Harvesting half a plot 2 hours from now! Bud rot question! Help!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Im in south eastern Ky and I have been battling bud rot for the last
month in every plot, in every location. I've handled it quiet well so far getting
most to make it through till harvest on my earlier finishing indica varities.

What I need to know is this. I know when it starts in the bud (in my personal
expirience) it looks like really thick fuzzy webbing with a white color to it (using
a l.e.d. Light in the night time). Then it progresses to a more grey and squishy
type substance eventually turning brown and rotting to mush.

My question is, I have one nice plot and almost every bud is infected with it.
Really nice and large rock hard buds. What I need to know is, since I caught it
in the very beginning stage with just the white fuzziness, no tissue damage or
anything or rot yet just spores, is it possible to clean it off with say, hydrogen
peroxide since it kills spores on contact, then hanging the buds to quick dry? I
know from expirience also that if you hang a bud thats already started to rot
that it will continue to rot a bit more till its completely dry, and have a nasty
brown look to it. I was thinking of maybe taking a q tip and carefully going
thru the buds and applying peroxide to the mold spores. Or would heating a
piece of metal wire and burning it off work better? Or should I just discard
bud with spores? I dont wanna throw it away, ive smoked buds that have
been infected alot in the past few years with no adverse health effects. So lets
say im just worried more about ( will these buds rot anyway while drying if I
clean the mold up or will they dry out to look fine as long as they havent
started rotting yet???? Thanks so much guys, I only have 2 hours till harvest
and immidiate help will be plus repped!


Well-Known Member
throw away the rot and stop giving cannabis growers a bad name.

iif it's that bad, i suggest splitting open every single bud as you harvest in order to eradicate the nascent botrytis. it's there even if you can't see it.


Well-Known Member
throw away the rot and stop giving cannabis growers a bad name.

iif it's that bad, i suggest splitting open every single bud as you harvest in order to eradicate the nascent botrytis. it's there even if you can't see it.
That is accurate and good advice.

cancer survivor

Active Member
yeah throw that shit away! dont smoke bud with rot you will get sick! you cant save it so throw it away. spray for bugs next year like we do. you asked!