Terrorists Killed

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Rwanda: the US didnt make the Hutus and the Tutsis hack each other to death with machetes
Uganda: the US didnt make Idi Amin eat all those people
Sudan: the US didnt make the moslem rulers butcher all those christians, animists, atheists, jews, zoroastrians, etc etc etc
Iran: the US didnt make achmedinejhad hang all those homosexuals
Indonesia: The US didnt make the local militants hack the heads off those schoolgirls
France: the US didnt make that durkha durkha machinegun that preschool
Afghansitan: The US didnt make those savages throw acid on their own children
Philippinnes: The US didnt make the Abu Saif burn down rape and butcher all those villages
Spain: the US didnt put bombs on that commuter train
Britain: the US didnt put bombs on those busses

If this were the 1600's, I'd claim your wife to be a witch.

Watch as Christian 'GOD' commands the men of the village to secretly rape her before publicly humiliating her, beating her, give an unfair trial before being burned to death or pushed off a cliff.

Many other 'religions' do compare to these crimes you love to highlight and pinpoint out, most often in statement that you're accusing only Muslims of doing such
maybe it's because Muslims for the centuries have been badass enough to publicly display their faith and will for their lifestyle x10 as much as any crusader or mongol could have. Thus, public attention and scapegoat for harassment
Why are we going on and on with this hater about Allah? Allah doesn't exist. He did, but now hes dead. I took a shit on his face, and then farted him to death. All that we see today is radical jihads looking for any excuse to kill somebody. We are better off letting savages kill each other over there, before a well funded terrorist brings that shit over here.
If this were the 1600's, I'd claim your wife to be a witch.

Watch as Christian 'GOD' commands the men of the village to secretly rape her before publicly humiliating her, beating her, give an unfair trial before being burned to death or pushed off a cliff.

Many other 'religions' do compare to these crimes you love to highlight and pinpoint out, most often in statement that you're accusing only Muslims of doing such
maybe it's because Muslims for the centuries have been badass enough to publicly display their faith and will for their lifestyle x10 as much as any crusader or mongol could have. Thus, public attention and scapegoat for harassment

if this were the 1600's my current girl WOULD be a witch. but that dont befront me cuz im not a christian, or a jew or a moslem.
my religion approves of "witchcraft", and always has.

moslems have a long history of brutality and rapine directed at anyone they view as "kaffir", this is undeniable.
and yes so do christians, and jews, and hindus, etc etc etc...
jumping into the Way-Back Machine to point out bullshit from another religion doesnt make your cult's CURRENT INSANITY any more rational.
other religions have GREATLY reduced their insanity content, but yours has only upped the ante on crazy, and doubled down on dumbbassery.

admittedly MOST moslems are not like YOU, and dont celebrate the retarded spasms of violence that pepper sandland like turds in a litterbox, but then we get to see clowns like yourself, and we remember why nobody like having moslems next door:

Because they periodically become MORONIC VIOLENT RETARDS.
It's about kicking the foreign invaders out...

If you can't see the parallel then my words are wasted on you.

The only way to run an insurrection is to make the cost/benefit ratio more skewed towards cost, make the territory "not worth the effort".

I don't personally support their method or their religious justification, but I can see justification in the defense of territory angle.

im not doubting we have fought against those who are defending the nationalism aspect of this war. however to the average wahhabist, they aren't fighting for nationalism. you'd be a fool to think we are out trying to kill afgahn homers. it just so happens to be the country of origin of the largest islamic radical terrorist group, ( whata coincidence, i know.) just like the second chechen war, it wasnt about chechen freedom, it was radicals with an agenda that feed on conflicts to push said agenda. They've even been known to pull islamic fighters from battle when the conflicts become to much about nationalism and not about creating a radical islam state. afgahistan is a small piece of the pie.

I understand what your saying, but its just naive.
Why are we going on and on with this hater about Allah? Allah doesn't exist. He did, but now hes dead. I took a shit on his face, and then farted him to death. All that we see today is radical jihads looking for any excuse to kill somebody. We are better off letting savages kill each other over there, before a well funded terrorist brings that shit over here.
Yeah, those terrorists that the US arranged to have tons of weapons delivered to?

Good job fighting terror...

Let's discuss a conflict dear to me, more so and personal. I feel to join this Jihad movement more so than Syria.
I have business, Allah first though

Russian faggots are constantly keeping patrol in the Caucus mountains region.
These forced militants fresh from Russia High school most often dont want to be there but willing do their masters orders, puppets they are

And so these 19 year olds lacking moral rape Chechen women while the men are away at work. The men are constantly going through Russian check points to seek potential "terrorists"
in reality Russian militant puppets, those thugs just kidnap the military aged or abled body men and kill them off. Of course you can harm an unarmed man just on his way to the store or work- pussy....shake my head
These euro trash soldiers will have no problem toying with people as mere ragdolls for enjoyment.

These mountains are a beautiful stretch. From Dagestan to Adgyea region Muslims seek to live as they want, an independent muslim nation trying to seek it's own thing.

Russia, no. They continue to want to harass the people and claim the land for themselves. This began with the 1700's invasion of Russians. Ultimately this jihad is justified and will win insha allah

for a conflict being so dear to you, you happen to have the most unbelievable skewd version of whats going on in chechnya and the surrounding area.
however there would not be acid attacks against little girls attending a school, nor would any american partisan force machinegun a preschool in britain.

obvious difference is obvious

meet robert bales.


care to remind me how many he slaughtered?

guess what david motari did to this puppy?


woops, guess the headline gives it away.
meet robert bales.


care to remind me how many he slaughtered?

guess what david motari did to this puppy?


woops, guess the headline gives it away.
People are fucking sick, let them kill each other on the battlefield, but seriously, a tiny little puppy?

