Do you understand how close you have to get to successfully use a taser?
about 15 to 25 ft depending on which you have and then up close and personal just gets "stun"
Do you understand how close you have to get to successfully use a taser?
Taser vs. Axe!
Let the battle begin!
Taser vs. Axe!
Let the battle begin!
oh, hey, look at this.
mr. copy and paste went to wikipedia and is regurgitating their page here.
so are you gonna tell me about gun massacres in australia, or just repeat the wikipedia page, old sport?
Wikipedia? Wrong! The 1997 Gun Law or not didnt and wouldn't have prevented the Massacre. To use Australia as an example is stupid! Misleading to say the least.
the newtown guy couldn't buy guns because he refused a background check, actually.
the DC guy couldn't buy an AR15 because a check on his background informed the seller that he was from out of state. thus no AR15.
try again. or don't.
about 15 to 25 ft depending on which you have and then up close and personal just gets "stun"
taser, axe, knife, and whatever other object i have sitting around (golf club, 2x4, etc) versus whoever is dumb enough to hop the fence and set off an alarm.
i do keep rope and duct tape handy as well.
Piers Morgan was bleating for hours that he used an AR15!!!
The newtown guy did not use guns he owned, hence any back ground checks would have been irrelevant.
That, of course, is the point of background checks, they are meant to be harassment for the 99.9999% of people who use and own guns with no criminal intent.
We all know they will have no effect on criminals, just look at Chicago.
*Back ground checks and the endless litany of "common sense gun control" laws are meant to make it so annoying and exasperating for American citizens to exercise their rights as free people that they will just give up and knuckle under to the knuckle dragging progressives who "really know best".
it's actually a self defense kit, you rat.
And if my self defense kit was an AR15 then my kit would statistically less deadly than yours. I feel you should be free to use the weapons of your choice to defend your life and family though, that would be pretentious and overlordish of me. Imagine the ego and delusional self importance of someone who feels they can tell others what they can and can't use to defend their family. I don't think we should ban knives and I believe you have a right to use one no matter how many more murders they are used in compared to ARs. I may suggest you use an AR instead of a knife, but I would never think I have the right to make it legally mandatory for you or take away your knife, that's insanity.
tell me about all the mass murders that have been carried out with a small knife, taser, or axe.
an AR15 is a tool designed to kill as many people as quickly as possible. you can't chop wood with it, you can't slice an apple into neat wedges, and you can't use one at close range to temporarily stun an intruder.
they are meant for killing people en masse. they are military weapons, not civilian weapons.
if i was gonna get a gun for self defense, an AR15 would be about the last thing on my list.
edit: however, if i had a problem with invading mongols or wanted to take out aq classroom full of kindergarteners, the AR15 would be a great choice.
Limiting a weapon to 10 rounds is pointless.
By the way for those that do not know. AR stands for ArmaLite Rifle, NOT " Assualt Rifle" military rifles are exactly that, designed for the Military, they are not AR15s use by civilians. A big difference, and one the anti-gun enthusiast are ignorant about or just plainly misleading the uninformed.
Fact: more people are killed by hammers and clubs each year over a rifle, and twice as many with hands and fist. A crazy murdering nutbag can easily hop in a car and kill just as many people if not more.
you like copy and pastes, so here's one for ya.
The AR-15 was first built by*ArmaLite*as an*assault rifle*for the*United States armed forces.[SUP][8][/SUP]*
so are hammers and clubs better killing tools? is the united states military gonna start equipping soldiers with hammers and clubs now?
is that the point you are trying to make?
for some stupid reason, mass murderers have been making AR15s and the like their killing tool of choice. not many successful mass murderers plying their trade with hammers and clubs. they should talk to you.