May goes down as Earth's hottest on record: NASA

That's when solar and wind becomes more financially efficient than fossil fuels

Then I will embrace it completely, just as I have always said I would. I can't wait for "green" technology to supplant burning stuff for fuel. I simply don't support horseshit global warming fiction as a means to implement those technologies before they're ready. The day they roll out a solar panel I can buy for the same amount as my annual power bill, that can actually supply enough power to require no change in my lifestyle, I'll be the first in line. Shit, if they even start to get close, I'll probably be heavily invested. Good business is good business.
I've been cross referencing topography maps with the real estate listings. I'm going to start buying up tomorrows beach front property. ;)

Don't forget the needed desalination when Saltwater displaces your (so called) Freshwater.


Click reply to see image??
When the ice all melts there will be more surface area of water around the world. This will allow for a larger volume of evaporation. More evaporation = more rain. No more droughts!! :)
Then I will embrace it completely, just as I have always said I would. I can't wait for "green" technology to supplant burning stuff for fuel. I simply don't support horseshit global warming fiction as a means to implement those technologies before they're ready. The day they roll out a solar panel I can buy for the same amount as my annual power bill, that can actually supply enough power to require no change in my lifestyle, I'll be the first in line. Shit, if they even start to get close, I'll probably be heavily invested. Good business is good business.
A former used car salesman and now window blinds subcontractor "doesn't support" the conclusions of scientists who study, model and track the earth's climate. Now that's a stretch of the word pretentious.

A person doesn't get into PhD level graduate studies by being stupid. Those guys have at least 8 years post graduate studies and most have been at it professionally for 20-30 years. Not just picking at the subject either, but really diving into the guts of the science. Ever have a look at the kinds of math and physics they are required to be proficient in?

You read some stuff fed to you by Fox News or other pablum producers and claim "don't support" what they very rigorously document and explain. Wow.

Are you really that pretentious?
This coming from a closet child molester... Come out so your neighbors can beat the shit out of you.

wow, baseless and bitter.

a couple people on this forum have expressed that they think it should be OK to have sex with young children, but they are both right wingers like you.
You have me confused with somebody else you pound the like button on...confusion is your strong suit.

Enjoy the rest of the summer, cry me a river on Nov. 8th with the rest of your retarded loser allies...

Nope, if you can ascribe things to me I can do the same to you. The dog needing glasses is obvious evidence of your pedophelia tendencies....
Nope, if you can ascribe things to me I can do the same to you. The dog needing glasses is obvious evidence of your pedophelia tendencies....

except you support every republican candidate and every republican policy.

whereas tangerine speaks out against your fellow right wingers who think it is OK to have sex with young children.

you are dumber than the day is long.
That pretty much proves you're pretty confused...

just sayin'...

So you think it is ok to mess with kids? I think I am pretty clear that it is bad. Obviously you need therapy or a chemical castration.... Dont let Fogdog know about this or he will hound you endlessly...