Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


Well-Known Member
i'm thinking a sticky thread with IM and other programs. if no one is actively watching, an alert goes off. stuff like that.

i'm nowhere near tech savvy enough to figure it all out, but someone is.

it's a great idea though.


Well-Known Member
That would be pretty cool. At my office we use cameras to watch other offices from thousands of miles away so I'm sure it could work for this. You could pickup a cheap prepaid phone and give the number out to anyone willing to watch.
don't even need prepaid phones, just the right technology. if smart phones can remotely lock my car, then why can't they remotely set off a code red alarm in your backyard?

no need to even call the person, just set off the alarm and have an automated call go out to a securely encrypted phone number.

we should make an app for this.


Well-Known Member
i'm thinking this might be a great idea for next year. i would trust my grow to the folks here any day, we all know what it's like.

i mean, how cool would it be to know that several folks are all watching your grow (and others), a mere phone call away from alerting you as to the presence of thieves?

hell, there could even be money to be made in that idea. could you imagine an alarm set off remotely by some paid watchperson 2000 miles away? i can. it can even be completely anonymous.
It actually sounds like a great idea and here we were thinking we were going to lose you to politics:)


Well-Known Member
A few shots from he daily walk to the garden for dew shaking and to check for rot this morning:

Critical1 Sep 16 - 2.jpgCritical1 Sep 16 - 3.jpgCritical2 Sep 16 - 2.jpg

Mango Sep 16 - 2.jpg

WW Sep 16 - 7.jpgWW Sep 16 - 3.jpgWW Sep 16 - 4.jpg

And a Mexican sativa off a commercial bud that was seriously very good cerebral pot at $100/oz. The 4 main branches are close to 6 feet each and are just starting to really get flowering the entire length. If I have enough time to finish her at lat 36 -- I'm guessing mid-November? -- she should really be heavy and very good smoke.
Mexican Sep 16.jpgMexican Sep 16 - 2.jpgMexican Sep 16 - 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
oh my, caterpillars, botrytis, powdery mildew, rippers, low temperatures, the list of impediments goes on and on! I hope that the people that read these posts and smoke weed, but don't grow it, take all the hassles that pot farming into consideration when they are buying outdoor weed and feeling like they're being ripped off. Yes, I know it is too expensive, but beyond prohibition you can really thank the brokers for this trend. Growers are paid increasingly less while the price really stays about the same for the little guy at the bottom buying a few grams. The cost for the growers to operate, meanwhile, is only increasing. Some would say that things are finally balancing out after a long time of growers being overpaid, and that's not entirely untrue, however at the moment the brokers are making all the money while doing a fraction of the work. that's fucking lame! yes they need compensation for their work, but it needs to be commensurate with the effort expended. Any asshole can use a scale, not everybody takes the time and effort required to produce top-grade cannabis. we are literally talking minutes vs. months, consumer math vs. advanced trigonometry! ok, with that out of my system, here's a few shot's: KC Brains Brains Damagebrains damage - Copy.jpg Girl Scout Cookiesgsc.jpg GDP and Blue Dream.gdp.jpg There's a contrast shot for ya - The GDP stayed short and gobbled up all of her food and is demanding more. Meanwhile, the Blue Dream has gotten pretty big on the same amount of food. She's a thirsty one though - she drinks like an Irish sailor while the GDP only needs water a couple times a week.


Well-Known Member
I can smell the ladies wifting in the door. They stink ! 3 to 5 is the worst.
I'm retired I will take the 3-2-5 watch!........I could probably watch several grows at the same time, just switching cameras...........


Active Member
i think i might lay some bubble wrap around the back perimeter of the yard that's blocked from view by the greenhouse.

not necessary with the alarms, but i suppose it can't hurt.
There are occasional rattlesnake sightings in my area. I thought it would be kind of cool to have some type of rattlesnake sound making devices near the ground in a few places just inside the fence and around the plants. I don't know how it could be triggered to go on but once it went on it would scare the fuck out anyone..


Well-Known Member
I just love firearms.... and im not scared to let it go on a mother fucker... ie done it before welcome to chiraq
When I read your posts it's like the pic in your avatar is saying it lol. Us crazy Northerners aren't able to access guns nearly as easily as most of our southern friends. I feel fortunate that rippers are the least of my worries. Anyway you all make sure you know what you are shooting at lol. Cheers and happy harvesting!!

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
don't even need prepaid phones, just the right technology. if smart phones can remotely lock my car, then why can't they remotely set off a code red alarm in your backyard?

no need to even call the person, just set off the alarm and have an automated call go out to a securely encrypted phone number.

we should make an app for this.
That could probably be done. Setting it up would be over my head but it would be pretty sweet.

Maybe some type of home alarm with motion sensors/cameras that emails/calls/alerts the homeowner could be adapted to our use.


Well-Known Member
There are occasional rattlesnake sightings in my area. I thought it would be kind of cool to have some type of rattlesnake sound making devices near the ground in a few places just inside the fence and around the plants. I don't know how it could be triggered to go on but once it went on it would scare the fuck out anyone..
Or better yet, just get some pet rattlesnakes. Good luck proving you used rattlers as a boobytrap. :lol:


Well-Known Member
I'm retired I will take the 3-2-5 watch!........I could probably watch several grows at the same time, just switching cameras...........
I'm a disabled stay at home dad that hardly leaves the house right now, Oh and I forgot to mention only sleep 3-4hrs a night so I could take security watch quite often throughout the day and night.
Right now to get to any of my ladies you have to jump several fences with my neighbors dogs that bark at everything only a few feet away and my 2 pits as my yard protection. My 90lb red nose female may have arthritis but damn is her bark scary as hell and her size running at you alone will make you exit very promptly or be eaten. My other pit will just make noise, only 40lbs and a scarredy cat, wife's


Well-Known Member
Those Niners couldnt go anywhere last night and Kaepernick was crying on the sidelines then at the end of the game he ran off field that kid needs more exp.


Well-Known Member
I got fucked last night tho had a big storm come through and wrecked half my shit im really starting to hate this new place its one thing after another Fuck mother nature and your monthly issues i mean the wind is still blowing like 15-20 MPH.

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