First Grow Outdoor UK


Well-Known Member
From what I've seen bagseed can produce some pretty outstanding bud - it's all in the grow and how much TLC you give them.

LOL. Know what you mean about trying to get pictures. I'm off to try to get some now before the rain comes on (looks like it's goin' to bucket), and it's really windy too so not too hopeful about my pics today. Hopefully I'll get "something" up in an hour or two.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, at last an update. Sorry for the delay but I have been rather busy and to be honest I didn't think my plants had changed much in the last two weeks. It was only when I compared today's pics with the last update that I realised they have grown rather a lot. The first pic is two weeks ago at 22 days (just to remind you); the second pic was taken today at 37 days:

Pic 1: 22 Days

Pic 2: 37 Days

Pic 3: The Tall Guy, I Mean Girl LOL - 18 Inches

Pic 4: A Short One

Pic 5: A Short One Again

So, how do you think they are doing generally? There hasn't been much sun this last week or so, and growth definitely slowed down a little. But they are filling out now with their new stems and leaves at the nodes rather than getting taller, so hopefully that will continue. BTW, the tall one is about 18 inches (as I said above) and the others range from about 12 to 14 inches. Having seen a few reviews of this strain it appears to be normal to get at least one much larger plant, so not necessarily a bad sign.

OK, as with last time I have a potential problem developing and would greatly appreciate your assistance. The following pic shows one of the bottom-most leaf on one of the plants (all four plants show similar).

Pic 6: Pale Green and Browning around Leaf Margins (Lowest Leaves Only)

You can clearly see that there is some lightening in colour around the leaf margins, with brown spots appearing at the points. I have also noticed that the youngest leaves on all plants are light green / yellow in colour. You can see this in the next pic but it is more noticeable in real life:

Pic 7: New Leaves Light Green / Yellow

I noticed these issues on Sunday and immediately thought Potassium??? Or possibly Calcium??? Anyway I bought some nutes (24-8-16, no Ca I'm afraid) and fed the plants at one quarter of the recommended strength (this is the first time I have given them nutes). Today I thought they are looking a little greener perhaps, BUT some of the larger leaves are curled down at the tips, no sign of damage (YET). Oh, I've also noticed that ALL of the leaves apart from the oldest ones have a leathery, puffy appearance and feel rather rough to the touch.

Pic 8: Curling Leaf Tips / Leathery Appearance

Anyone got any thoughts? My own thoughts are that either:

1. they have been hungry (Pics 6 and 7), I have fed them just in time and they will get better; OR
2. I haven't fed them enough nutes (Pics 6, 7 and 8 ) and should give them more; OR
3. they didn't need fed and I have damaged them (Pic 7).

It may help you to know that I have been watering twice per week (about 2 litres each into 10 litre pots so the water just trickles out of the bottom) and the nutes were given on Sunday evening.

As always I'd be ever so grateful for your comments on this or just general feedback. Thanks for looking :)

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Well-Known Member
They look great to me,
and grew a lot since last update too.
The slight yellowing could be from water? Has it been raining there?
rain followed by sun would see the water gathered at the tips and could cause a burn from the sun
the "puffy" texture is described in several places I have read as a sign of a bit heavy on the nutes
with only their first feeding it could be they are just acclimating to their new food
I think they look splendid and you are doing a great job caring for them
I would wait until they show more of a problem before doing anything drastic

The soil you are using does not have nutes already right?
Sorry but as I type this I forget
If it did then they might be seeing too much food now that you have fed them
otherwise it may just be a "slight" deficiency that will correct now that you are giving them nutrients
I always add some Epsom salt to my nutes, at about a tsp per gallon.
It has a good amount of Mg and some other things that these plants seem to like.
Otherwise steady as she goes,


Well-Known Member
Hi Alto, that's great news - thank you so much for taking the time.

It HAS rained a few times this last week. They do seem very susceptible to "white" spots on the leaves when the sun shines after a shower - in fact I would say they are VERY sensitive to it indeed. That could well be causing the pale colour on the new shoots.

The soil has some nutes and trace elements, but as far as I know it's not in the same league as the likes of Miracle Grow or anything. I haven't been able to find any info on it - it's called "Bulrush Professional Multi-Purpose Compost". The leathery appearance has been there since BEFORE I fed them on Sunday btw, so it's possible my soil has more nutes than I thought.

I should also have told you that my other sativas (Purple Power - update to come soon) are a few weeks old now. Same soil, potted same time as I re-potted the Cinammon. They also show the paler new growth, and I gave them a teeny tiny bit of food on Sunday with no ill effects at all. I will not give them any more for some time. I am only worried about the Cinammon plants. But you have put my mind at rest - THANKS AGAIN!!


