I have to vent.


Well-Known Member
lmfao as far as i know he never reconnected with a female.

Im worried about making contact with him because from what I know about him he is cold as ice and I recall him saying this is all my fault so im a bit hesitant to try to make contact as I fear he wont want this connection back. But who knows Ill think about this and thanks everyone for helping me settle my racing mind. I am friends with him mom, maybe ill have her pass a message to him and if he wants then he can write me.


Well-Known Member
You should try to rekindle your relationship with your friend. Maybe take it a step further and try to have intercourse with him. Or would that be too weird?


Well-Known Member
Oh my, im sure iill rip him apart so I dont wanna have to have a dead friend but yes Im gonna try to make contact and see if he wants to start back from the start

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Everyone was making jokes, I thought it would be more of a day brightener for the Thread, to try and get you out of that mood mannnn...
No harm here bro, ain't out to get anyone. Your always going to have your bursted beans on the bottom of the pot.




Well-Known Member
Get a tattoo of his name on one of your ass cheeks, only solution.
these replies are starting to get a little out of hand. why the fuck would you waste your time reading this if you have nothing constructive to say, go actually make a difference in the world instead of continuing to be the social pitfall who attributes nothing to the social class in a whole.
Im sorry, but I have to disagree. Nice Ol Bud made a funny. I laughed. As Im sure others will too when they read it. You should lighten up a little. You are talking about your life problems to a bunch of stoners on a pot forum. Take it easy man, we are only making light of this because we dont know you.. or dont care.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I know, I also suffer from depression, PTSD p-TBI, migraines daily and rheumatoid arthritis in just about every joint. No Homo here but he was the one who I can talk to about it, My wife doesn't understand war shit but other men do,
war shit? say what? I could have sworn you said you were a pot grower? Now if you wanna talk war shit you've come to the right bitch :) errr I mean place.... Now I do grow pot, quite poorly, I might add. But it does the job. I'm just not as skilled at growing as some of my other skillz.

Oh my, im sure iill rip him apart so I dont wanna have to have a dead friend but yes Im gonna try to make contact and see if he wants to start back from the start
Don't worry if you kill him we have someone here named loquacious who shares your proclivities. You two could become fast friends.

You should try to rekindle your relationship with your friend. Maybe take it a step further and try to have intercourse with him. Or would that be too weird?
Thank god you took point on this! For a moment I was afraid I was going to have to wade into the breach(es), yet again! I missed you during your celebratory debauch upon reaching the hot hole from hell you currently reside in. But I give you much lattitude as well. Wait until next year. I (fore)see another, longer debauch on your horizon ;)


Well-Known Member
Everyone was making jokes, I thought it would be more of a day brightener for the Thread, to try and get you out of that mood mannnn...
No harm here bro, ain't out to get anyone. Your always going to have your bursted beans on the bottom of the pot.


sorry for my out burst....I usually do laugh along but that day was just you know "that day"
Im also kinda short tempered due to the PTSD

and @ c2g Ya I was blown up about 25feet from a VBIED which had two 55gal barrels of HME with alluminum sheets stacked around the barrels Was brutal Lost two brothers that day and well lost myself too

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
sorry for my out burst....I usually do laugh along but that day was just you know "that day"
Im also kinda short tempered due to the PTSD
It's all good man. It's my job as a conscious being to recognize my fellow family member's state of mind at the moment.. and to keep the love flowing.. even after an unstable comment.
I know man.. we all go through tough times... I wish you nothing but the best man... for everyone.


Well-Known Member
thanks i really appreciate it, Today was a shit day but ended very good and i wrote my buddy a email waiting for a reply back, I also made appointments at the VA finally to get referalls back into the phych dept, all gotta do that in the am, mondays usually suck but actually looking forward to it


Well-Known Member
glad things are going well (as well as they can) for you man. hope things stay on track.


Well-Known Member
thanks i really appreciate it, Today was a shit day but ended very good and i wrote my buddy a email waiting for a reply back, I also made appointments at the VA finally to get referalls back into the phych dept, all gotta do that in the am, mondays usually suck but actually looking forward to it
Good for you, I wish I had the balls to follow thru on mine but I've put it off for 38 years. Pot works for me thank god.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
sorry for my out burst....I usually do laugh along but that day was just you know "that day"
Im also kinda short tempered due to the PTSD

and @ c2g Ya I was blown up about 25feet from a VBIED which had two 55gal barrels of HME with alluminum sheets stacked around the barrels Was brutal Lost two brothers that day and well lost myself too
thanks i really appreciate it, Today was a shit day but ended very good and i wrote my buddy a email waiting for a reply back, I also made appointments at the VA finally to get referalls back into the phych dept, all gotta do that in the am, mondays usually suck but actually looking forward to it
Short tempered LOL that's me. I understand. I threw myself into a tree to avoid a helicopter I thought was auto rotating. We won't discuss precisely how long it's been since I had to dodge raining choppers. Don't let the VA ignore you. Stay on their backs. My hub is 22 years USAF ret. One police action and one war. I had to literally drag him through the VA backwards to force him to follow through LOL.

Oh and PTSD, ignoring it doesn't work and I'd suggest not taking the morphine route I took.
Welcome to RIU and I hope today is a better day for you.


Well-Known Member
thanks i really appreciate it, Today was a shit day but ended very good and i wrote my buddy a email waiting for a reply back, I also made appointments at the VA finally to get referalls back into the phych dept, all gotta do that in the am, mondays usually suck but actually looking forward to it
BIG HUG.............................................Vietnam vet here, I've been dealing with PTSD since 1969.............I feel you.....I really do feel you..........I split with a long time friend years ago over money...........I'd pay 10x that amount to have him back as a friend...........P.S. please listen to Annie. also, you should come to the BBQ bro. I'd like to give you a hug in person...........


Well-Known Member
^^^ quit pounding yer pud so much and grow up Sabfjrina unless you just come to troll and then you gotta quit hitting like a girl.