Apollo 10 cidly


sorry for the late update but school started and things got a bit hectic, the ladies are coming along fine and are in their 4th week of flowering, the LSD has some nice crystals forming but the Blue OG is coming along more slowly but it buds are more eel formed. some slight problems, a few leaves turning yellow and some spots from nute burn (i think)
here is the Blue OG
and the LSDIMG_0526.jpgIMG_0527.jpgIMG_0528.jpgIMG_0530.jpgIMG_0531.jpgIMG_0532.jpgIMG_0533.jpgIMG_0534.jpgIMG_0535.jpgIMG_0536.jpg



Well-Known Member
That's not nute burn. Its phos deficiency. Nute burn is reddish brown. Starts at the tips and then progresses along the edges. Then moves inward after the burn reaches the base of the leaf. In the same pattern as mag def. But mag def is yellow. Phos def will start at the tis as yellow and move inward. As it does that the tips turn brown and crispy.

other than that. They look good.


just noticed I was missing some basic info about my grow. any way im using general organics nutrient line (the grow box got the complete line for like 30$) and have been pleased with the results but nothing amazing is happening but they seem to be in the mid range so far. I just got some snow storm ultra, and gravity from a grower i knew thats moving. not sure if ill use them I've heard amazing reviews about them but ive also heard that there a toxic unknown that could kill you. any one have any experience or a bit of knowledge on whats in them? i know they have been band in Cali but I've also read that it wasn't do to a health concern but a labeling mistake. for soil I'm using Fox Farms ocean forest (8 quarts), peat moss (6 quarts), and perlite (4 quarts), in 3 gal cloth pots for a rough estimate. I've been watering with distilled H20 every 2-3 days using nutrients every other watering. the temp in my grow room is generally between 75-85f. as for air circulation I've got 2 4in computer exhaust fans, one 4in computer fan for intake and a tower fan osculating. hyroot thanks I came to the same conclusion after closer examination.


Well-Known Member
Do not use gravity or snow storm . Very bad. Gravity will ruin your grow. I'm speaking from experience. Take it back. There's a reason those have been banned from California. Snow storm is too much potassium, chemy too. Top dress with worm castings and kelp meal.

go to the organic secrtion and read the recycled organic living soil thread. Its a sticky thread too.


Do not use gravity or snow storm . Very bad. Gravity will ruin your grow. I'm speaking from experience. Take it back. There's a reason those have been banned from California. Snow storm is too much potassium, chemy too. Top dress with worm castings and kelp meal.

go to the organic secrtion and read the recycled organic living soil thread. Its a sticky thread too.
thanks for the reply i wouldn't have bought it myself but i got them for free so no loss and ya from what I've read/ seen it sounds fishy to me and I've always had great results with molasses.


thanks for share, i'm looking apollo 10 with almost identical spectrum, i'm following with interest...
nice i hope you have good luck if i could offer a bit of advice id tell you to go with more red or get the aquarium series and get one with warm white. I know there is a thread on hear of a guy that had a great grow with all white leds from a custom apollo.


Well-Known Member
^^^^Learn to read a plant. Different strains take up different amounts of nutes. Different size plants of same strain too.


Just took my soils PH it was around 7 so i think im going to back off the nutrients except the CalMag, other than that the grow is going well. after examining my ladies the lower buds are not developing as nice so I was curious to what you guys think of trimming vs harvesting the top buds earlier ( a method ive heard about but never seen done. if you look at my photos you can see my plants are still quite bushy I did rase my lights even more in hope of increasing growth.


nice i hope you have good luck if i could offer a bit of advice id tell you to go with more red or get the aquarium series and get one with warm white. I know there is a thread on hear of a guy that had a great grow with all white leds from a custom apollo.
Thanks for advice, yes i know that thread, there also a thread where a guy have same apollo and very similar spec, but you have 3x 660 and 9x 630?



sulfured molasses to lower PH? I was wondering if anyone has used sulfured molasses instead of blackstrap molasses? I'm asking because my PH is a bit high and i know sulfur is commonly used in organic farming, so I figure this would be a good way to kill 2 birds with one stone, any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Peatmoss, oyster shell flour, pumice, basalt rock dust all regulate ph. Peatmoss and oyster shell flour are the cheapest.

El Tiberon

Active Member
^^^^Learn to read a plant. Different strains take up different amounts of nutes. Different size plants of same strain too.
Considering that I travel this planet and go into some of the most violent countries on it searching for IBL's and have been dong so since 2009, I think I know how to read a plant. You are an arrogant fuck aren't you? Stay in the US. That attitude will get your head cut off in the places I go to.


Well-Known Member
sulfured molasses to lower PH? I was wondering if anyone has used sulfured molasses instead of blackstrap molasses? I'm asking because my PH is a bit high and i know sulfur is commonly used in organic farming, so I figure this would be a good way to kill 2 birds with one stone, any thoughts?
Aluminum sulfate is supposed to be the fastest way to lower your PH. From my experience fucking with your PH during a grow in soil is a bitch and almost always leads to other problems, especially stress.



Well-Known Member
Considering that I travel this planet and go into some of the most violent countries on it searching for IBL's and have been dong so since 2009, I think I know how to read a plant. You are an arrogant fuck aren't you? Stay in the US. That attitude will get your head cut off in the places I go to.
don't give bad advice. You may travel the world but that doesn't mean a damn thing when it comes to horticulture and botany. FYI ibl's tend to hermie. I'm not arrogant. I'm just very knowledgeable. I call some one out on their bullshit when it happens. I wouldn't associate with anyone that would do harm to me. That's just plain stupid. Sorry I bruised your ego

El Tiberon

Active Member
don't give bad advice. You may travel the world but that doesn't mean a damn thing when it comes to horticulture and botany. FYI ibl's tend to hermie. I'm not arrogant. I'm just very knowledgeable. I call some one out on their bullshit when it happens. I wouldn't associate with anyone that would do harm to me. That's just plain stupid. Sorry I bruised your ego
IBL's are the most stable plants on this planet. You do not know as much as you assume and your words prove this time and again.