PS Thanks for the tip about the Epsom Salts. I think I read this but had forgotten all about it. Will give it a go next watering.
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Well-Known Member
Looking excellent man good work! Theyre loving it, despite the slight lighter colouring and dots! Im pretty sure theyre nothing to worry about, Alto has hit the nail on the head there itl be easy to straighten out! Keep it up man! These are doing so well outside kind of makes me wish i wasnt moving out of the country side come September lol


Well-Known Member
Its no problem encouraging or helping (when I can)
thats why my grow turn out well (all the help from others)
and so its pay back/forward to help if I can
Being the soil did nave nutes I am tempted to say it could be slight nute burn
I was going on the assumption that there were no nutrients present yet.
Just cut back some and all should work out
they are quite resilient plants

I would say too bad about that N Ireland bust but commercial growing by gangs is not something I condone. Hippies growing head stash, Med users making their medicine is all good but making money from our favorite plants beyond recovering expenses is just bad karma as far as I am concerned.
God only knows what the money raised would be used for in that situation.


Well-Known Member
Looking excellent man good work! Theyre loving it, despite the slight lighter colouring and dots! Im pretty sure theyre nothing to worry about, Alto has hit the nail on the head there itl be easy to straighten out! Keep it up man! These are doing so well outside kind of makes me wish i wasnt moving out of the country side come September lol
Hi GigglePimp, thanks as usual for your comments. They do seem to be doing well outside. They're really strong at the moment with nice, solid stems. I just hope I get a few buds to make the stems do at least some of the job they were designed to do LOL. Yes it's a shame you are moving out of the country. Things are getting tough - the way it is at the moment I don't know whether I'll be in this house much longer myself. Makes me want to cry BOOHOO!!!

Its no problem encouraging or helping (when I can) thats why my grow turn out well (all the help from others)
and so its pay back/forward to help if I can
Being the soil did nave nutes I am tempted to say it could be slight nute burn
I was going on the assumption that there were no nutrients present yet.
Just cut back some and all should work out
they are quite resilient plants
I would say too bad about that N Ireland bust but commercial growing by gangs is not something I condone. Hippies growing head stash, Med users making their medicine is all good but making money from our favorite plants beyond recovering expenses is just bad karma as far as I am concerned.
God only knows what the money raised would be used for in that situation.
Will do as you suggest Alto. I just panicked (I'm sure I'm not the first to do that LOL). I totally agree with your thoughts on the commercial grow gangs. They have no place in our society and good riddance to them. I'm doing this for med reasons so I don't have to fill myself full of the crap I get off the Doc (most of it makes me ten times worse - roll on harvest time LOL).

Great to get so much support and especially encouragement from you guys. I really am on my own here (no-one knows) so I couldn't do without it. A little reassurance goes a long way ;)



Well-Known Member
Hello all...
I am a first time grower living in the UK using mother nature.
I had one question...

My plants are about the same size as greenb's plants were on day 22, except they are in pots about as big as the visable plant. I can't repot them for another week as I'm moving the plants to their summer home. Is this a problem?
Also they are currently growing in the MG compost and I was going to move them into something different without nutrients... Is this a good idea? Also how much perlite should I add?

Cheers guys...
Will start my own journal up when the plants are moved home.
Good work on your grow greenb


Well-Known Member
GB: No worries man, hope things get better and you dont have to move!

Staropramen: Doesnt MG compost already have nutes in it? I used it and it gave my plants major nute burn a while into the grow so had to transplant. They should be ok just make sure you do repot them once theyre moved. Roots have been sticking out of the bottom of my plant pots for three or four weeks... Still another 5/6 to go lol i Advise using plain soil with perlite then use nutes in their water, that way you have better control and awareness of how much they have :) Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Hello all...
I am a first time grower living in the UK using mother nature.
I had one question...

My plants are about the same size as greenb's plants were on day 22, except they are in pots about as big as the visable plant. I can't repot them for another week as I'm moving the plants to their summer home. Is this a problem?
Also they are currently growing in the MG compost and I was going to move them into something different without nutrients... Is this a good idea? Also how much perlite should I add?

Cheers guys...
Will start my own journal up when the plants are moved home.
Good work on your grow greenb
Hi Staropramen,

Thanks for your kind comment. I agree with everything GigglePimp said. They will be fine for another week and don't use MG when you re-pot. I use about 1 measure of perlite for every 4 of soil (20 per cent) - I was using 25 per cent perlite as I've seen others do but I felt it was a bit too much and reduced it to 20. Just my personal preference.

Good luck with the grow. Look forward to seeing your grow journal once you get settled.

