Well-Known Member
Rwanda: the US didnt make the Hutus and the Tutsis hack each other to death with machetes
Uganda: the US didnt make Idi Amin eat all those people
Sudan: the US didnt make the moslem rulers butcher all those christians, animists, atheists, jews, zoroastrians, etc etc etc
Iran: the US didnt make achmedinejhad hang all those homosexuals
Indonesia: The US didnt make the local militants hack the heads off those schoolgirls
France: the US didnt make that durkha durkha machinegun that preschool
Afghansitan: The US didnt make those savages throw acid on their own children
Philippinnes: The US didnt make the Abu Saif burn down rape and butcher all those villages
Spain: the US didnt put bombs on that commuter train
Britain: the US didnt put bombs on those busses
If this were the 1600's, I'd claim your wife to be a witch.
Watch as Christian 'GOD' commands the men of the village to secretly rape her before publicly humiliating her, beating her, give an unfair trial before being burned to death or pushed off a cliff.
Many other 'religions' do compare to these crimes you love to highlight and pinpoint out, most often in statement that you're accusing only Muslims of doing such
maybe it's because Muslims for the centuries have been badass enough to publicly display their faith and will for their lifestyle x10 as much as any crusader or mongol could have. Thus, public attention and scapegoat for harassment