2013 Indoor grow and show. show your sick indoor grow from this yr


Well-Known Member
hahahhaha thats good shit, i would post a pic but i know somebody would see it and i would get in trouble and i dont want that


Well-Known Member

If you are sure it's not nute related, I would lean to heat or drying out from fan. Always hard to diagnose without a ton of grow details.

I think bigworm is a chick, that's why I hang around, that and she can grow like nobody's business :eyesmoke:

Edit: If I'm wrong, I owe Worm an apology.
What kind of CoCo, some CoCo are notorious for salt build ups, I think your pH is off cause the very tips of the plants shows it. What type of water you using? Do you pH your water, or feed mix, if so what do you pH it at? Is your pH pen calibrated? What was the last thing you fed your plant and how long ago was it?


Well-Known Member
hahahhaha thats good shit, i would post a pic but i know somebody would see it and i would get in trouble and i dont want that
Pic or it never happened.

Hah, j/k. Only took a dozen posts to clear that up, love the Internet.

Smoking buddy is trying to date on Match. Funniest shit ever and it happens to her on a daily basis. Dudes are texting her in the middle of the night, others are asking for more pics of her in her high heels, others telling her she has a stick up her ass for not responding in a couple hours. I told her, "I know what they are doing with those pictures, you're not going to be happy." Once a pic is on the web, it's never coming back. Totally understand keeping the face out of the forum Worm.

Anyway, nice derail. I will catch up later, hopefully this thing will swing back to your Grow and Show Ambe. Let me know what you find out on the cause of the plant burns, curious.



Well-Known Member
Lol lil side track. But ya I'm sure not nutes Ik it looks that way.
I think its more likely its either root bound or pH issue as I have never PhD my water.
I do have a pH meter but have not calibrated it yet


Well-Known Member
just checked the ladies. Got 1 with milky triches and 75% of hairs are red and rest are shrinking and turning. So in the a.m. off with her head



Well-Known Member
400wMH(with another 400w MH conversions bulb for my HPS ballast being hooked up this week)
13 strains, 36 in tent 8 cotton candy clones rooting, 2 blue dream clones in seperate closet with 150wHPS 12/12 250PPM colloidal silver daily till male.

Currently only using half of my tent. 8'x4' total inside. This is a side view from inside the tent.View attachment 2799994
This is from outside the front of the tent.


Well-Known Member
Wow stew. Looking good man. I can't imagine the work lol
I have 10 indoors and 7 outdoor man and I've been putting in some
Fucking man hrs lately and sweating my balls off.
Took em all out indiciudually and watered em.
Took me like 1.5hrs with 2 ppl and sweat my balls off lol


Well-Known Member
Not much as of yet. but they are growing and will start to require some more attention. A lot of seedlings are regular seeds so i will be pulling males to flower out separately in the closet. :)


Well-Known Member
Nice setup Stew. What's your plans for flowering all those girls?
Got a few auto's going at the moment. Got 2 in solo cups. 1 for the contest and the other was pollinated yesterday for a future seed batch.

Got some breeding going on over here this grow. so when i have all the pollen i need i'll start my transplants and flip the tent a few weeks later.

By the time i get all the plants up to size for flower, the tent will be full. everything in 3-10 gallon containers. 800w HPS with plans for a 3rd 400w..

thanks for the interest :)


Well-Known Member
Nice.. sounds like you got your hands full. I got some beans on the way that I'm planning on doing some breeding with. Gonna cross 2 of my favorite strains


Well-Known Member
I have plans for 4-5 new strains by the end on the year. and stable before my birthday(February).
My state is running the papers now for legalization and should take effect this coming year.
Although the regulations on it are NOT fair, i will still be somewhat on the wrong side of the line even in a legal state.

But no matter what i just can't wait for this to go through.

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Gonna be checking you out stew. I'm doing the same but outdoor sexing. Its always more exciting to fuck outdoor.:twisted: plus a little indoor as well. Wish you well in Yer quest.


Well-Known Member
just be careful it's not easy to control outdoor pollination(if growing in your own yard). you can end up seeding everything inside and out depending on wind direction, and filters. If you get pollen blowing into your house and you open up the grow, poof. seeds in everything.
I just thought it would be easier to collect, dry, and paint pollen onto my pistils as i needed to. I have 2 pollinated spyders with spyder pollen from one of the males i had. so i would say what i am doing is correct so far. Now i'm making blue dream clones male and collecting the pollen, and gonna do the same with 1 or 2 of my other strains as well....


Well-Known Member
just be careful it's not easy to control outdoor pollination(if growing in your own yard). you can end up seeding everything inside and out depending on wind direction, and filters. If you get pollen blowing into your house and you open up the grow, poof. seeds in everything.
I just thought it would be easier to collect, dry, and paint pollen onto my pistils as i needed to. I have 2 pollinated spyders with spyder pollen from one of the males i had. so i would say what i am doing is correct so far. Now i'm making blue dream clones male and collecting the pollen, and gonna do the same with 1 or 2 of my other strains as well....
Now that's what Im talking about.
I'm gonna work the Moc's bigbudxxl and the Early skunk. Gonna call it Big Stinky
I've run both strains and think it would be a nice cross


Well-Known Member
Chopped my smallest girl yesterday. Got another 1 ready to come down today. :weed:
Got240 wet off the small1 so looking forward to see what I get off the bigger 1s.
That's the cola off her.

