Evolution: The missing link

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member

The Missing Link

Man's speculations about his origins fall into two well-known categories - science's evolution theory, and the world's religious and mythical accounts.

Evolution theory, according to Darwin and his followers, describes man's animal development from the first micro-organism. No explanation is offered for his incomparable creative and artistic powers. According to the theory he is just a better kind of ape. On the other hand, biblical and other religious traditions report some kind of divine or mystical creation in which man appeared physically fully formed and imaginatively inventive as we know him today. The two approaches are irreconcilable - until the underlying truth connecting them is realised. Then the religious and mythical accounts are seen to be attempts at describing the astonishing emotion/creative beginnings of man - the element missing from the scientific theory.

As the religious stories pre-dated scientific rationalism by many, many thousands of years they could not avoid presenting a strongly emotional view: man's evolution since that time has been broadly from an emotional to a rational being. What is surprising today is that in spite of more than a century of science since Darwin, religious authorities continue to ignore the clamour in man's mind for a rational and intelligent explanation of religious phenomena in the light of evolution theory. This omission, and the implicit inability of organised religion to understand the truth of its own doctrines, probably accounts more than anything else for the decline in the West of religion's credibility and influence. Modern Ration man, who depends on material fact for his daily bread and his motor car, has outgrown the need for emotional explanations of the origins of this and will not accept that human bodies, bread, or cars are suddenly created without a physical cause. And why should he? In a rational world such propositions are absurd. Yet intelligent and earnest men continue to commit themselves to the religious creation idea. This can only mean a massive misunderstanding has occurred somewhere along the line.

One would imagine that the two sides, having set themselves up as authorities in such matters as the origins of man, would be concerned with trying to find out what that all-important error or misunderstanding between them was, or is, instead of pursing their mutually exclusive dogmas to the confusion of everyone who just wants to know the truth. Religion argues from a position of faith. Science argues from a position of fact. With less emphasis on positions, faith can be factually described and fact faithfully sourced to original causes.

These two great opposing ideas - evolution theory and creation theory - actually represent the two sides of man, his mystifying dual nature: the sensory physical, and the vitally creative. Without doubt man is an animal; and yet he is uniquely creative. How, and in what circumstances, did an animal become independently creative, numerically inventive, emotionally resonant? And where is the evidence? Under this kind of scrutiny, it is fairly obvious that neither evolution theory nor scriptural theory is really complete without the other. And yet to believe in either of this perennial opposites seems automatically to deny the possibility of the other. As it is impossible to argue sensibly against evolution as regards man's animal development, evolution theory has come almost universally accepted as describing his whole ancestry - even though it accounts for only half of the man which every scientist, every human being, experiences himself to be. To date, due more to the absence of an acceptable rationale than to any great personal conviction about his descent/ascent from apes, modern rational man largely has had to lay aside the fascinating, scriptural and mythical possibility (talk of immortality, higher powers, visions and the rest) like a fondly remembered but impossible childhood dream.

Rationality, science - intellectual materialism - have triumphed over man's deeper feelings and longings; and on the evidence adduced , rightly so. But the trouble with a theory - Darwinian theory, religious theory, any theory - is that it always remains a partly observed fact. That is, it is not yet a principle, not immediately demonstrable, like for instance the law of gravity. No matter how carefully and in what detail phenomena are studied from an exclusive point of view - such as the animal ancestry of man which excludes the vitally creative side, or scriptural theory which excludes the rational side - the results are always partial, incomplete. And man remains as he is today, perhaps factually persuaded but faithfully unconvinced.

Evolutionists and naturalists like Darwin and so many others in our time have contributed enormously to out understand and appreciation of nature as the perfect system of perpetual motion. But what of the evolutionist himself? - not his organism, but the intelligence, the creative brilliance of the genius with which he cognises the nature-system. What would be the result if he observed and cataloged this unique system of intelligence in himself, with the same patience and dedication as he studies the formal, natural world around him?

By demarking a point some tens of thousands of years ago when modern creative man (Homo sapiens) emerged out of the animal lineage of flesh and instinct, science tacitly acknowledges the occurrence of a unique and extraordinary event in time. It affirms that somewhere, sometime during the countless ages of the development of Homo ( the biological order of primates which includes monkeys and apes) man acquired his sapience (sense of knowing discernment) that unprecedented humanizing addition to his animal nature; and that his sapient factor is the other half of him, the missing link, in the otherwise elegant scientific theory.

The Intelligence Behind Evolution

To understand the evolution before man appeared on earth...