Fuck those motherfuckers.
People are fucking sick, let them kill each other on the battlefield, but seriously, a tiny little puppy?

Fuck those motherfuckers.

Is this the first time you're hearing this? Not that im bashing you for it, just curious

Need I show the link to the real video on youtube, of an Iraqi woman being raped by US soldiers and tortured?
People are fucking sick, let them kill each other on the battlefield, but seriously, a tiny little puppy?

Fuck those motherfuckers.

havn't you listened to kynes?

we are civilized, and those muslims are the barbarians.

we're civilizing the shit out of them sand niggers, one tortured puppy, one slaughtered family, one electrocuted pair of testicles at a time.

those savages.
People are fucking sick, let them kill each other on the battlefield, but seriously, a tiny little puppy?

Fuck those motherfuckers.

ancient chinese proverb: A man far from home has no neighbors.

assholes in a war zone become GIGA-ASSHOLES. they freely display the sort of behavior that would get them pilloried back home, but war was ever thus.

ISOLATED INCIDENTS do not prove anything except that ASHHOLES GONNA ASSHOLE
ancient chinese proverb: A man far from home has no neighbors.

assholes in a war zone become GIGA-ASSHOLES. they freely display the sort of behavior that would get them pilloried back home, but war was ever thus.

ISOLATED INCIDENTS do not prove anything except that ASHHOLES GONNA ASSHOLE
And you still can't see parallels with the other side?
ancient chinese proverb: A man far from home has no neighbors.

assholes in a war zone become GIGA-ASSHOLES. they freely display the sort of behavior that would get them pilloried back home, but war was ever thus.

ISOLATED INCIDENTS do not prove anything except that ASHHOLES GONNA ASSHOLE

hear that everyone?

when us civilized, decent, upstanding white folk do atrocious things, it is an isolated incident.

when those barbaric, hate filled, sand nigger types do atrocious things, they are acting in concert and according to their book.

but KKKynes is totally not racist, he holds double standards heroically.

he's a hero, folks. not just another two-bit, fear-filled, dumbass racist.
Is this the first time you're hearing this? Not that im bashing you for it, just curious

Need I show the link to the real video on youtube, of an Iraqi woman being raped by US soldiers and tortured?

yes, that is the sort of thin you would have on hand. thats just how you get down i guess.

no atrocity ever occurs under moslem rule...

ohh wait...

every american is guilty of every crime committed by any american anywhere, especially those that could easily be faked for propaganda purposes, but NO MOSLEM shold be judged by what their elected leaders, imams, mullahs and durkha durkha "martyr" popular heroes do, cuz thats entirely the US's fault...
some people let their hate, fear, and bigotry blind them completely.
I don't think Keynes is actually like that, I just think a Muslim looking dude raped him as a kid or something and he never got over it cos it's exclusively Muslims he fails against...
And you still can't see parallels with the other side?

sure. i can see one nutbar machinegunning a preschool in france, but we're talking about not isolated incidents, but organized deliberate highly funded plots which result in popular celebrations in sandland every time some haji pulls the pin on his bomb vest in a nightclub.

Example: the IRA did some great work making the brits pay for their occupation of ireland, and occaisionally shit got out of hand, but the IRA was protected supported and abetted by the irish people, as well as the diaspora, and as such, the IRA was not an isolated group of fringe partisans. had the IRA indulged in random inexplicable acts of murder mayhem and madness all around the world, they would have lost their support among their own people as well as the rest of the civilized world.

likewise, the british did not engage in the kind of occupation which would be needed to put down that rebellion. the civilized world would not have stood for it.

thats how india became free, they faced a civilized nation who was reluctant to go medieval on their asses, and maintained a resistance which engendered sympathy with the rest of the world.

SandLand doesnt roll like that. they got ONE MOVE, and thats "Blow something up, ANYTHING, and the more horrifyingly barbaric the better".

passive resistance would have gotten the colonial powers out of sandland long ago, but the "Blow Something Up" playbook has only escalated the problem.

of course various US administrations meddling in sandland's internal affairs didnt help, but the pretense that the orient's problems are all america's fault is ridiculous. they been actin like barbarians fro 1100 years.
sure. i can see one nutbar machinegunning a preschool in france, but we're talking about not isolated incidents, but organized deliberate highly funded plots which result in popular celebrations in sandland every time some haji pulls the pin on his bomb vest in a nightclub.

Example: the IRA did some great work making the brits pay for their occupation of ireland, and occaisionally shit got out of hand, but the IRA was protected supported and abetted by the irish people, as well as the diaspora, and as such, the IRA was not an isolated group of fringe partisans. had the IRA indulged in random inexplicable acts of murder mayhem and madness all around the world, they would have lost their support among their own people as well as the rest of the civilized world.

likewise, the british did not engage in the kind of occupation which would be needed to put down that rebellion. the civilized world would not have stood for it.

thats how india became free, they faced a civilized nation who was reluctant to go medieval on their asses, and maintained a resistance which engendered sympathy with the rest of the world.

SandLand doesnt roll like that. they got ONE MOVE, and thats "Blow something up, ANYTHING, and the more horrifyingly barbaric the better".

passive resistance would have gotten the colonial powers out of sandland long ago, but the "Blow Something Up" playbook has only escalated the problem.

of course various US administrations meddling in sandland's internal affairs didnt help, but the pretense that the orient's problems are all america's fault is ridiculous. they been actin like barbarians fro 1100 years.
You need to re-read history bro, cos the British did alot more fucked up shit than you seem to realise.
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