Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
Myco you're a kind heart. Thanks for offering help.

Hamish- best to know the enemy. Fibro is one of the classic afflictions helped by the Canna, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
Rrog you help everyone out with their organics, and might I say you do a hell of a job at it bro. You have a very huge wealth of knowledge about organics, and I've seen you help many people with it. If I know anything it's suffering with fibro, and little tips, and tricks to help. If I didn't offer the help knowing I could do so, it would be wrong, it's that simple. Peace, Light, and love to everyone on this fair night. Please say a prayer for Hamish, and his lady, I think they deserve it.


Well-Known Member
My Super Blue Dream x Freedom Baby aka Harlequin Jo just took on way more meaning to me. Part of my coming to test at Gage was too work with the medical strains. I know now why I am running this strain. I will pay these special attention.

I am going to order a few packs of the Freedom Baby to begin to play with. Tell her we are on it.


Well-Known Member
My Super Blue Dream x Freedom Baby aka Harlequin Jo just took on way more meaning to me. Part of my coming to test at Gage was too work with the medical strains. I know now why I am running this strain. I will pay these special attention.

I am going to order a few packs of the Freedom Baby to begin to play with. Tell her we are on it.
This is the only real medication that has worked for me......EVER! I've had one problem or another since child hood not even being able to drink milk as a baby. I had to eat something called neutramagen or some crap as a baby. I'm pretty sure now that my symptoms have all been from something called "Clinical EndoCannabanoid Deficiency" If you spend a lifetime with an imbalance of cannabanoids in your system it can do some weird stuff to your body. Believe it or not folks it's true! your body needs cannabanoids in it to regulate many a function throughout your body. Your endocannabanoid system regulates most of your digestion, but is not limited to that function at all. The system is found in your brain, and also in your peripheral nervous system. I think anybody could find reading about this to be interesting, and worthwhile. The Fibro, and Crohn's, and alot of other diseases people get are symptoms of a bigger problem being that of a cannabanoid deficiency. I know it's hard for alot of folks to swallow that, but I really find it to be true. I've been taking oil like water lately, and haven't had to take one digestive aid, one pain pill of any kind including tylenol, nor have I been sick, and all this with some of the highest stress I've ever been under. That pretty much says it all for me. I've been eating fine, and most of my fibro issues are under control as long as I use regularly. Take cannabis out of the picture, and introduce western medicine I'm constantly in, and out of the hospital, and miserable beyond comprehension without coming to visit me. I really think that strains like Gandalfs Harlequin Jo are the future of medicine in more than one way. You find that just right pheno brother, and we'll pass that girl around like a loose joint at a concert, or a loose girl at a concert, which ever works, LOL. OOOH, I shouldn't say that, sorry ladies. Enjoy your evening everyone. Peace, Light, and Love.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
This is the only real medication that has worked for me......EVER! I've had one problem or another since child hood not even being able to drink milk as a baby. I had to eat something called neutramagen or some crap as a baby. I'm pretty sure now that my symptoms have all been from something called "Clinical EndoCannabanoid Deficiency" If you spend a lifetime with an imbalance of cannabanoids in your system it can do some weird stuff to your body. Believe it or not folks it's true! your body needs cannabanoids in it to regulate many a function throughout your body. Your endocannabanoid system regulates most of your digestion, but is not limited to that function at all. The system is found in your brain, and also in your peripheral nervous system. I think anybody could find reading about this to be interesting, and worthwhile. The Fibro, and Crohn's, and alot of other diseases people get are symptoms of a bigger problem being that of a cannabanoid deficiency. I know it's hard for alot of folks to swallow that, but I really find it to be true. I've been taking oil like water lately, and haven't had to take one digestive aid, one pain pill of any kind including tylenol, nor have I been sick, and all this with some of the highest stress I've ever been under. That pretty much says it all for me. I've been eating fine, and most of my fibro issues are under control as long as I use regularly. Take cannabis out of the picture, and introduce western medicine I'm constantly in, and out of the hospital, and miserable beyond comprehension without coming to visit me. I really think that strains like Gandalfs Harlequin Jo are the future of medicine in more than one way. You find that just right pheno brother, and we'll pass that girl around like a loose joint at a concert, or a loose girl at a concert, which ever works, LOL. OOOH, I shouldn't say that, sorry ladies. Enjoy your evening everyone. Peace, Light, and Love.
I looked up EDC... Mate, the first three things listed as possibly having EDC as its root are fibro, migraines and IBS... She suffers from all of them, diagnosed by the docs. You are a life saver, literally. Gandalf, you literally choked me up now mate. Wow. THANK YOU. And Rrog, once again you are one of my GURUS now brother. Your offer to help with the raw materials might just be one of the big pieces of a puzzle that is slowly falling together. I can't believe I have met all you people. Almost afraid to go sleep in case I wake up and RIU was a great dream... Love and Light to all of you, and to everybody you hold dear!