The book goes on to reveal the truth of ourselves. I don't expect you to believe me, in fact I don't want you to believe me. I want you to experience the truth for yourself.

The Origins of Man and the Universe by Barry Long.

I don't think you'll find a lot of argument against evolution around here.

I do wanna' point out that Cannabis has it's historical usage/roots in our society based on 2 things: medicinal and spiritual -- and "back in the day" they were one...

I didn't read your post though, it was longer than MY long posts! I DID read your grow journal, though. Very nice. I can't wait until I can put seed to coco again.

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

I'll rep ya' proper this evening.
It is long I know, I am too, not a fan of long posts. With the honesty of words I can say that this post will reveal a lot more than many, many other posts of it's length.

Thanks man. Next year I might pop a seed or two when I move into a more permanent home :)

Take care
The fallacy I see here is that "the vitally creative" is somehow distinct from "the sensory physical". Can they not both be manifestations of the entirely, unassistedly natural? Could our belief that we are Somehow Different be the big mistake? Until we know how dolphins talk and how gorillas organize ideas ...and how dogs and parrots and cuttlefish feel about their world .. we are at gravest risk of anthropomorphizing the "not us" part, the greatest part, of life, the universe and everything. It is understandable - even unavoidable - that we see everything from a human perspective. But the easy mistake is that the human view is the only one. Nature is bigger than I am, than we are.
Your story is long winded.
Man evolved from many ape/ humanoid species. That is part of the missing link they never told you in school. The other centered on the brain being larger than other hominids. This was a false trail. The ability to stand on 2 feet and see the tiger coming to eat you was the first advantage the early hominids had over the other humanoid species. Fast forward 800,000 years with many different hominid species living some at the same time and you end up evolving into at least 2 at the end. Homosapien and neaderthal man. As we learned to use tools and ate a diet that contained both meat and fish we developed into a hunter gathering society. The last 10,000 years we drove neanderthal man to extinction by hunting his land and killing his people. Big foot is thought to be a humanoid species left over from evolution. Could be what neanderthal man became. A legend in myth.

An interesting thing about phenotypes in weed is it is similar to human race. Take afghani and thai for instence. Two different types indica and sativa for the most part. within those groups phenotypes exist but they are still similar. Two races, asian and Indian, you can tell the difference between them because of their phenotypes and within each group you can see the differences. A good example is a chinese person and a japanese person can look different and it is easy for them to see the differences in the race even if I cannot tell the difference.

As far as religion goes most people are the same religion as their surroundings/ environment or parents. It's called indoctornation.
It does not base the story of mankind on science, but on stories told around the campfire and passed down over the years. Like wisper down the lane it changed or evolved to become different factions of the same story.

Another good book to read that covers these early human stories in detail is richard dawkings book the god delusion. Explains the zeitguist of human interaction and why people believe what they believe.
It's the fukkin missing link for gawd's sake... "It's Missing" because it isn't there hahaha.... Aliens came down [or if you like, god came down] and adjusted our DNA... and it was done a long time before any story was written.... Earth's man history is much longer than believed... check this out: http://gobeklitepe.info/
Not surprised at all from that link. This was the time when empires started to rise. Some were more advanced than others depending on how long that civilization existed. At this same time humans crossed the bering straits into north america. Mayans, aztecks, american indian's, inca's ect. They developed pryimids also and were seperated from the rest of the world. So not surprised.
The fallacy I see here is that "the vitally creative" is somehow distinct from "the sensory physical". Can they not both be manifestations of the entirely, unassistedly natural? Could our belief that we are Somehow Different be the big mistake? Until we know how dolphins talk and how gorillas organize ideas ...and how dogs and parrots and cuttlefish feel about their world .. we are at gravest risk of anthropomorphizing the "not us" part, the greatest part, of life, the universe and everything. It is understandable - even unavoidable - that we see everything from a human perspective. But the easy mistake is that the human view is the only one. Nature is bigger than I am, than we are.

If you take some time to read the book I can see it will do a lot for you. All the questions you are asking it answers, funnily enough...

'we see everything from a human perspective' You said it yourself, we are the limiting factor to the physical world. But we are beyond the physical, aren't we? You are shown this every night.

I can say in my own, experience, which is the basis of everything, that this book has changed my life for the better. If you found something that changed your life and you know the relief it could bring to others would you share? Yes you would. That is why I am sharing this true knowledge. To my fellow man, on this beautiful earth.
Every member of every species is "the missing link". Every fossil is a transitional fossil. Every part of the chain is a link. Anyone calling for a "missing link" these days is not looking for it.

