I doubt it. You CO2 freaks can stop exhaling right now then. Stop polluting!
I'd rather listen to a meteorologist on the facts. Over 50 from all across the world .
The greens continue to shout that since carbon dioxide (CO2) has reached 400ppm (parts per million) were doomed (even though in bygone eras CO2 levels were 6-12 times what they are today). Nonetheless the earth seems to be responding favorably to the recent increase in this variable gas. Note:
- Were experiencing the coldest summer on record at the North Pole.
- Right now the Arctic sea ice is the most expansive we seen in August since 2006.
- There is currently a record high August Antarctic ice extent.
- There have been no major hurricane strikes for eight years.
- Four of the five snowiest northern hemisphere winters have occurred since 2008.
- This has been one of the weakest tornado seasons on record.
- The current fire season is off to a slow start.
These are a few truths the eco-freaks will find extremely inconvenient.
Oh, yeah (almost forgot): there has be NO global warming for 17 years.
- Sussman