim that we are *Harming* the environment. Change is not necessarily harm. There is global warming and cooling, most is caused by the sun, other natural effects include volcano's, forest fires, weather patterns, etc. My point is that our effect on the environment has yet to be significant.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much yes...

I am not against clean air and water but our standards have never been higher.

I also argue your claim that we are *Harming* the environment. Change is not necessarily harm. There is global warming and cooling, most is caused by the sun, other natural effects include volcano's, forest fires, weather patterns, etc. My point is that our effect on the environment has yet to be significant.
Do you have something to refer me to that addresses why all of the shit we currently pump into the environment isn't a bad thing? I would be genuinely interested in reading it. I have had my mind changed more than once in my life, and wouldn't be averse to it happening again. I do enjoy learning new things.


Well-Known Member
Republican/Tea Party/ Conservative spokesman Mr. Beck recently sent an inter-office email stating that anyone using a fluorescent bulb would be fired. He stated that it was part of a "Communist and Socialist" plot to promote the false idea of global warming. Why is it that so many Republicans buy into his shit. Why?. I really don't want to be troll like, but it seems that all the "conservative" spokespeople, pick one any one,(Hannity, O'Reilly, Carlson, Kelly) live in a parallel universe that is not based on any reality at all. Then the Republicans wonder what the can do to improve their political standing. Nothing really, as they just have too many fools as their spokespeople, it seems.
he's the employer, so he can demand this however, this would be limited to work only and not at home..but if anyone has issue i hear Limbaugh is hiring:lol:

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
I am amused about how global warming arguments have shifted from "It's not happening." to "Well, it's not happening as fast as expected.". The fact is, we are having an impact on our environment. While it may not be as massive as some groups claimed it would be; that does not grant one the luxury of doing whatever the hell one wants without the consideration of repercussions. I, for one, feel that the short-term effects were overhyped for the sake of political ends. However, that doesn't change the fact that humans in industrialized nations are having an effect on our climate. To argue otherwise would be as foolish as saying certain refrigerants don't harm our ozone layer. We may not be encouraging an ice-age in our lifetime, but that doesn't mean our current actions aren't causing documentable harm to the environment which may have negative effects for future generations.
Once the clean tech becomes cheaper than oil we will see a shift. That would start change globally.

Governments are prob just gonna tax the hell outta oil products to force a shift. Won't change the other nations tho...


Well-Known Member
Do you have something to refer me to that addresses why all of the shit we currently pump into the environment isn't a bad thing? I would be genuinely interested in reading it. I have had my mind changed more than once in my life, and wouldn't be averse to it happening again. I do enjoy learning new things.
What *shit* are we pumping into the environment?

CO2 levels have been provably higher in the past and unless dinosaurs were driving SUV's then burning fossil fuels was not the cause.

Despite the CO2 levels being measurably higher now than in the past we are experiencing a cooling period. This seems to indicate that temperature and CO2 levels are not directly correlated.


Well-Known Member
What *shit* are we pumping into the environment?

CO2 levels have been provably higher in the past and unless dinosaurs were driving SUV's then burning fossil fuels was not the cause.

Despite the CO2 levels being measurably higher now than in the past we are experiencing a cooling period. This seems to indicate that temperature and CO2 levels are not directly correlated.
So if they were provably higher in the past; do you have some source to back this up? Like I said, I like learning new things. It wouldn't be the first time someone has proved I held an incorrect position on something.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
CO2 is not the main prob.

It is the water waste and soot. Water waste damages the ocean wildlife and soot harms all who inhale it.


Well-Known Member
if you dumb fuck wads were really interested in power savings and cleaner energy, we would have leds and solar/wind/water gens instead of this bullshit. so stop playing like any of you even care.... fuckin retards.