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Active Member
Greenb love the work your doing, especially growing outside with the weather we have here in the UK

I started growing towards the end of may so i'm about 3/4 weeks into my grow

View attachment 135350

View attachment 135351

not to sure about the sex, this is my first ever grow just learning and growing inside a greenhouse, the weather has been kind lately:hump:

keep it up


Well-Known Member
Hi le3block,

Thanks for stopping by and for the kind comments. Yes the weather (so far) has been very kind to us. My plants got off to a great start with about two or three weeks of almost constant sunshine, so I was well pleased. Also the breeze outdoors worked wonders for strengthening the stems. If you look at my first pic on page 1 of this journal you'll see what I mean LOL - it was a worry for a while but they've turned out fine for the moment.

Those plants of yours look sweet - nice and healthy and leaves nice and clean and unmarked. I'm getting the odd bit of sunburn (after rain I suspect), a few insect "holes" and just noticed this evening something has eaten half of two young leaves - I reckon I'm going to be in for a lot more of that sort of thing.

Your plants look very similar to mine - do you mind if I ask what they are? BTW you won't know what sex they are until they start flowering, which outside should be around mid July, early August I suspect, same as mine. All being well we should then see them really take off.

Good luck with your grow, you're obviously doing a great job. Are you going to set up a grow journal? I'd love to be able to compare notes as there aren't too many of us Brits growing outdoors. Also I'd love to see how yours do in the greenhouse compared to mine battling against the elements LOL.



Active Member
Yeah i've read through your journal and looked at all the pics mate its going well i wish you all the best.

A mate of mine gave me some seeds so they could be anything lol not long joined this site but looking for all advice and pictures as this is my first time.

Its great using the greenhouse i have mate, direct sunlight shines through and a nice temperature inside, also windows opened so breeze can enter plus hardly any bugs. Also the neighbours don't have a clue whats going on LOL.


Well-Known Member
Thanks mate, I'll do my best with them at any rate. Yeah your leaves are very similar to mine. Mine are a 90 or 95 per cent Sativa cross, so could be you have something similar there. Few of us in the UK growing outdoors, and a LOT fewer growing Sativa LOL.

Would love a greenhouse - thought about it but couldn't afford it this time around. Maybe next year (as if LOL). The one blessing I have is the garden being so secluded, and there are like a couple of "hidden" parts to it where I can put the plants if anyone is coming around (not that they ever do). It also means I can get them sheltered from the worst of the rain and wind. My biggest problem is going to be bugs. Have to get some organic bug spray soon.

Definitely get a grow journal going - you have plenty of time to go yet and it would be really nice to follow your progress. Either way make sure you keep in touch and send me plenty of pictures.


Well-Known Member
How do you PM people? I can't work it out!

Will start my journal up in the next 2 days.
Living in mid wales. Growing 6 Hawaii x Skunk1 sativa plants.

Good work though guys


Well-Known Member
Hi Staropramen, just click on their name which brings up a drop-down menu, click "Send A Private Message To .... ". I clicked on your name just now BTW and the option isn't there - tried through your profile and it says you can't receive PMs or have chosen not to receive them - perhaps you need a certain number of posts before you can do it. Anyone???


Well-Known Member
ya plants are lookin wicked you must be doing alot right i hope ya have plenty of luck with the weather i wanna see buds on them gals.


Well-Known Member
ya plants are lookin wicked you must be doing alot right i hope ya have plenty of luck with the weather i wanna see buds on them gals.
Me too bobtokes, me too LOL. Thanks for the comments. I haven't had to do a lot so far to be honest, just carry them around to wherever I can get them a little sunshine, make sure they don't get completely blattered by the rain, swat flies, squash bugs and all that. I do spend a lot of time just sitting there looking at them and smelling their lovely aroma - and probably talking to them as well although I'm not usually aware of it. Maybe they enjoy my company hehe. Anyway, thanks for taking the time to stop by :)

kulan hunter

Well-Known Member
Hi Greenb, your plants are looking good
i have just read back a few pages (been away a few days) and i noticed that you said that when you water you water till you get a little water coming from the bottom of your pot, i would say water them with an extra .5-1litre of water as the extra run off will help to flush salt build up and old nutes from the soil.

if the weather holds you will do well


Well-Known Member
Hi Greenb, your plants are looking good
i have just read back a few pages (been away a few days) and i noticed that you said that when you water you water till you get a little water coming from the bottom of your pot, i would say water them with an extra .5-1litre of water as the extra run off will help to flush salt build up and old nutes from the soil.

if the weather holds you will do well
Thanks kulan hunter, good tip. Will do that in future. Actually I had a stroke of luck this evening - it totally pissed down for about an hour, like really heavy rain. Normally I would have set the plants under the shed overhang so they didn't get bashed, but tonight I just left them and they got a thorough rinse out hehe. I think they look better for it, so will definitely take your advice. And yes, if (and it's a big IF) we get the weather, and I am careful of course, I think I should be OK all else being well (touch wood).

Thanks again and good to see you back ;)