Well-Known Member
Myco, correct me if I'm wrong but isn't fibro considered an auto-immune disease? Chrons, ulceritive colitis, rheumatoid arthritis being some others. I have a patient with ulceritive colitis and we have messed with various concoctions. The best one I've come up with so far is just a dry ice extraction using my 160 micron bubble bag. The nice part with this method is that you can agitate a little longer and not worry about plant matter getting in to the tincture, because it's actually beneficial. The dry ice does a nice job making a fine enough powder of the plant matter that it mixes nicely with something like coconut oil.... not to mention it does a thorough job of extracting the trichomes.. With other methods I've tried, you're either leaving a stubstanital amount of medicine behind on the bud, or you're using a solvent that is extremely flammable and/or not healthy to ingest . The coconut oil is heated in a rice cooker, and the kief is added. Heat on low for 30 minutes and that's it. The easiest, and most effective way that I have found.

Having said that, Myco and Hamish I am all ears where you guys are concerned. I would love to hear and learn from both of you with what your experiences have been. Always looking to improve. Being the demonized drug that weed is, we are left to learn from one another on forums like this.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Fibro is psychosomatic, meaning its all about how nerves and brain process stuff, its one if the main reasons it took so long to pick up far as my wife goes and also why it has both physical and psychological effects on the sufferer. I can teach you a lot about good water extractions, proper Nederhash, dry ice methods are alright but don't come close... You don't want all the trichs for top quality either, you want the small immature ones to either stay on the bud or get washed away trust me. Plant matter is taken care of after extraction by washing with pure icy water if you agitated too much or if you want connoisseur grade bubble hash. I had to pay to learn this stuff but I never made a promise to not pass the knowledge along for free ;)

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Guys I just made such a dumbass move... New MH globe for the mommy tent. 400 watts as always. Didn't take the extra lumens into account so I friggin bleached my seedlings. Lifted the hood a helluva lot and gave 'em a lot of time with the tent left open to give them a break from all that intense light. I know they'll be looking better really soon, for a while there I was a bit stumped. I can be a retard at times. Anyhow, Bodhi's Dream Beaver at exactly 14 days after germ. All yellow poor things :(


Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Oh and Tahoe OG, cloned off my mom I thought had gone mental. SUPER stoked I learned the real problem with the herms. I just had to put some of the same strain in the same place and keep a very close eye, I am making DEAD certain I solved the problem. Seems like I have. Yeah I know, Swerve can be a real dick, CC's genes can be really risky, but my Tahoe lady has served me well. Looks like she will continue doing so. Holding thumbs!

3 1/2 weeks (roughly) into flower:



Well-Known Member
I would love to learn how to make a wider selection of concentrates from you guys. I've done the dry ice method, and learned how to decarbolyze or however you pronounce that. Getting out the extra Co2 that is, so your hash doesn't degrade from it. I have the B.H.O. down pretty good thanks to Hamish, but my water hash always has a nasty wet taste to it. I've done it a hundred different ways, and have also tried drying it out in a vac chamber thinking it would help, but not really. I don't know if the humidity is a factor where i live or what, but my flowers dry out perfectly where I am, I don't understand. That's the only reason I don't make water extract, I hate the dang flavor at the end. My B.H.O. that I make tastes like friggin skittles after I'm done with the Blue O.G. Why would I want to waste something like that on bad results, you know. Plus when I medicate with it, the oil takes away so much of the aches, and pains. I would love to get to that stage with water extraction though to by-pass the butane. At this point though a little butane is a small price to pay to have so much of my life back.