If evolution didn't work, we wouldn't use it, because it would be useless. It does work, as a theory should, to help us predict outcomes, and produce new innovations. Creation doesn't work, from an outcomes/innovation standpoint. "God did it", doesn't tell me either how to predict it or how to cause it.

"God did it" is one of my most hated answers adults gave me as a child. The other is "Because I said so". They really equal terms. How did life start? "God did it." How do you know? "Because I (the Bible) said so."
If you take some time to read the book I can see it will do a lot for you. All the questions you are asking it answers, funnily enough...

'we see everything from a human perspective' You said it yourself, we are the limiting factor to the physical world. But we are beyond the physical, aren't we? You are shown this every night.

I can say in my own, experience, which is the basis of everything, that this book has changed my life for the better. If you found something that changed your life and you know the relief it could bring to others would you share? Yes you would. That is why I am sharing this true knowledge. To my fellow man, on this beautiful earth.
Can you expand on the bolded?
Can you expand on the bolded?

The vast majority of mankind believes that when the body dies his experience goes with it and he is no more. For in order to there be any kind of experience there must be a fundamental principle that does not change. That is consciousness. This is the seat of which everything sits. There are many ways of demonstrating this in our own experience.

Lets say you cut your hand. It hurts, doesn't it? The pain is there when you are aware of it (which is most of the time). Now you go to sleep, where is this pain? You leave that body of pain and enter a new one, which you can equally hurt or change and wake up to the pain again of the other body. There is clearly something connecting the two, going from the physical to the dream world. That is your awareness. It has no trace on the memory, as you would remember your birth. It has no form. But consequently it is needed to be present for there to be any form!

This is the immortal part of mankind. The part that all religions 'consequently' across thousands of years and different locations refer to, but in a mythological way.

We are here to experience eternal life, whatever that includes...
The vast majority of mankind believes that when the body dies his experience goes with it and he is no more. For in order to there be any kind of experience there must be a fundamental principle that does not change. That is consciousness.
Lets say you cut your hand. It hurts, doesn't it? The pain is there when you are aware of it (which is most of the time). Now you go to sleep, where is this pain? You leave that body of pain and enter a new one, which you can equally hurt or change and wake up to the pain again of the other body. There is clearly something connecting the two, going from the physical to the dream world. That is your awareness.
This is the immortal part of mankind. The part that all religions 'consequently' across thousands of years and different locations refer to, but in a mythological way....
Don't agree with this. Just want to break down what you are saying into it's pieces to see if it holds water. The vast majority in your neighborhood maybe believes your first statement. Do atheist believe that? Do all the people in china believe that? Probably your facts are not correct. You have been taught to believe that and it is not true.
The second statement, "in order to there be any kind of experience there must be a fundamental principle that does not change. That is consciousness."
Does not seem even remotely similar to the defination. Consciousness "is the quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself."

Your example of cutting your hand is not a very good one. Ever cut your hand and not realize you did it because it didn't hurt? Your statement that it hurts, doesn't it is trying to force a belief onto someone and is used by salesman as a affermation statement so you will say yes. Nice try. If you cut yourself bad enough and the pain is bad enough you won't be sleeping anytime soon unless your body is in shock or the pain meds start kicking in or you passout from the pain. When you do sleep and enter REM sleep your mind is still functioning but your consious mind is unaware because you are asleep. The thing connecting the two is your mind consious and subconsious.
This is the defination of awareness. Awareness is the state or ability to perceive, to feel, or to be conscious of events, objects, or sensory patterns. In this level of consciousness, sense data can be confirmed by an observer without necessarily implying understanding. More broadly, it is the state or quality of being aware of something.

And last the immortal part. It is a dream that the hucksters try and use to convince you there is life after death. The idea of immortality itself survives and spreads because it caters to wishful thinking. Don't fall for the lie as it is used to promise you something that every human wants to believe.
I know what they mean about "the missing link" but nothing is really missing ... we have crack babies all over the place. That's 1 iteration. If there's 1, there's a million.
Those who realize Religion is a joke, seek the Truth through science. Philosophy.

We are the gods of the atoms that make up ourselves but we are also the atoms of the gods that make up the universe.
— Manly P. Hall view
Those who realize Religion is a joke, seek the Truth through science. Philosophy.

We are the gods of the atoms that make up ourselves but we are also the atoms of the gods that make up the universe.
— Manly P. Hall view

MP Hall was a pretty deep thinker. His "secret teachings of all ages" is quite a nice stoner, coffee-table book :lol:
I wonder what a child would think, looking at all the pictures in it.