I really like the new Avatar Hamish. It looks like a pissed off mantis about to fight or something, really diggin it bro. You're right on about the auto-immune thing Stow. it seems alot of treatment resistant ailments respond quite well to canna-meds. I think it's more of the cbd having an effect than the thc though. I think the higher cbd starins like maybe 20%, and above have an extremely positive effect on any inflammation, and digestive issues one has with them. I'm also starting to think that strains with higher thc-v would be a great help as well with the Psychological effects that come with the ailments too. I really need to get somewhere that i can start breeding more beneficial strains for people. I know personally what they need, and if I don't make some kind of effort to help, it would literally be a crime in my eyes. I'm not trying to say only I know what these folks need, but having a back ground like i do would be a huge benefit to getting these meds right, you know. I just feel a real responsibility to these people being one of them is all I'm trying to say.

I'm glad to see you were able to salvage a small part of the Tahoe's Hamish. Lemon pledge goodness on it's way :weed:. I think the lemonene could also be beneficial for your lady. Personally I just try to get as much cannabanoids in me as possible to feel better. Talk to you soon brother. Enjoy your day everyone. Peace, Light, and Love.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I would love to learn how to make a wider selection of concentrates from you guys. I've done the dry ice method, and learned how to decarbolyze or however you pronounce that. Getting out the extra Co2 that is, so your hash doesn't degrade from it. I have the B.H.O. down pretty good thanks to Hamish, but my water hash always has a nasty wet taste to it. I've done it a hundred different ways, and have also tried drying it out in a vac chamber thinking it would help, but not really. I don't know if the humidity is a factor where i live or what, but my flowers dry out perfectly where I am, I don't understand. That's the only reason I don't make water extract, I hate the dang flavor at the end. My B.H.O. that I make tastes like friggin skittles after I'm done with the Blue O.G. Why would I want to waste something like that on bad results, you know. Plus when I medicate with it, the oil takes away so much of the aches, and pains. I would love to get to that stage with water extraction though to by-pass the butane. At this point though a little butane is a small price to pay to have so much of my life back.

I really like the new Avatar Hamish. It looks like a pissed off mantis about to fight or something, really diggin it bro. You're right on about the auto-immune thing Stow. it seems alot of treatment resistant ailments respond quite well to canna-meds. I think it's more of the cbd having an effect than the thc though. I think the higher cbd starins like maybe 20%, and above have an extremely positive effect on any inflammation, and digestive issues one has with them. I'm also starting to think that strains with higher thc-v would be a great help as well with the Psychological effects that come with the ailments too. I really need to get somewhere that i can start breeding more beneficial strains for people. I know personally what they need, and if I don't make some kind of effort to help, it would literally be a crime in my eyes. I'm not trying to say only I know what these folks need, but having a back ground like i do would be a huge benefit to getting these meds right, you know. I just feel a real responsibility to these people being one of them is all I'm trying to say.

I'm glad to see you were able to salvage a small part of the Tahoe's Hamish. Lemon pledge goodness on it's way :weed:. I think the lemonene could also be beneficial for your lady. Personally I just try to get as much cannabanoids in me as possible to feel better. Talk to you soon brother. Enjoy your day everyone. Peace, Light, and Love.
Myco, if you like high CBD...
Barney's Farm LSD.
It grows like a tree.
A ganja rhyme by me :)


Well-Known Member
I've wanted to pick some L.S.D. up for a while now TBH. I've seen alot of people grow it with a high level of success, and nice yields too. I know one gentleman on R.I.U. that loves the strain, and recommends it to just about everyone. I have some G-13 x Skunk#1, and also some Afghani X Skunk#1 to start working with after I move. It would kill me to get that killer pheno, and then have to leave it behind, you know. I'm really trying to just keep myself in herb until I leave, and then go crazy with it once I get there. Now that I know the MJ helps so much I need to find the lowest possible dose that's still therapeutic anyways, and i guess now would be a good time to find out. I'd seriously rather chop on myself with razor blades than be nauseous though, so I'm gonna take it slow lowering my doses. The messed up thing is I'm 100% functional on the higher dose, and have really been enjoying life lately, it kills me to have to give that up to any degree. I don't think lowering it by small increments will be too bad though. I've been looking into getting something called an essential vape. I like that you can carry around different concentrates like ice wax, and B.H.O. in it's various forms, and just pop different vials on the vape, and medicate. You can have some for digestion, and others for pain, and be able to keep them separate, without it being a pain in the butt or having a bunch of big containers. It just uses small ones like people keep powders in. Put the vial in, heat it, medicate, and go about your day. You don't need a big torch or anything to use it, and it comes with a nice little case as well. I just like it I guess, makes sense to me. I never sit around taking large doses, but I do have to take a crap ton of small doses throughout the day to make it work best. I find when I take larger doses it just starts to make me tired, and then I want to nap, and usually wake up feeling sore, and more tired. Have a blessed day people. Peace and love.


Well-Known Member
Would be cool if MI was known as the state that makes the best RSO from the best high-CBD strains. We're a compassionate Canna-State


Well-Known Member
Guys I just made such a dumbass move... New MH globe for the mommy tent. 400 watts as always. Didn't take the extra lumens into account so I friggin bleached my seedlings. Lifted the hood a helluva lot and gave 'em a lot of time with the tent left open to give them a break from all that intense light. I know they'll be looking better really soon, for a while there I was a bit stumped. I can be a retard at times. Anyhow, Bodhi's Dream Beaver at exactly 14 days after germ. All yellow poor things :(

I have done this before.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I like the direction this thread has taken
It's the magic of Gandalf da Green infecting us all with his healing energy and super-loving nature! When he speaks to you it's as if the words wrap around you and give you a big bear-hug :)

Myco, the 'wet' flavour in your water hash... That's our old enemy to the taste-buds, chlorophyll. It is VERY easy to sort out brother! Do your pull using your bubble bags, however many you use, whatever grade to the screen. Put the whole lot, ALL the bags, into a fresh dry bucket. Pour more ICY water in and pull the bags right back out. You can repeat this process a few times if you wish, the trick is to get ZERO green residue staying in the water, that way you KNOW it's not in your hash. You don't quite need to go THAT far as you WILL lose trichs in the process. But once that nasty stuff is all washed away, you end up with a pure product that can be anything from blonde to gold to the colour of excellent dried coffee. And THAT, my friend, is DANK Hashish ;) It's all in the wash, brother, it's all in the wash! Just like with the BHO, it is a process getting there that requires more patience than most of the guys writing the instructionals have.

You can even clean a bagless water-hash to a level where it will be really tasty. That will be more like the oldschool Afghani or Moroccan screen-rubs, still EXCELLENT. It might not bubble like when using bubble-bags, but it will be good enough to get your ancestors high when you smoke a chillum :)


Well-Known Member
F1's of Kali Mist #4 (best pheno) x Daybreaker, Sun Maiden * x Daybreaker will be ready soon. They are really getting big. Remember the old organic hydro experiment? It's purpose was to make beans for me. I looked at it a month ago and it was the perfect situtaion for beans. I am laughing my ass off. The foot tall corn stalk plants are healthy and the buds are tiny and full of beans. I have not found seeds anywhere else in the room so I guess it worked. The SM is the stomper pheno for sure. I have Daybreakers in bloom. They are tough looking plants. Hearty. They smell like skunky jet fuel. I have a feeling they'll be pretty strong smoke. Daybreaker is Chemdawg D x Joseph OG. I like your pictures Hamish. The new Avatar is cool.


Well-Known Member
I think alot of us have bleached a plant or two.
I did 1 plant after just getting a new bulb.
I usually just do 5-6 per 1k,and move some not
alot around,and guess the 1 i didnt move.

And..... being out of town for 2 days didn't help!